Ever donate money to a campaign?

GaryGary 3,982 Posts
edited October 2007 in Strut Central
I just did it for the first time ever. I wonder if I'll get a free bumper sticker or something.


  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts
    I just did it for the first time ever. I wonder if I'll get a free bumper sticker or something.

    Which candidate?

    I'm on the verge of donating $100 to Ron Paul.

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    I just did it for the first time ever. I wonder if I'll get a free bumper sticker or something.

    Which candidate?

    I'm on the verge of donating $100 to Ron Paul.


    Ron Paul fans are on fire right now. I see signs for that dude everywhere I go. Home made signs too. I don't see signs for anybody else. And RP supporters handing shit out to. His supporters are motivated, thats for damn sure.

  • onetetonetet 1,754 Posts
    I would consider giving $$$ to a candidate that isn't swimming in millions, such as Kucinich. Most of my giving goes to small non-profits that i feel confident spend very little money on overhead.

  • I'm on the verge of donating $100 to Ron Paul.


  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts

    I'm on the verge of donating $100 to Ron Paul.


    Would you rather have Ron Paul Vs. Hillary or Rudy Giuliani Vs. Hillary?

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    I just did it for the first time ever. I wonder if I'll get a free bumper sticker or something.

    Which candidate?

    I'm on the verge of donating $100 to Ron Paul.

    The Ron Paul campaign is one of the most interesting campaigns I've ever seen.

    Tho, something tells me if people really looks at some of his Social stances, they might not be totally down with him.

    Whats up with this video?

    I was just watching this and I've never really heard anything on this subject.

  • I'm on the verge of donating $100 to Ron Paul.


    Would you rather have Ron Paul Vs. Hillary or Rudy Giuliani Vs. Hillary?

    i hope rudy wins because a) he will get taken to school, b) the religious right won't support him ; c) hillary and the dems will expose him for the greedy, sly, hypocrite that he is; and most importantly d) his whole fear-mongoring, the terrorists are hiding under your bed, lets fight them over there before they come over here bullshit style will get shut down once and for all.

    as for paul, dor mentioned something about his social views, all you have to know is that paul supports ZERO federal government involvement. if paul wins, we would never help out needy people in darfur, or try to mediate problems with warring countries - we also wouldn't have welfare anymore! at least there wouldn't be any federal programs. paul is fine for the debates because he makes the others look ridiculous at times, but contributing money to his campaign? not such a wise move.

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    The radio news reported that Colbert is running as both a republican and a democrat so that he can lose twice.

    I laughed.

  • The radio news reported that Colbert is running as both a republican and a democrat so that he can lose twice.

    I laughed.

    Yeah, in South Carolina

  • Bob Jones announced he is backing Mitch Romney...even though he recently said that Mormonism is a cult. He just pissed off A LOT of the conservative wackos around here by backing him. That is all they were talking about this morning on talk radio.

    I find it HILARIOUS that bitch ass Bob Jones could call ANYTHING a Frickin' cult.

  • onetetonetet 1,754 Posts

    as for paul, dor mentioned something about his social views, all you have to know is that paul supports ZERO federal government involvement. if paul wins, we would never help out needy people in darfur, or try to mediate problems with warring countries - we also wouldn't have welfare anymore! at least there wouldn't be any federal programs. paul is fine for the debates because he makes the others look ridiculous at times, but contributing money to his campaign? not such a wise move.

    whereas hillary will continue to chip away at all social spending and continue the shift to privitization, just as every president since Reagan has.

  • as for paul, dor mentioned something about his social views, all you have to know is that paul supports ZERO federal government involvement. if paul wins, we would never help out needy people in darfur, or try to mediate problems with warring countries - we also wouldn't have welfare anymore! at least there wouldn't be any federal programs. paul is fine for the debates because he makes the others look ridiculous at times, but contributing money to his campaign? not such a wise move.

    whereas hillary will continue to chip away at all social spending and continue the shift to privitization, just as every president since Reagan has.

    she's gonna continue the shift to privitization...by making universal health care her first priority??

  • onetetonetet 1,754 Posts

    as for paul, dor mentioned something about his social views, all you have to know is that paul supports ZERO federal government involvement. if paul wins, we would never help out needy people in darfur, or try to mediate problems with warring countries - we also wouldn't have welfare anymore! at least there wouldn't be any federal programs. paul is fine for the debates because he makes the others look ridiculous at times, but contributing money to his campaign? not such a wise move.

    whereas hillary will continue to chip away at all social spending and continue the shift to privitization, just as every president since Reagan has.

    she's gonna continue the shift to privitization...by making universal health care her first priority??

    Her health care plan, even as presented in the 90s, still mediates health care through insurance companies, it just restructures who pays those companies (the government rather than you). She's generally non-specific about her "new" vision for health care, but when she does get specific her "plan" sounds even more pro-insurance company; in fact, The Nation ran a story recently talking about how she gets "A" ratings from most insurance companies and insurance lobbies now.

    Don't get me wrong. a)Any of that is preferable to what we have now, and b)any reliastic plan for restructuring health care would have to include insurance companies for at least a transitional period.

    But I tend to favor politicians who prioritize people first, corporations second, like Dennis Kucinich and Barbara Lee. Unfortunately, one of em's a vegan with big ears and the other's a black woman, so no one takes them seriously -- even though as two of the only congresspeople to vote against both the war in Iraq and the Patriot Act, for instance, they should be treated as heroes.

  • as for paul, dor mentioned something about his social views, all you have to know is that paul supports ZERO federal government involvement. if paul wins, we would never help out needy people in darfur, or try to mediate problems with warring countries - we also wouldn't have welfare anymore! at least there wouldn't be any federal programs. paul is fine for the debates because he makes the others look ridiculous at times, but contributing money to his campaign? not such a wise move.

    whereas hillary will continue to chip away at all social spending and continue the shift to privitization, just as every president since Reagan has.

    she's gonna continue the shift to privitization...by making universal health care her first priority??

    Her health care plan, even as presented in the 90s, still mediates health care through insurance companies, it just restructures who pays those companies (the government rather than you).

    not true. go read her health plan.

  • onetetonetet 1,754 Posts

    not true. go read her health plan.


  • not true. go read her health plan.


    You sound e-lazy, go to her website. I haven't read it but it took two seconds to find. Doesn't matter really if you were two lazy to find it you probably won't read it or vote anyway.

  • onetetonetet 1,754 Posts

    not true. go read her health plan.


    You sound e-lazy, go to her website. I haven't read it but it took two seconds to find. Doesn't matter really if you were two lazy to find it you probably won't read it or vote anyway.

    Actually, I've voted in every election, local to national, and every primary since I turned 18, have marched in protests against both Iraq wars, have done advocacy for universal health care, etc etc. I wanted him to provide a link because I'd just read a lengthy article on Hillary that conflicted with what he was saying. I've already decided who I'll vote for in the Democratic primary, and if he wants to convince me that a moderate front-runner is a better choice, he should back up what he was saying.

    I'm not saying he might not be right... I'm just saying: convince me.

  • erewhonerewhon 1,123 Posts

    not true. go read her health plan.


    You sound e-lazy, go to her website. I haven't read it but it took two seconds to find. Doesn't matter really if you were two lazy to find it you probably won't read it or vote anyway.

    What I see on Hillary's website confirms that onetet is right. That is, "her health care plan...still mediates health care through insurance companies, it just restructures who pays those companies (the government rather than you)."

    p.s. why the snotty tone?

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    HAHAHA I like the part about O'Reilly.

    Did any of the Hillary supporters watch the video above? Seems very messed up to me.

    I wouldn't support her.

    I'd give equal money to Ron Paul and Obama.

  • not true. go read her health plan.


    You sound e-lazy, go to her website. I haven't read it but it took two seconds to find. Doesn't matter really if you were two lazy to find it you probably won't read it or vote anyway.

    Actually, I've voted in every election, local to national, and every primary since I turned 18, have marched in protests against both Iraq wars, have done advocacy for universal health care, etc etc. I wanted him to provide a link because I'd just read a lengthy article on Hillary that conflicted with what he was saying. I've already decided who I'll vote for in the Democratic primary, and if he wants to convince me that a moderate front-runner is a better choice, he should back up what he was saying.

    I'm not saying he might not be right... I'm just saying: convince me.

    you spoke rather matter-of-factly about her health care plan, but you never read it?

    it would take about 30 seconds to at least check her website, but you want me to act as her advocate and explain it to you?

    "You sound e-lazy".

    who are you voting for?

  • onetetonetet 1,754 Posts

    you spoke rather matter-of-factly about her health care plan, but you never read it?

    it would take about 30 seconds to at least check her website, but you want me to act as her advocate and explain it to you?

    "You sound e-lazy".

    who are you voting for?

    You're too lazy to read this thread? I've mentioned several times that Kucinich is my candidate.

    I also said that I read a long analysis of her health-care stance from a source I trust that convinced me I didn't need to pursue it furher.

    Besides, I've been looking at this while you guys hurl the unfounded insults:

    and it's not a plan, it's a collection of platitudes. It's very vague in how it'll implement (read: pay for) the ideas it tosses around, and still very much includes the same insurance corrupt insurance companies that gouge us today. Just like the Nation article indicated.

  • What I see on Hillary's website confirms that onetet is right. That is, "her health care plan...still mediates health care through insurance companies, it just restructures who pays those companies (the government rather than you)."

    s-chip would be expanded and families would have the choice to stay with a private insurer or opt into medicaid. neither have anything to do with private insurance.

  • onetetonetet 1,754 Posts

    What I see on Hillary's website confirms that onetet is right. That is, "her health care plan...still mediates health care through insurance companies, it just restructures who pays those companies (the government rather than you)."

    s-chip would be expanded and families would have the choice to stay with a private insurer or opt into medicaid. neither have anything to do with private insurance.

    staying with a private insurer doesn't have anything to do with private insurance?

  • you spoke rather matter-of-factly about her health care plan, but you never read it?

    it would take about 30 seconds to at least check her website, but you want me to act as her advocate and explain it to you?

    "You sound e-lazy".

    who are you voting for?

    You're too lazy to read this thread? I've mentioned several times that Kucinich is my candidate.

    I also said that I read a long analysis of her health-care stance from a source I trust that convinced me I didn't need to pursue it furher.

    Besides, I've been looking at this while you guys hurl the unfounded insults:

    and it's not a plan, it's a collection of platitudes. It's very vague in how it'll implement (read: pay for) the ideas it tosses around, and still very much includes the same insurance corrupt insurance companies that gouge us today. Just like the Nation article indicated.

    you downloaded the full pdf, or just read the short summary for dummies on her website? a collection of platitudes....from the woman who introduced a detailed universal coverage plan back in '98?

    where is Dennis' plan?

  • onetetonetet 1,754 Posts

    you spoke rather matter-of-factly about her health care plan, but you never read it?

    it would take about 30 seconds to at least check her website, but you want me to act as her advocate and explain it to you?

    "You sound e-lazy".

    who are you voting for?

    You're too lazy to read this thread? I've mentioned several times that Kucinich is my candidate.

    I also said that I read a long analysis of her health-care stance from a source I trust that convinced me I didn't need to pursue it furher.

    Besides, I've been looking at this while you guys hurl the unfounded insults:

    and it's not a plan, it's a collection of platitudes. It's very vague in how it'll implement (read: pay for) the ideas it tosses around, and still very much includes the same insurance corrupt insurance companies that gouge us today. Just like the Nation article indicated.

    you downloaded the full pdf, or just read the short summary for dummies on her website? a collection of platitudes....from the woman who introduced a detailed universal coverage plan back in '98?

    where is Dennis' plan?

    Ffuck a pdf, It's already written up as potential legislation: HR 676.



  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    I just did it for the first time ever. I wonder if I'll get a free bumper sticker or something.

    Normally you buy bumper stickers over and above your donation.

    I gave stupid amounts of money last time around to Dean and Kerry. What a waste.

    I forgot my rule which is to only give money to direct action organizations like Nature Conservatory or Mercy Corps.

    If going into the convention next summer Obama is close I might give him a few bucks. (I already bought a few pins.)

    If the Rs get a canidate that really scares me I might give the Dem some money next October. But I aint emptying my pockets again.

    I think it would be cool if there was a viable libertarian canidate. Ron Paul polls very poorly among likely Republican primary voters. But you should support him if you like him. I think he might be honest.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts

    Did any of the Hillary supporters watch the video above? Seems very messed up to me.

    Are there Hillary supporters? Surely not on Soulstrut.

  • GaryGary 3,982 Posts
    Where do you buy that shit at then? I've always wondered where people get those yard signs.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Where do you buy that shit at then? I've always wondered where people get those yard signs.

    Obama had a table set up at a basketball jam in the park. I was passing through and stopped. Lawn signs come from your local campaign headquarters. I think Ron Paul supportors make their own. I saw a van covered with Ron Paul slogans and lizard people conspiracies just the other day.

  • kalakala 3,361 Posts
    George McGovern

    but that was in my previous life
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