since when is it not ok to say PHUCK on soulstrut

all of the phucks i used in the TI post were edited to frickin'PHUCK is a very important werdwithout it you wouldn't be herewho did this?....and whysecretive censorship is whackespecially without an explanation

It's bad for business.
kala... FUUCK FFUCK FUCKKK all should still work
actually any variation beside, fuck or fuckin will do just fine, U-F-FUCK-STICK
RAJ'S censorship can't hold me down.... not really mothafuccccka!
Your IQ does a pretty damn good job of it though.
I will outplay you at chess any day of the week. Bring it.
is changed to "frickin'" and I suspect only done by Raj to mess with
Ross who asked for people to self-censor due to his workplace blocking
SS because of the cursing.
I suspect that the Ross guy made his initial fucking post in jest and that those who suggest he spend less time surfing SoulStrut while at work 1) took him way too seriously and 2) are being really fucking hypocritical.
I figured your first post was serious, and thought it was reasonable,
since we were only talking about subject headings ... asking for asterix
in headings isn't unreasonable ... unless you are Kala, I guess.
Perhaps, but I don't get in trouble for surfing soulstrut at my job!
Last time an employer got mad at me for surfing soulstrut, I made them pay me out $10k so that I could open a record store. Now I can surf the internet full time! It even makes me money!
i resent that
i am reasonable
just ask charles manson or redundo
Untwit it, plaese. I don't get in trouble for soultrutting; I do so behind closed doors in my office. Others, however, have "abused Gmail Chat" so much that IT installed Webwasher.
Which leads me to ask, how the fuck do you abuse Gmail Chat to the point that IT knows about it and has a problem with it? It's not like you can send files through that shit like with other IMs.
Yeah, but that time we were asked not to use "fuck" in our subject headers. I didn't know it extended to the posts themselves (it happened to me when I used the word "Frickin'" in one post and somehow found it changed to "frickin'" - thought it was just me).
BTW, not trying to slip one past the moderator, but I wrote the word "f*****g" up there just to see if that word gets changed again.
EDIT: yeah, it happened! No Frickin' way! :-)
But I may end up too lazy to type those
seven extra fucking characters everytime
Throw me a Frickin' bone here will ya?
I nominate PANTS.