Suspect beer drinking habits in the UK



  • lol, no! that will get you nowhere.

    you have to order the specific brand of beer you want that they have on tap (as there will normally be more than one larger style beer on tap); and then in the right glass size.

    although most of the brands of beer are known by their slang name, which will be different to what is written on the tap...

    good luck!

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts
    WTF! So if I order a "Castlemaine" or a "Crown Lager," people will expect me to know the slag for those?

  • Pretty much. Although if you use the full 'non-slang' name you will just look a bit odd, you will be understood though.

    I still fuck it up when i travel interstate.

  • GropeGrope 2,970 Posts
    you wouldn't believe what teenagers and hipster students are drinking in germany. beer with lemon, dragonfruit, grapefruit, coca cola, sprite, banana juice, etc.

    there's a whole new beer culture growing and most breweries took up the trend. lots of light beers and beer mixed with fruit juice. i could never drink that stuff.

    llmod1 was here last year and saw some young ladies drink Altbier-Bowle. which is ale with fresh fruits. he was shocked. it is an old tradition in germany, but i have to admit that it makes me cringe too.

    on hot summer days, i sometimes drink beer with sparkling mineral water or beer with sprite though.

  • I live just outside Glasgow, lots of older guys will drink a half and a half pint. A whiskey and half a beer. Good way to get drunk.

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts
    I live just outside Glasgow, lots of older guys will drink a half and a half pint. A whiskey and half a beer. Good way to get drunk.

    That is fine and all, but I drink a whiskey and a FULL beer! I'm sayin'.

  • mickalphabetmickalphabet deep inna majestic segue 374 Posts
    I have a half pint-sized Guinness pub glass that I got over ten years ago in northern England, if that answers any questions.

    Really? Why would you drink a half pint of Guinness? That goes against all forms of logic! LOL.

    1/2 guinness = strictly drinking territory for ladies and italian tourists

  • JimsterJimster 6,990 Posts
    "Swift halves" were always a favourite of Police officers visiting a pub on business - they could not appear to be indulging in pint and then razzing off after a joyrider at 140mph in a 30 zone. My dads good mate was a senior copper and was never known to turn down a drink...

    However, to address the question, I never see beer over ice in the NW or Midlands. If blokes are driving, they are more likely to ask for a pint of shandy rather than drink out of a half glass. Youngsters will be on the pints of lager, their birds on the alcopops. Older heads will do Guinness and their birds will be on wine.

    BTW I am loving the non-smoking in pubs now. It still takes me by surprise to walk into a pub and it not smell like a pub though!

  • piedpiperpiedpiper 1,279 Posts
    you wouldn't believe what teenagers and hipster students are drinking in germany.

    Almost every brewery introduced some kind of beer-lemonade mix in recent years and it sells like hot cakes. Scary!

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,391 Posts
    The only acceptable way to drink halves is to order two together in a pint glass.

  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts
    WTF! So if I order a "Castlemaine" or a "Crown Lager," people will expect me to know the slag for those?

    Chan, the slang for Crown Lager is a "crownie"


    dude one extremley sophisticated lady from uhhh London (living in Scotland, you can tell those folk a mile away), yesterday, ordered;

    "half a pint of lager with ice and a splash of lime with a tiny bit of lemonade".

    It was a struggle getting all that shit in the glass. It would have tasted nasty as fuck.

    When I used to drink beer it was straight out the bottle (the same way I drink spirits). All these metrosexual folk these days --

    "Can I have a Corona with a glass of ice please...."

    pfffffftttt... total homo....

    Give me some Old E' in a paper bag and a street corner to post up on I'm good for the summer


  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    The only acceptable way to drink halves is to order two together in a pint glass.

    Seriously. This thread is starting to get out of hand. Half pint glasses to prevent drinking warm beer? You should be able to drink a 40oz without it getting that warm, and I'm not even talking about chugging it.

    I went to a focus group last week where they paid us $100 to taste and answer questions about a new beer for two hours. It turned out not to be worth it. Sammy Hagar is introducing a new Cabo Wabo beer, and it's terrible. It has a fruity flavor with a few energy supplments and also extra alcohol -- not necessarily a bad thing but it gives the beer that cheap "icy" finish that most people grow out of by their second year of college. Shit was nasty!

  • Seriously. This thread is starting to get out of hand. Half pint glasses to prevent drinking warm beer? You should be able to drink a 40oz without it getting that warm, and I'm not even talking about chugging it.

    Of course you can knock back a pint before it gets warm - but i doubt you would be wanting to be drinking at that kind of speed for a whole afternoon when you are sitting in the blazing sun. real fast.

    on another note, i've noticed some folks around here topping off their beer with red bull...

  • JimsterJimster 6,990 Posts
    My mileage varies with Red Bull. I remember an epic Christmas eve where it was 3 x Stella, 1 x vodka-Red Bull then repeat... Kept me going into 2 digits but then I had the worst hangover ever.

    Then a few years ago a few of us attempted to ride up the Honister Pass. I had about 6 tins of Bull and heaps of Creatine powder in my camelback, and honestly, drinking this stuff on the way to the pass made me want to go to sleep. Total inducement of lethargy.

    I keep off it now. I think I woke up too many times in the middle of the night with my heart pounding offa the stuff.

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts
    WTF! So if I order a "Castlemaine" or a "Crown Lager," people will expect me to know the slag for those?

    Chan, the slang for Crown Lager is a "crownie"


    dude one extremley sophisticated lady from uhhh London (living in Scotland, you can tell those folk a mile away), yesterday, ordered;

    "half a pint of lager with ice and a splash of lime with a tiny bit of lemonade".

    It was a struggle getting all that shit in the glass. It would have tasted nasty as fuck.

    When I used to drink beer it was straight out the bottle (the same way I drink spirits). All these metrosexual folk these days --

    "Can I have a Corona with a glass of ice please...."

    pfffffftttt... total homo....

    Give me some Old E' in a paper bag and a street corner to post up on I'm good for the summer



    LOL!!!!!!!!! When that broad ordered the "half a pint of lager with ice and a splash of lime with a tiny bit of lemonade". Did you look her in the eye and say "Razzle Dazzle!" Oh shit, Ha Ha! LOL,

  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts
    LOL!!!!!!!!! When that broad ordered the "half a pint of lager with ice and a splash of lime with a tiny bit of lemonade". Did you look her in the eye and say "Razzle Dazzle!" Oh shit, Ha Ha! LOL,

    Nah I was too busy starting at her tits... they was on the Razzle Dazzle tip for sure... cold weather has it's advantages son!

  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts
    I'm going to resurrect this thread to say again: people who don't drinks halves now and then because they must always have a pint, and who do not understand the important meaning of the half, obviously cannot drink and also do not know how to drink properly. that is all.

    if you drink a half, you're a soft cock. no one buys a half a banana do they?

  • u know what i hate about the uk drinking culture? those damn whiskey spigots. every pub i went into had a pre-measured lil tittie attached to a bottle that theyd squirt my whiskey into so it always came out to one pitily little snort of good stuff. fuck that shit!

  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts
    u know what i hate about the uk drinking culture? those damn whiskey spigots. every pub i went into had a pre-measured lil tittie attached to a bottle that theyd squirt my whiskey into so it always came out to one pitily little snort of good stuff. fuck that shit!

    oh shit! paging big_chan, we were just talking about this...

    however, it's illegal to free-pour certain liquors, bars *HAVE* to have those installed out here. Makes my job simpler, but the tips smaller

  • sheep! dont lie, that little cup will fuck u up in japan!

  • djkingottodjkingotto 1,704 Posts
    Budweiser also makes a version with clamato.

    that sounds clamawful!

  • Upon recommendation from some West Coast Strutters, I have spent the better part of my summer drinking mexican beer over ice with a lime, and I love it.

    not for all seasons, but I ain't ashamed, and I ain't going back.

    it's called a chelada, miller is trying to sell a bottled version with their lame lime beer shit. Budweiser also makes a version with clamato which is horrible. I don't drink that shit and with some of my friends chelada has become synonymous with wack. Traditionally it was a darker mexican beer but fools are doing that shit with fucking coronas and shit.

    corona is just an embarassment to begin with.


  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts
    sheep! dont lie, that little cup will fuck u up in japan!

    u talkin' about the one cup sake's from the 7-11?

    those were my shit when I knew I wanted to get crunk and messy...

  • sheep! dont lie, that little cup will fuck u up in japan!

    u talkin' about the one cup sake's from the 7-11?

    those were my shit when I knew I wanted to get crunk and messy...

    ohsnap. japanese moonshine.

    no im talking about the enkai cups. theyre basically the uk half pint cups and you walk around with that little fucker all night long thinking u cant get wasted off such a small cup but then hella old fools top u off like 50 billion times throughout the night and before you know it...


  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts
    ohsnap. japanese moonshine.

    no im talking about the enkai cups. theyre basically the uk half pint cups and you walk around with that little fucker all night long thinking u cant get wasted off such a small cup but then hella old fools top u off like 50 billion times throughout the night and before you know it...


    yeah, sake gets outta control. you're right too, that glass never ends yo... one pour and you're off...

    the top nihon-shu recommendations after trying a zillion bottles are;

    1. hakkaisan
    2. koshino kanbai
    3. kubota

    and jyondai is the holy grail of sake's but it's RAER... $30 a small glass type shit...


  • ohsnap. japanese moonshine.

    no im talking about the enkai cups. theyre basically the uk half pint cups and you walk around with that little fucker all night long thinking u cant get wasted off such a small cup but then hella old fools top u off like 50 billion times throughout the night and before you know it...


    yeah, sake gets outta control. you're right too, that glass never ends yo... one pour and you're off...

    the top nihon-shu recommendations after trying a zillion bottles are;

    1. hakkaisan
    2. koshino kanbai
    3. kubota

    and jyondai is the holy grail of sake's but it's RAER... $30 a small glass type shit...


    This store right hurrr is right on my street.

    CRAZY selections; bottles up to several hundred dollars, etc.

    Each bottle has a little card detailing all the attributes of that particular one. super knowledgable staff also.

    definitely my go-to spot for birthdays or dinners or whatever; instead of wine I lace the host with a moderately price bottle of sake.

  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts

    This store right hurrr is right on my street.

    CRAZY selections; bottles up to several hundred dollars, etc.

    Each bottle has a little card detailing all the attributes of that particular one. super knowledgable staff also.

    definitely my go-to spot for birthdays or dinners or whatever; instead of wine I lace the host with a moderately price bottle of sake.

    ILLLLLLLLLL website that definitly knows its shit.. the prices are REALLY NICE too, nearly the same price as buying it locally in Japan!! wow!

    I'm defintley hitting this store when I get into SF for the supplies, who's down to get down with the sake (no homo)... where is it located?

    They got the ones I like in stock too!

    JH23 is the one that I drank the most of... HOT, I recommend it...

    JH24 is more well known, but they had an earthquake and it destroyed all the empty bottles in the factory, good to see they are back on track...

  • This store right hurrr is right on my street.

    CRAZY selections; bottles up to several hundred dollars, etc.

    Each bottle has a little card detailing all the attributes of that particular one. super knowledgable staff also.

    definitely my go-to spot for birthdays or dinners or whatever; instead of wine I lace the host with a moderately price bottle of sake.

    ILLLLLLLLLL website that definitly knows its shit.. the prices are REALLY NICE too, nearly the same price as buying it locally in Japan!! wow!

    I'm defintley hitting this store when I get into SF for the supplies, who's down to get down with the sake (no homo)... where is it located?

    They got the ones I like in stock too!

    JH23 is the one that I drank the most of... HOT, I recommend it...

    JH24 is more well known, but they had an earthquake and it destroyed all the empty bottles in the factory, good to see they are back on track...

    the shop's in the hayes valley neighborhood about a block from my crib. you can cop your sake and then head a few doors down to huf for the latest in all-over print silliness. seriously though sometimes they have dope shoes in huf. throw in a stroll down market street at gough to see the psycho city graffiti remnants and you have a nice little local urban tour experience.

  • BTW I am loving the non-smoking in pubs now. It still takes me by surprise to walk into a pub and it not smell like a pub though!

    has anyone noticed that alot of non-smoking pubs or clubs when they are busy smell quite a lot like farts... or is that just Bristol?? must be something they put in the Gem...

  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts
    has anyone noticed that alot of non-smoking pubs or clubs when they are busy smell quite a lot like farts... or is that just Bristol?? must be something they put in the Gem...

    not where i hang...
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