what would you do? (record store clerk related)
51 Posts
I was working as a clerk for store credit at my local record shop, I'm not an ethnomusicologist or whatever, I read Wax Poetics. I'm very new to sampling and the construction of beats. Let's face it, I'm a rookie. I live in an area where the record scene is still aging hipsters that collect the music for collecting's sake. I've found really cheap, quality stuff and have the local shop on lock down. So, when a young guy comes in to the used record store asking for the current rap 12" singles and saying things like "Do you have any sample reocrds?" I felt like saying " Do your homework, Kid!" What do you do?
- J
haha, and the guy was laughing nervously and sweating at the same time when he found out that we were pulling a joke on him.
cosmo: fant masse heat i g??r. legger opp bilde p?? weekend finds greia etterp??. var messe i oslo i g??r, my billig psych og prog.
I don't understand - you work at the store, and have a
stake in it's success as a business ... so wouldn't you
just try to help him and sell him some records? Especially
if it's a young kid, why not give him a hand? Is asking for
stuff to sample really such a transgression?
Seriously, why would you not direct him to whatever you have in abundance? No Les McCann dollar bin goodness on hand? No Bob James turds to sell him? No Curtis or Marvin or jeff lorber stuff you need to move? I tell new kids 3 web sites, this one, the-breaks, and dustygroove.com, if they are into breaks, they have plenty of reading to do. I can't tell if you are trying to protect your stash or irritated that little dude is trying to sponge off your hard-earned knowledge. Either way, grip less and earn more!
Seriously--I would think that anybody that actually works in a record store would have long since tired of the tepid fuzack terds that the little dude obviously seeks and wouldn't be gripping them so hard.
I want to find out whether it is truly on lock down.
give the kid a $1 copy of Scorpio on 45 and give him a break
I don't think you are sufficiently deep in the game to be able to tell whether or not a spot is truly on lock.
if i owned the store you'd be fired... plain and simple
its your job to sell records man.
its no differant than if anybody comes up to you and asks you "i like X band what would you recomend to me?"
or "is the new X BAND record any good?" you need to sell them that record whether you dig it or not...
its called customer service
To not return the favor is bad record karma.
So true, This one shop up the street from where I live has it so hard they asked ,my boy to come in and set up a "Breaks Section" just to generate some buzz.
In turn when he asked for a return favor " some free records" they were like no. Record Karma my ass!!
Yes, as dude mentioned, he is new to the science of beat construction and may not have picked up on all the warning signs.
This is clearly a thirty-eight year old man disguised as a "kid" on some squirrel schitt trying to surreptitiously obtain his secret break nutz.
It's a dirty game and I see you know it well.
i worked at a used CD/DVD store in college for awhile and would get people asking me this. once a couple kids from high school came in and asked me because they knew i djed. yeah, we had a zapp and roger disc in so i sold them that haha.
dont know why these guys were interested in sampling, they make keyboard beats it seems. check their site, pretty funny: Big Bang DBT hahaha
But what about MOODY LOOPZ?
To be treated as a LOOP with distinction.
me and a friend were shopping for records on the Gold Coast, this was around DMC time when people would recognize me in the street still, this dude comes running up... SHEEEEEP! whats up, im like cool, he's like "i need some help, you dig for records right?".... I'm like "yeah"... he was like, I'm looking for some "red bone breaks", "simon harris" or "chick coreas innner space, cuz I'm just a beginner"... dude was DEAD SERIOUS.
See what Quasimoto done did to kids?
But for real, I'm all about the kids (no michael jackson), hip him to some CTI terdery and all those $1 bin rock joints that are cool... one day dude will turn around and look out for you when he's a BIG DUDE (no homo).
You said a mouthful there!