What do YOU do to WORK OUT ? (Physical Related)

Mr_Lee_PHDMr_Lee_PHD 2,042 Posts
edited September 2007 in Strut Central
I've just started going for an hour long bike ride every day without fail and it feels damn good.I have a damn sight more energy and feel like a million Washingtons. Its actually getting addictive.I also snowboard once a week at the local dry ski slope.What do you dudes do on the REGULAR ? I was also thinking for doing a some bench pressing.. Aparently 1 - 3 sets of 10-12 reps 3 days a week is the general steez ?Is that about right ?


  • FreeJazzercise

  • I don't go to the gym because I know it would be a waste of my money, so I bought those Perfect Pushups that the advertise on ESPN. I don't think it does anything additional to help your body, but it got me motivated to do some pushups. I also do interval training with jogging which is the best way to lose fat.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    I only recently started and am enjoying it more than I thought I would. It's all about the machines - they are so fun! I go to the Y which is two minutes from work, if it wasn't so easy to get to, I'm not sure how consistent I'd be about going. I do the bike there for cardio for 10 minutes and then upper body and then lower body and then finish with 15 minutes on the treadmill at its highest incline. (Can you tell I'm a newbie from how earnest I am?) I hate the free weights - I'm never sure if I'm doing the right movements and it's a little intimidating with all the hulks.

    Other than that, I walk a lot and go swimming as much as I can in the summer.

    I also have a hell of a drinking arm.

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    Basketball + frisbee + hitting the gym to lift at least once a week.

  • i joined equinox with Mrs Sabadabada and we enjoy the classes. It keeps it interesting to take a class once or twice a week and then do a regular work out once or twice a week. The classes can really kick your ass, but the shame of having to stop midway keeps you going.

  • i'll start to play tennis again this year. big promise to myself.

    ps: yes, i know tennis is for pussies. i learned that at my American high school.

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,090 Posts
    My job is moderately labor intensive (among office work, I lift heavy crates and dolly tools and whatnot back and forth), I always take the stairs instead of elevator and I intentionally park my car a good walking distance from where I need to go. It adds up. It keeps the gut at bay. I need to lift weights though. I'm tired of being a scrawny armed short guy. I'm not good with "scheduled" exercising.

  • i'll start to play tennis again this year. big promise to myself.

    ps: yes, i know tennis is for pussies. i learned that at my American high school.

    Man I used to think tennis was for pussies too... until I tried playing it. This is a pretty intense workout. I thought it would be easy because I was in really good shape from martial arts training but nooooo... the day after my first tennis session, I felt like I got hit by a car.

  • play tennis at least 5 days a week.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    I always take the stairs instead of elevator

    Me too.

  • I ride a bike too, not sure what's gonna happen come winter, but a good bike ride with a few decent hills makes me feel good. There's a 2.5 mile concrete 'trail' right behind me apartment, so i'll do the whole thing and then ride around a couple of blocks after for a nice workout.

    My favorite bar is accessible by my bike too, so sometimes that happens.

  • Running (2-3 times per week), going to the gym (2-3 times per week) and using the bike instead of the car within town. Plus swimming during summer. When you are over 30 you have to do something... The overall feelgood factor is unbeatable!

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    I hit the gym 3-4 a week depending on the week.

    Have a different workout for each day but I always begin with a 3/4 mile uphill run followed by 100 decline sit-ups.

    Depending on the day I'll do either a benchpress workout (free weight benchpress, machine incline & decline, & Dumbell benchpress.

    Arms & Back (machine curls, preacher curls, seated row, lateral bar)

    various upper body (tricep pull, shoulder press, cross row pulls, seated wingpress)

    Legs (Squats, stairmaster)

    takes about an hour each time (except for the leg days). Once you get on a routine it feels pretty good. Also keeps me petite n' sexy just like I need to be

  • I don't go to the gym because I know it would be a waste of my money, so I bought those Perfect Pushups that the advertise on ESPN. I don't think it does anything additional to help your body, but it got me motivated to do some pushups.

    nice. pushups and situps are all you really need, ask Hershel Walker. i go to the gym but sometimes i'll go a while without lifting and pushups done right are a great chest and arm workout. to mix it up, try doing 'em with your hands in a diamond shape or with your hands spread out but linked together at the palms.

  • eliseelise 3,252 Posts
    yoga...and its the best thing ever.

  • for the last three months it has been cycling 100 miles a week but I just got a new pair of running shoes and I've been throwing that in the mix a lot more. if I don't exercise at least 3-4 hours a week i get cranky and anxious.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    yogurt...and its the best thing ever.

  • eliseelise 3,252 Posts
    yogurt...and its the best thing ever.

    true. the real schitt. not the yoplait crap.

  • I just dance like no one's watching every chance I get. This includes nightclubs, but also elevators, BART trains, the aisles at the grocery store and in my office.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    yogurt...and its the best thing ever.

    true. the real schitt. not the yoplait crap.

    Greek Yogurt - extra thick.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    yoga...and its the best thing ever.

    Tried this a few times and it is sooooooo boring.

    The best thing was when it's all over and you're lying there and the instructor comes around and rubs your temples with some oil and massages your scalp. Gimme an hour of that and call it yoga and I'll be down.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    and you're lying there and the instructor comes around and rubs your temples with some oil and massages your....

  • eliseelise 3,252 Posts
    yoga...and its the best thing ever.

    Tried this a few times and it is sooooooo boring.

    The best thing was when it's all over and you're lying there and the instructor comes around and rubs your temples with some oil and massages your scalp. Gimme an hour of that and call it yoga and I'll be down.

    hmmmm. I have never had the feeling of it being boring. It's relaxing and I feel more flexible.

    And energetic.

    Works differently for other people I suppose. That massage thing sounds good, but i only get that when I pay $60 and hour at a spa

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    and you're lying there and the instructor comes around and rubs your temples with some oil and massages your....

    scalp! - I SAID SCALP! lol.....

  • I hit the gym 2 or 3 times a week. I go to the Parks Dept. Gym cause it's $75 a year!

    With bench I do 3 sets of 8 not 10 or 12, heavier weight. I do all the upper body one day, then the next time I do more hack squats and leg extensions etc.

    Do some real light cardio too usually after lifting.

    On weekends I walk all over Brooklyn

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    play tennis at least 5 days a week.

    Tennis???! That is so not HOOD!

  • play tennis at least 5 days a week.

    Tennis???! That is so not HOOD!

    This is like comparing Serena Williams to Austin Crochere.

  • yoga...and its the best thing ever.

    Tried this a few times and it is sooooooo boring.

    The best thing was when it's all over and you're lying there and the instructor comes around and rubs your temples with some oil and massages your scalp. Gimme an hour of that and call it yoga and I'll be down.

    What kinda yoga did you take? I stopped doing Bikram yoga for a minute because it got too expensive. Well, that and my life was fuckin flashing before my eyes towards the end of the 90 minute class. At the end, everyone's lying there, sweaty beyond belief and just happy to be alive.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    play tennis at least 5 days a week.

    Tennis???! That is so not HOOD!

    This is like comparing Serena Williams to Austin Crochere.

    YoIGotBeats' favorite athlete revealed >>>>> Martina Hingis.

  • i lift 5 days a week. heavy upper body and heavy lower body with all exercises being 6-8 reps, then chest/tris, back/bis/traps, shoulders/abs all for 8-12. it hits all the different types of muscle fiber and get a variety of exercises each workout. i usually finish up with 20 minutes of cardio for recovery and i skate almost everyday. i stay pretty busy.
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