Alex Jones/Infowars



  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts

    * djdissent's diary :: ::

    "I was at the Kerry speech today, sitting 2 rows away from all the action. I'll let you know how it really went down.

    The forum was going to be over at 2 pm, and Kerry spoke for so long that the Q and A portion had to be shortened. He only got through about 7 of the 50 people who were waiting to ask questions. While the final question was being read, some douchebag ran down the aisle, grabbed the mic from the other side of the room, interrupted the kid who was talking, and started yelling at Kerry, demanding that his questions be heard. He started ranting about how Kerry talks in circles or something, and everyone was getting annoyed. The cops are all over him in no time and try to escort him out, but he starts yelling and resisting. Kerry insists that they let him stay and even agrees to answer his question.

    After the interrupted guy's question was answered, Kerry keeps his promise and lets the angry guy talk. This is the point where people started taking their cameras and phones out. All the videos floating around youtube start around here.[/b] You can see in the videos that his questioning gets kind of inappropriate, so somebody cut his mic. Instead of shutting up, he starts yelling and making an even bigger scene. He struggled all the way up the aisle, and started violently trying to free himself. They threatened to taze him and he wouldnt stop fighting, so he got tazed. They only had to arrest him because he was causing a disruption and wouldn't leave peacefully. He wasn't being silenced for asking tough questions, trust me.

    It's a shame that they had to taze the guy, but he had a chance to calm down and didn't take it. He probably didn't pose a physical threat to anybody in the room, but someone can't just hijack the floor of a forum like that and expect not to get kicked out. This wasn't some poor guy who was brutalized for trying to ask some tough questions. He's just an obnoxious guy who had a fit when there wasn't time for his questions and refused to be calm even when he was given the chance to speak. He was looking for trouble, and everyone applauded when he was forced to leave.

    Nothing pisses me off more than hearing stories about power tripping cops abusing their power, unnecessarily tazing or arresting people, etc. It's a huge problem and I'm glad it's being discussed. Just don't mistake this for one of those cases"

    Alright, that changes things quite a bit. But there's still the inappropriate tazing to deal with.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    There was a big Free the Jena 6 rally on the UT campus today and yes Jonny, that is a much bigger priority for me and mines.

    But further down the line, I would indeed like to hear Kerry answer for conceding the election so fast.

  • There was a big Free the Jena 6 rally on the UT campus today and yes Jonny, that is a much bigger priority for me and mines.

    My younger sister is traveling all the way from Minnesota to attend this. Way to go sis!

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    There was a big Free the Jena 6 rally on the UT campus today and yes Jonny, that is a much bigger priority for me and mines.

    But further down the line, I would indeed like to hear Kerry answer for conceding the election so fast.

    What would you consider proper punishment for the Jena 6???

  • There was a big Free the Jena 6 rally on the UT campus today and yes Jonny, that is a much bigger priority for me and mines.

    But further down the line, I would indeed like to hear Kerry answer for conceding the election so fast.

    What would you consider proper punishment for the Jena 6???

    100pager! honestly maybe the Jena 6 need their own thread...

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    There was a big Free the Jena 6 rally on the UT campus today and yes Jonny, that is a much bigger priority for me and mines.

    But further down the line, I would indeed like to hear Kerry answer for conceding the election so fast.

    What would you consider proper punishment for the Jena 6???

    100pager! honestly maybe the Jena 6 need their own thread...

    I am surprised it hasn't happened yet

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts
    Do they have to explain their reasoning at Project Blowed too? Does a wack MC get a hearing when asked to leave the stage?

    This couplet is intentional, right? Because this the rhetoric akin to "does a bear shit in the woods?".

  • dayday 9,611 Posts

    What would you consider proper punishment for the Jena 6???
    Rockadelic = King of the Loaded Question

    I am surprised it hasn't happened yet

    There have been threads. I made one myself over a month ago.

    Back on topic tho:

    Alex Jones brings up some good questions, but overall I think the dude is kind of a kook.
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