Every UBB COMP ready to download

kalakala 3,362 Posts
edited November 2007 in Strut Central
over at nice guy eddie'shttp://dustisback.blogspot.com/


  • karlophonekarlophone 1,700 Posts
    this is awesome!

    ...but it will take 24 hours for those of us without a pay account. (due to 1 hour wait times between downloads for non-members)... good ol rapidshare...

    perhaps we can devise a plan where we split up who DLs what and then re-share on other services? So far I have... er, volume 1.

  • dec0ndec0n 38 Posts
    theres been a fairly healthy torrent of this around for the last couple years...

  • MjukisMjukis 1,675 Posts
    Is $6 really that expensive for the entire UBB series though?

  • karlophonekarlophone 1,700 Posts
    Is $6 really that expensive for the entire UBB series though?

    no, no, of course not. but, if im going to rip off artists (which i dont do much of - no bittorrent, never used napster, etc), i dont know why i have to pay some dude in germany $6 to do it. theres plenty of similar file sites with no waiting times and no $ for non members.

  • is downloading bootlegged UBB albums even ripping off artists?? i mean, how many royalty cheques got handed out to tracks they "licensed" for those comps?

  • reskresk 391 Posts
    Is $6 really that expensive for the entire UBB series though?

    where can you dl them for 6 dollars, id do that rather then having to dl each series individually.

  • karlophonekarlophone 1,700 Posts
    is downloading bootlegged UBB albums even ripping off artists?? i mean, how many royalty cheques got handed out to tracks they "licensed" for those comps?

    right. i mean, my point is kinda - this stuff is already way beyond any notion of legality, so getting it for free doesnt really seem 'wrong' in this case. Again, so why pay rapidshare for the 'privilege' of the fast downloads - when theres free + fast services out there - is all i was saying.

  • With rapidshare, I pay for the access to free porn... and stay for the free music.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts

    ...but it will take 24 hours for those of us without a pay account. (due to 1 hour wait times between downloads for non-members)... good ol rapidshare...

    Actually, I haven't dl'ed any of these UBBs, but typically with
    rapidshare free use, it's alot longer because every download you
    make increases the wait time - like, you wait an hour for access
    to your second download, and 2 hours for your third, etc ...

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts

    "i dont wanna pay $6 for all the music"

    "Its to much of a hassle downloading it all individually"

    Sucks to have such problems.

    Imagine if you actually had to pay for the music, or dig yourselves?

    not being snarkey, just adding a slice of perspective, times sure have changed.

  • Well I'd sure say that $6 to rapidshare beats $100+ for the entire set to some guy who bootlegged all of the material on it.

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    Well I'd sure say that $6 to rapidshare beats $100+ for the entire set to some guy who bootlegged all of the material on it.

    Absolutly, i was one of the kids that used to buy those damn things, so i too was shortcutting, but hell, look at what is available to us all now... button click man... just blows my mind.

  • is downloading bootlegged UBB albums even ripping off artists?? i mean, how many royalty cheques got handed out to tracks they "licensed" for those comps?

    right. i mean, my point is kinda - this stuff is already way beyond any notion of legality, so getting it for free doesnt really seem 'wrong' in this case.


    it's a guilt free download, in my opinion

  • kalakala 3,362 Posts

    it's a guilt free download, in my opinion

    for the hustle scrimmons scroogers just do one or 2 a day like the 12 days of xmas an shit

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    is downloading bootlegged UBB albums even ripping off artists?? i mean, how many royalty cheques got handed out to tracks they "licensed" for those comps?

    right. i mean, my point is kinda - this stuff is already way beyond any notion of legality, so getting it for free doesnt really seem 'wrong' in this case.


    it's a guilt free download, in my opinion

    For sure, but thats not my point,
    What i was getting at is the fact that with the click of a button we all have access to so damn much, and it has gotten to the point that people consider a few hours wait or a few bucks to be worth complaining about.

  • pjl2000xlpjl2000xl 1,795 Posts
    I think if you turn your modem/router off and on after every dl it resets rapid shares counter.

    but just dl the torrent that was posted. i got that years ago and it has all the covers and shit with the mp3s.

  • ah no, i appreciate that man - i agree. shit's free and arrives immediately. and i like the 12 days of christmas idea

  • I think if you turn your modem/router off and on after every dl it resets rapid shares counter.

    nah, it's more sophisticated than that.

    at the risk of speaking out of line... why the fuck do people still need UBB these days anyway? i'm sayin tho...

  • reskresk 391 Posts
    again, where can i pay 6 dollars to download this?

  • TabaskoTabasko 1,357 Posts
    yeah, but... does it includes doubles?

  • again, where can i pay 6 dollars to download this?

    follow the link provided. when you get the option to download, check "pay the man" or whatever the option is

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts
    yeah, but... does it includes doubles?

  • yeah, but... does it includes doubles?

    i actually know of people who have doubles of mp3s on their computers "in case I want to rock doubles on Microwave"


    wtf do you say to that???

  • anyone know what bitrate these are at?

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    anyone know what bitrate these are at?

    if theyre the same old rips theyre at least 192, but the furst 5 or so volumes sound like shit.

    rapidshare is sooo worth paying. yall r cheap bastits.

  • anyone know what bitrate these are at?

    if theyre the same old rips theyre at least 192, but the furst 5 or so volumes sound like shit.

    rapidshare is sooo worth paying. yall r cheap bastits.

    well, the first volume was at 187(VBR). But seriously, they have a CD/DVD set of these for sale for like $60 and you get both 192mp3 AND full .wavs of all of the series.

  • karlophonekarlophone 1,700 Posts
    Well I'd sure say that $6 to rapidshare beats $100+ for the entire set to some guy who bootlegged all of the material on it.

    Absolutly, i was one of the kids that used to buy those damn things, so i too was shortcutting, but hell, look at what is available to us all now... button click man... just blows my mind.

    yes, i agree.

    i understand the convenience factor of these mp3s is amazing and that its not weird or uncommon to pay for the privilege of downloading, depending on the circumstances.

    actually i already do own about 10 volumes on LP, and sooner or later i will find all 25 on LP or 2xLP one way or another, and will gladly pay for those.

    i guess when i get something i can hold in my hand , $ isnt an issue.
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