F*CK THIS HEAT (socal related)

Egbert_SouseEgbert_Souse 920 Posts
edited September 2007 in Strut Central
I heard people were fighting for broke ass floor model AC units at the store this weekend. I couldn't hardly stay in the house. fuck having no AC. running every fan we own in one room and it does nothing. Even the cats were panting, and cats don't pant.fucking miserable. I was actually glad to go back to work today where I wont' break a sweat by sitting. I miss warm showers.



    This weather is making me nauseous. I was washing my car this weekend and almost passed out!
    Our cat was panting too, my girl was freaking out. We stayed indoors with the AC on and the blinds shut. I can't stand this weather. It's like the end of the world or some shit.

  • I miss warm showers.

  • .

    Damn. Tough crowd. I guess this dude ran a marathon in the heat.

  • At least you have AC! Me and Anna had to seak into the Marriot pool to cool off.

    dude at the local bar was dancing with no shirt and his pants down to his ankles with his little wee-wee hanging out. It was funny.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    The weather here in the northeast is just fucking perfect. 80s... sunny.. no humidity.. and a nice breeze.

  • At least you have AC! Me and Anna had to seak into the Marriot pool to cool off.

    dude at the local bar was dancing with no shirt and his pants down to his ankles with his little wee-wee hanging out. It was funny.

    Dude, I got lucky... there were blackouts two blocks away from my pad. I dunno howo oyu dealt with it, man. SD supposedly gets hotter than LA. No me gusta....

  • This is hell.

  • JimBeamJimBeam Seattle. 2,012 Posts
    dude at the local bar was dancing with no shirt and his pants down to his ankles with his little wee-wee hanging out. It was funny.
    It sucked getting to the bar late and missing out on an Anna sighting, but if I also missed this, I'm glad.
    And yes, SD is like hell on earth right now.
    It's the hurricanes south of here, all sorts of crazy ass weather going down. Dizz, did you see the lightning on Friday night?

  • dude at the local bar was dancing with no shirt and his pants down to his ankles with his little wee-wee hanging out. It was funny.
    It sucked getting to the bar late and missing out on an Anna sighting, but if I also missed this, I'm glad.

    And yes, SD is like hell on earth right now.
    It's the hurricanes south of here, all sorts of crazy ass weather going down. Dizz, did you see the lightning on Friday night?

    No man, I missed that!

    I thought you were around when jesus went weenie dangling on the dance floor... didn't you leave at the same time as us? I was pretty hammered that night, I couldn't really see straight. Made the walk home fun.

    That fat gay black man sitting next me was an oddball. At one point he was sitting there with his eyes closed, so I was like "dude, are you sleeping?" and he said "No, I was talking to jesus. Do you know what he said to me? He said you are DELICIOUS." and then touched my arm. But by that time I was too drunk to even give a shit. I was just like "alright dude." the funny thing is that he knew that lady sitting across from me was my wife and went for it anyways. He was like a gay malcolm x. totally odd. At one point that song 'shotgun' comes on so I start shuffling in place or whatever and he yells "Look at this whiteboy dancing! DANCE, WHITEBOY!" hahahahahahaha. that was a strange night.

  • CBearCBear 902 Posts
    We had multiple black outs here in SD on Saturday.

    I had a Labor Day BBQ. I went to Home Depot and got one of those multi-pattern hose sprayer attachments that has a mist setting. I left it on in the backyard, and it worked pretty well to keep everyone cool.

  • We had multiple black outs here in SD on Saturday.

    I had a Labor Day BBQ. I went to Home Depot and got one of those multi-pattern hose sprayer attachments that has a mist setting. I left it on in the backyard, and it worked pretty well to keep everyone cool.

    Did we? I didn't hear anything about that. But I did year there was a riot in PB, but I heard that was more about duchebags not wanting to go back to school or something.

  • PACIFIC BEACH: A melee broke out on the beach yesterday afternoon as people started throwing plastic bottles and cans at police officers who were called to break up a large fight.
    Sixteen people were arrested on charges of being drunk in public and fighting, said San Diego police Assistant Chief David Ramirez.

    He said lifeguards called police about 5:15 p.m. reporting a fight in a group of several hundred on the beach near Reed Street and Ocean Boulevard.

    Officers went into a crowd of about 500 where a large group was fighting, he said.

    People in the crowd threw plastic drink bottles and cans at officers as they made arrests and drew back from the group, Ramirez said.

    The 30 officers in the area were quickly backed up by an additional 40, Ramirez said.

    Officers in riot gear formed a line along the boardwalk at Reed Street and a block of Mission Boulevard was closed briefly.

    No officers were injured, Ramirez said.

    Councilman Kevin Faulconer came to the beach and, after speaking with police officials, said he will re-examine the city's policy governing alcohol consumption at the beach, including restricting it or possibly banning it.

    ???There is no doubt alcohol played a major portion,??? Faulconer said.

    After calling for backup, police officers set up a ???skirmish line??? along the boardwalk, Ramirez said. The confrontation ???calmed down real quick??? as the crowd began to break up, Ramirez said. A police helicopter circled above the area instructing the crowd to disperse.

    Police went on to arrest six more people in the area for being drunk in public, Ramirez said.

    Shortly before the call to police from lifeguards, a police all-terrain vehicle was apparently stuck in the sand in the same general area, and police determined a man around the vehicle was drunk in public, Ramirez said. He said he believes that event was separate from the ensuing report of a fight.??? D.E.G.

  • CBearCBear 902 Posts
    I work in North Park and the power kept dropping out for 3 seconds at a time. I gave up on getting anything accomplished which was nice. I didn't hear about the riots.

  • I work in North Park and the power kept dropping out for 3 seconds at a time. I gave up on getting anything accomplished which was nice. I didn't hear about the riots.

    Where in North Park?

  • CBearCBear 902 Posts
    I work in North Park and the power kept dropping out for 3 seconds at a time. I gave up on getting anything accomplished which was nice. I didn't hear about the riots.

    Where in North Park?

    PM sent.

  • Anybody know where I can buy an AC unit? All the stores around town are sold out. I even called best buy and they are sold out. I had hopes for best buy, thinking not a lot of people would check there, but I guess I was wrong.

    Can anybody think of anywhere else to check? Costco doesn't have any, and all the hardware stores seem to be sold out. I'm thinking I might have to wait until the shops can re-stock, but I was hoping for a place that might be under the radar (whats up, undertheradar).

  • JimBeamJimBeam Seattle. 2,012 Posts
    target.com man. ships in a couple days. they've got one over there (window unit) for like $85

  • Well, the home depot in temecula has 6500 BTU ones for 99 dollars. thats good enough for one room, I guess. and for 99 dollars I could by a few of them. I wonder if they are a pain in the ass to install. I don't know about 6500 btu though. Is that decent? I want an AC with BALLs.

  • i thought this was going to be a thread dissing this band

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    Dizzy, I feel you.


    and a lot of homes in So-Cal don't have AC, due to the typically bearable heat.

    Which means, you'll see Starbucks, the library, and anywhere else with A/C, overcrowded these days.

  • JimBeamJimBeam Seattle. 2,012 Posts
    Well, the home depot in temecula has 6500 BTU ones for 99 dollars. thats good enough for one room, I guess. and for 99 dollars I could by a few of them. I wonder if they are a pain in the ass to install. I don't know about 6500 btu though. Is that decent? I want an AC with BALLs.
    Depends. I can't remember what type of windows you have in your place, but you'll need to take some measurements to make sure it fits. Fabricating a frame to fit the unit and a couple support brackets isn't hard though. You get to use that new jigsaw you just bought!
    6500 btu will be fine. You don't want an AC unit with too big of balls man, SDG&E ain't free, and the weather will pass soon enough.

  • well i'm here in long beach CA and it's a comfy 87 degrees. i'll take warm over being cold any day. peace, stein. . .

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts
    been in the bay this weekend so i missed the heat tidal wave...
    heard the heat has been unprecedented, which made me immediately question:


  • I'm here in the Inland Valley and it's a lot cooler today..thank god. Yesterday I stayed inside the house with AC on blast playing lp's all day.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    I'm here in the Inland Valley and it's a lot cooler today..thank god. Yesterday I stayed inside the house with AC on blast playing lp's all day.

    I flew into Ontario from texas yesterday where it was a comfy 85 degrees. Brought a small stack of rackords back from El Pso and I'm fairly sure a couple of them are warpededed now.

    Damn this heat (the group too)

  • Well, the home depot in temecula has 6500 BTU ones for 99 dollars. thats good enough for one room, I guess. and for 99 dollars I could by a few of them. I wonder if they are a pain in the ass to install. I don't know about 6500 btu though. Is that decent? I want an AC with BALLs.
    Depends. I can't remember what type of windows you have in your place, but you'll need to take some measurements to make sure it fits. Fabricating a frame to fit the unit and a couple support brackets isn't hard though. You get to use that new jigsaw you just bought!

    6500 btu will be fine. You don't want an AC unit with too big of balls man, SDG&E ain't free, and the weather will pass soon enough.

    Yeah, well we've already decided to get them. Wife's parents are gonna pick them up for us since they live up there and then swing by tonight with them. We have all sorts of different sized windows in the house, so I suppose they are bound to fit at least 1 of them. I REALLY don't want to fabricate anything, but I suppose I can if I have to.

  • I'm here in the Inland Valley and it's a lot cooler today..thank god. Yesterday I stayed inside the house with AC on blast playing lp's all day.

    I flew into Ontario from texas yesterday where it was a comfy 85 degrees. Brought a small stack of rackords back from El Pso and I'm fairly sure a couple of them are warpededed now.

    Damn this heat (the group too)

    Whats up A*#m? I was wondering why I didn't see you at PCC a couple days ago. Now plaese to visit the weekday finds thread....I wanna see what kind of heat you brought back from Texas.

  • covecove 1,566 Posts
    I miss warm showers.

    Don't miss them. At the end of yr shower, make sure the water is hot right before you get out. You want to keep those pores breathing. Cold ending= closed pores = sweating before yr dressed.

  • after a solid month of 100+ temps...it has finally cooled off down round these parts. only in the 80s today!
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