i fucks with jarritos but i never thought about using it as a mixer. jarritos and vokka perhaps?
it was all i had. so i figured. why not? it's good. i swear to god, it got to be the real sugar. last week, i attempted Mexican Fresca and Myers. was not good.
not like my girl when she cums
i'm sorry. i'm ignoring you. what was that?
say again? i can't hear you
you too. what the fuck are you ignoring about?
i post beatz and connect to black culture. people like you just dont get it. go re-edit some Ronnie Aldrich
you a dick too
i fucks with jarritos but i never thought about using it as a mixer. jarritos and vokka perhaps?
i hard people love it. i thought to try it too. i accidentally drank the ashtray. also, black people can swim.
then don't shitte in ur-ine own toolshed sonny
ain't no salami until yu-ichi boiled 1
it was all i had. so i figured. why not? it's good. i swear to god, it got to be the real sugar. last week, i attempted Mexican Fresca and Myers. was not good.
Next time you come over I'll introduce you.
left over from our party in August (West Indian relatives in from Canada), still have at least 12 pack of Carib and a six of Shandi left!
Not the Fantanas, but here are the most recent Carib Beer Girls!
Fatdick, I owe you a long phone call....try me this weekend if you don't hear from me first!