Soulstrut rush hours
8,182 Posts
after a few years on here, I have noticed the "waves" in soulstrut activity...seems like at about 8-8:30AM EST things start rollin'...the east coasters have just gotten to work, so they are on there, check email, check whatever it is you check for on the interwebs at the start of your day, and check into to soul strut...this continues until about 9ish, as the CST folks do the same. Then it is dead until 11:00EST...dudes on the West Coast are rollin into work and checking in, also at that time folks start taking their lunch breaks on the East Coast and through out lunch hours things are busy. Then activity slows for a little bit, then at about 5:30 Eastern, folks are winding down their work days and checking in before going home...then the CST folks, etc. Then when it is 6/7 oclock on the West Coast, things wind down...then things are slow it seems until later, when folks come home drunk and/or crazy...then sporadic activity until 8:30EST the next AM.RAJ, is there an offical chart or soemthing that documents activty by hour?
Yeah, I've found myself doing this a lot. I don't have internet access at my new place yet, either, so I'll end up making a few posts, getting into a good thread, then abruptly disappearing because I've left work.
I must look rather hit-and-run sometimes, but it's not 'cause I don't want to chop it up. I just don't want to stay late just to post on Soulstrut.
The rest of the what, now?
You guys only work like 2 days out of the week and take month-long vacations. Do they even have rush hour in Europe? Bikes don't count.
Well, the waves of activity are usually predominated by us ugly seems the other strutters abroad dont log in and participate in groups like these waves I have noticed. Frank will pop in from Africa when he can with a mindblowing mix,The Sheep dude is in Manila one day and spinning on the Labrador Islands the next, all you Euro dudes seem to post at different times all during the day...the rest of the world is on a different time, this I understand...Im not trying to knock you or anything or ignore you...just calling it as I see it
Ha! I was going to say something about state-sanctioned nap times....
Too bad I work for an American company then.. 60+ hour workweek and 5 days off each year, and one of those is for Christmas!