Question about three crosses - Klan related?????



  • This thread got REAL quiet all of a sudden.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    This thread got REAL quiet all of a sudden.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    I saw a really big cricket in the second place we stayed at in Newport News - it was hanging out in the lobby.

    After we dropped our stuff off at the second hotel in Newport News, we walked over to the 7-11 to buy beer. As were walking up, we both couldn't help but stare at this super-hot chick in heels and a mini who is walking to her car with a box of Corona.
    As I'm waiting for him outside, this kid walks out and throws something over his shoulder on to the ground (So lame, the garbage can was less than a foot away. Even in another city, I fucking hate littering). He walks to hot lady's car and they drive off. I'm no fool, I know the ways of the night - I go to look at what he threw down and my suspicions are confirmed - empty condom box. Man and I had a good laugh - his take was that dude was not even old enough to buy the beer.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    WTF is up with a town called "Newport News"?

    it makes no sense to me as a place name.

  • WTF is up with a town called "Newport News"?

    it makes no sense to me as a place name.

    I've always thought that too.

  • Speaking of the Klan, I remember seeing on the news or something about how the klan is now focused on fighting illegal immigration. Its like they figured "well, we lost the war against black people... the war on mexicans is looking pretty good!"

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    A few years back my brother was in Northern Georgia and heard a local radio station run an ad for the upcoming Klan rally.

    It went something like...'We'd like to also invite all of our black brothers and sisters to come band against these foriegners".

    I was always curious if any of their "brothers and sisters" showed up.
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