going through a garage loaded with thousands of rap 12" singles...hella tired now but I got some bay goodies.
[r#m@r] i'm hella interested [/r#m@r]
Hahaha my thoughts exactly. Check your PMs in a few mang.
don't get it twisted though, my man r#m@r is DEEP with his bay area mob rap. his trade/sell stack alone absolutely smashes alot of collectro's whole collections. i went through only 2 boxes and with each flip i was like
and j*sh, muchas thank you for the mix! very dude of you.
[r#m@r] i'm hella interested [/r#m@r]
Hahaha my thoughts exactly. Check your PMs in a few mang.
don't get it twisted though, my man r#m@r is DEEP with his bay area mob rap. his trade/sell stack alone absolutely smashes alot of collectro's whole collections. i went through only 2 boxes and with each flip i was like
and j*sh, muchas thank you for the mix! very dude of you.
I would love to have these on vinyl or even on CD. Are they available anywhere?
Can't wait for my package from Mr. B.Cause to arrive. I've been checking the mail everyday like a dork hoping that shit would be in there.