iron_monkeyiron_monkey 985 Posts
edited August 2007 in Strut Central
This shit is waaaaayyy better than American Pie...


  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    Dare I say it was bit overhyped.. still funny as hell though. Mclovin!

  • Well, yeah, but all movies are overhyped these days. This one delivers the funny in spades. American Pie was some weaksauce bullshit. A few funny scenes but that "this one time at band camp" joke can only be stretched so far before it gets played out.

    Judd Apatow has assembled a consistently funny ensemble of actors, solid writing and casting and his own brand of sophomoric humor. C'mon now... Freaks & Geeks, 40 Year Old Virgin, Knocked Up... track record is no joke

  • Shit was pretty damn funny.

  • The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
    I would argue that this a rare case of a comedy NOT giving away its funniest parts in the previews...there was nothing in the previews/trailers/commercials about the dick drawing, dudes rant with the home economics teacher, dudes run down on his comparsion shopping for porn sites, the line "the last time somebody got a handjob in cargo shorts was in Nam"...non stop funny.

  • VitaminVitamin 631 Posts
    "The funny thing about my back is that it's on my cock." I did a spit take in the theater after that line.

  • ZachDZachD 318 Posts

    I saw this last night.. on a Sunday night it had sold out all the shows and they opened another screen and it was almost sold out too. There were 5 people going in to see 'the invasion'

    I felt brutalized after the movie was over.. from all the fucking laughter. The whole theater was howling.

    People are saying Michael Cera might be a comic genius and I might agree.

    Apatow is establishing the comedy dynasty right now. You know these movies aren't costing more than 30 mil and are going to gross 100+. Knocked Up has done 165 Mil so far. This guy could do anything he wants with any actor he wants right now. More power to him, he knows what's funny and who is funny.

    He already has another coming out.. WALKING HARD.

    "It's not Cox sausage until I say it tastes like Cox"

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    I thought the writing was really great throughout but it could have stood to be edited better and some of the storyline just drraaaaaaaaaaaged. (See Fogel + Cops). That said, line for line, shit was insanely funny.

  • i watched this on my mp3 player on the way home from work last week...spent an hour laughing out loud with headphones on amongst train/bus commuters,knowing i looked like a wacko...looking forward to seeing it again in the theatre..i dont know if a sequel would be a good idea but i do wanna see more of these guys(no homo).

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    i watched this on my mp3 player on the way home from work last week...spent an hour laughing out loud with headphones on amongst train/bus commuters,knowing i looked like a wacko...looking forward to seeing it again in the theatre..i dont know if a sequel would be a good idea but i do wanna see more of these guys(no homo).
    --reasons why "no homo" has lost any edge whatsoever, if it ever had any to begin with.

    I don't know about a narrative sequel but Jonah Hill + Michael Cera again? With Seth Rogen writing? Hells yeah. I just wonder how long Cera can ride out this, "I'm just a super nice guy" thing for. I don't want to see him turn into a Corey.

  • edulusedulus 421 Posts

  • TheMackTheMack 3,414 Posts
    the guy that made this went to pittsburgh filmakers, where i am currently enrolled.

    saw the movie. didnt think it was all that funny......

  • motown67motown67 4,513 Posts
    I saw it last night with my girl and she hated it and couldn't wait to get out of the theater. I thought there were funny parts, but it was too long and I just didn't laugh at many things. Very disappointed because I expected a lot more.

  • I saw it last night with my girl and she hated it and couldn't wait to get out of the theater. I thought there were funny parts, but it was too long and I just didn't laugh at many things. Very disappointed because I expected a lot more.

    Hmmm... that's weird... just outta curiosity, what are some of your favorite comedies?

  • TheMackTheMack 3,414 Posts
    I saw it last night with my girl and she hated it and couldn't wait to get out of the theater. I thought there were funny parts, but it was too long and I just didn't laugh at many things. Very disappointed because I expected a lot more.
    i concur. way too long. not that funny, and there were many "homo" parts.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts

    This shit is waaaaayyy better than American Pie...

    hey this is pretty good quality.

  • oh snap! thanks for posting this..I now have something to do for the next two hours.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    How can I dl this? It's a Flash file.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    i saw it yesterday and liked it. it definitely dragged in the middle especially with the cops and the other house party but otherwise it was great. michael cera definitely needs to get a different role otherwise hes going to be on one of those fucked up reality shows in about ten years

  • motown67motown67 4,513 Posts
    I saw it last night with my girl and she hated it and couldn't wait to get out of the theater. I thought there were funny parts, but it was too long and I just didn't laugh at many things. Very disappointed because I expected a lot more.

    Hmmm... that's weird... just outta curiosity, what are some of your favorite comedies?

    Well I like the guy's other work. 40 Year Old Virgin I think will become a classic. Knocked Up was also pretty good. This just did not keep me going.

    In terms of comedies I grew up watching Richard Pryor/Gene Wilder comedies and Steve Martin's Jerk. Like Will Ferrell's stuff for the most part, as well as Jack Black. Also like things such as The Royal Tenenbaums.

  • the way he gets bumped by the first car is hillarious. That's a good fall.

    I liked it. Apatow is alright in my book.

  • alieNDNalieNDN 2,181 Posts
    the way he gets bumped by the first car is hillarious. That's a good fall.

    big time.

    if u check the video footage above (i basically fast forwarded to my favorite parts) at that scene, one of the audience members completely loses it and has a priceless laugh. i heavily endorse forwarding to that part to check it out! its at around 69:44.

  • watching that clip puts a whole new spin on the movie. It's like watching a tv sitcom with a laugh track. Kind of makes it cheesy and campy, but still funny.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    I've been watching my favorite parts of the film and they still hold up with repeated viewings (the fake ID part just kills every time) and while I stand by my criticism about half the film being rather forgettable, humor-wise, the Apatow trilogy (even if he didn't direct "Superbad") is altogether far and away better than most other recent comedies I can think of. Maybe it's because they feel so much more "contemporary" compared to something like, say, "Road Trip or "American Pie" (how anachronistic does that film feel now? Crazy). I really think the writing is just far funnier and more fresh and that's something refreshing to see since I find that many other comedies in this vein rely more on situational comedy or basic sight gags. Even though "Superbad" was a bit liberal with the projectile vomit, there's not a ton of really cheap, lazy gags here (the blood on the pants leg being one example of the latter). The funnier parts, as with "40 Year Old Virigin" and "Knocked Up" really come out of the dialogue and delivery.

  • The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
    there are little things also about it that crack me up...even hough it is out of frame in the shot-inside-the-theater boot that is posted, the home economics class scene where Cera and his partner are eating the tiara-misu(sp?), theirs is fucking perfect, it looks like a veteran pastry chef made it...funny.

  • marumaru 1,450 Posts
    it suprises me how much people loved this movie. i liked it, but thought Knocked Up was a wayy better film, and funnier. but that's one man's opinion.

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts
    I like the little Canadian references they snuck in there like them singing The Guess Who "These Eyes". Rogen and his partner's narrative might drag a bit at times but they have the knack for quotable one liners. There were just too many of them.

    "I told her what time it was"

    "kyle's killer lemonade, that's kinda gay but I'll get you some"

    "funny thing about my back is that it's located on my cock"

    "Mclovin? That's badass!"

    "no one has gotten a handjob in cargo shorts since nam"

    "they said that would happen in health"

    "thank you, you would too if you were a man"

    Would've been cool to see Seth Rogen play Jonah's role as he had intended if this movie got off the ground ages ago when it was first written.

    Whoever did the music direction was great. I heard some Mendes during the dick drawing scene I think, then Rapture DFA rmx during the first party, etc.....

  • hertzhoghertzhog 865 Posts
    A solid 3/5. I agree that it dragged in the middle with the cops and Vogel. But yeah, the liquor store scene is classic.

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts

    Michael Cera might be a comic genius
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