fuck man! (mouse related)

buttonbutton 1,475 Posts
edited August 2007 in Strut Central
I'm trying to wind down and head to bed, but I just saw a small mouse scoot behind my speakers and it's totally vanished now! Whats the word on mice eating holes in my raers and/or pissing on my face or in my bed in general? edit: I totally am smelling feces right now too, but I might just be imagining that


  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    you sound elephant.

  • buttonbutton 1,475 Posts
    Nah, Id rather humanely transport it to a field and let an eagle kill it

  • buttonbutton 1,475 Posts
    you sound elephant.

    I don't sleep well with bogeys in the room

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    Nah, Id rather humanely transport it to a field and let an eagle kill it

    I had mice in my last apartment and those little fuckers eventually get too smart for those live traps. I wanted to be all humane and shit but I eventually ended up having to use glue traps... which meant finding half alive mice twitching that I had to drown in a bucket. Not fun. You really need to find where they are coming in board it up somehow.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    you sound elephant.

    I don't sleep well with bogeys in the room

    nah I was kidding.

    I say get a cat. or have a friend bring their cat or ratcatcher-type little dog over for a day or so.

    that way nature does it's thing.

    and if you can't use the humane traps and set them free outside to be eaten by an eagle, release an eagle into your apt.

  • get a cat.

    I had mice inside my stove at my old aparment. They like the warmth of the pilot light and the crumbs. It's fucking nasty. They were driving me nuts. I couldn't use the stove. They made this scratching noise at random times.

    I got some traps that were regular snappers, but had the motel around it so that you could pick it up more easily and not have to see the dead mouse. I heard it go off one night. I freaked out. My roommate was asleep. I called my friend and was like "man, it's fucking late, I hate mice, I don't want to go pick up a dead mouse." When I got off the phone the fucker had gotten out. It only snapped his tail and he got out. We never actually got any of them. I eventually found all of the holes in the walls and filled them with that expanding foam. It kind of worked. I don't live there anymore, but my old roommate now has two cats.

    My co-worker had a major problem with mice and he said the good old fashioned cheap snapping traps are the best. I don't even think you need bait, but you can put a little peanut butter on there. You place them against the wall, not parallel, but facing at it with the cheese trap thing against the wall. At night they run along the walls to get around and then SNAP.

    fucking gross. I can't stand that shit. Same with finding an ant in your bed.

  • buttonbutton 1,475 Posts

    and if you can't use the humane traps and set them free outside to be eaten by an eagle, release an eagle into your apt.

    Or a snake. They just swallow everything whole. No muss, no fuss

  • i had a mouse years ago: and tried snap traps, glue, and eventually a cat. none of those worked for me and i eventually moved out.

    apparently mice have very poor vision and therefore urinate constantly in order to create a trail that they can smell. so consider it a hygiene/health issue and maybe spring for a professional exterminator.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    you sound elephant.

  • CousinLarryCousinLarry 4,618 Posts
    I had them before and used the sonic things and they worked pretty well. Now I have three cats.
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