SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
edited August 2007 in Strut Central
Why are there year-and-a-half-old threads appearingon the front page as if they've been bumped, but thenewest threads in them are from january & february 2006??I am speaking of the "local black experience" and "lisaloeb in a thong" threads specifically.IS THIS A SIGN OF THE LAST DAYS??


  • JustAliceJustAlice 1,308 Posts
    Weird. I thought I was trippin' I don't know, Ive clicked on at least two of those threads and they are still highlighted as if I haven't read them. So they are stuck in some time warp or something.

    got a headache (((((((((((((((((((((This Big)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    I just thought I was seeing things at first. All the people and things of the past.

  • shooteralishooterali 1,591 Posts
    the popeye's side order thread will pop up again by next week. CLASSIC SHIT!!!

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    8/5/06 = 8/5/07

    Star Trek Wormhole

  • JLRJLR 3,835 Posts
    Fake finder administrator is posting fake threads bumpings

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    This is called a "ghost bump".

    Chris taught me this trick a few years a go.

    You reply to an old ass post and bump it -- then quickly delete it.

    The thread does not return to page 57.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts

    "There's ghost bumps all over this highway!"[/b]

  • eliseelise 3,252 Posts
    im feelin it...

  • the popeye's side order thread will pop up again by next week. CLASSIC SHIT!!!

    i want it now! peace, stein. . .

  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts
    Why are there year-and-a-half-old threads appearing
    on the front page as if they've been bumped, but the
    newest threads in them are from january & february 2006??

    I am speaking of the "local black experience" and "lisa
    loeb in a thong" threads specifically.


    No, but until the Soul Strut archives are easier to use[/b]...

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts

    No, but until the Soul Strut archives are easier to use[/b]...

    I know this is an issue with you, I have to ask - have you tried
    searching recently? The search function was fixed from how crappy
    it was a few months or whenever back. You can definitely search for
    anything in the past year. Beyond that, searching google and adding
    "" into the search will bring up stuff even further back.
    What problems have you had searching the archives?

  • johmbolayajohmbolaya 4,472 Posts

  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts

    No, but until the Soul Strut archives are easier to use[/b]...

    I know this is an issue with you, I have to ask - have you tried
    searching recently? The search function was fixed from how crappy
    it was a few months or whenever back. You can definitely search for
    anything in the past year. Beyond that, searching google and adding
    "" into the search will bring up stuff even further back.
    What problems have you had searching the archives?

    Maybe it's just me, but it seemed a lot simpler before we had to narrow down the dates - you know, "newer than five months," "older than two weeks," etc.. That's probably what's throwing me off, that one little addition. Before that, if I typed in something, and it wasn't overtly common, it didn't take long to get to it, but the whole "older than whatever weeks" thing kinda complicated things.

    I tested it out just before I wrote this post, and it was pretty much like I've been saying.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    The one thing that I'll forget sometimes is that
    you need to put quotes around the search words, to
    make it very specific, because it will bring back any
    results for any word in the search otherwise, meaning if
    you search for bad brains you get every post with the word
    "bad" in it, or at least the last 200, which would only
    go back a few days, of course. "bad brains" would get you
    the results for the entire phrase only. Otherwise, I would
    suggest using google, as long as you include soul strut in
    the search, the top results will all be from the board.

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts

    No, but until the Soul Strut archives are easier to use[/b]...

    I know this is an issue with you, I have to ask - have you tried
    searching recently? The search function was fixed from how crappy
    it was a few months or whenever back. You can definitely search for
    anything in the past year. Beyond that, searching google and adding
    "" into the search will bring up stuff even further back.
    What problems have you had searching the archives?

    Maybe it's just me, but it seemed a lot simpler before we had to narrow down the dates - you know, "newer than five months," "older than two weeks," etc.. That's probably what's throwing me off, that one little addition. Before that, if I typed in something, and it wasn't overtly common, it didn't take long to get to it, but the whole "older than whatever weeks" thing kinda complicated things.

    I tested it out just before I wrote this post, and it was pretty much like I've been saying.

    You need to be realistic. This is some out-of-the-box script Raj is using on this site. He's basically at the mercy of whatever the programmers include with this program.

    If you want a better search engine go to google and type followed by whatever keywords you're looking for.

  • SnagglepusSnagglepus 1,756 Posts

    No, but until the Soul Strut archives are easier to use[/b]...

    I know this is an issue with you, I have to ask - have you tried
    searching recently? The search function was fixed from how crappy
    it was a few months or whenever back. You can definitely search for
    anything in the past year. Beyond that, searching google and adding
    "" into the search will bring up stuff even further back.
    What problems have you had searching the archives?

    Maybe it's just me, but it seemed a lot simpler before we had to narrow down the dates - you know, "newer than five months," "older than two weeks," etc.. That's probably what's throwing me off, that one little addition. Before that, if I typed in something, and it wasn't overtly common, it didn't take long to get to it, but the whole "older than whatever weeks" thing kinda complicated things.

    I tested it out just before I wrote this post, and it was pretty much like I've been saying.

    You need to be realistic. This is some out-of-the-box script Raj is using on this site. He's basically at the mercy of whatever the programmers include with this program.

    If you want a better search engine go to google and type followed by whatever keywords you're looking for.

    Better still ... go into Google's advanced search page and enter "" in the "Domain" field with "Only return results from this domain" selected. Then just put your search terms into the top section.

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    better still

    in google type: "whatever you're looking for"

    - spidey

  • dgriotdgriot 388 Posts
    If you want a better search engine go to google and type followed by whatever keywords you're looking for.

    Better still ... go into Google's advanced search page and enter "" in the "Domain" field with "Only return results from this domain" selected. Then just put your search terms into the top section.
    That's not better, it's the same result with more steps. Several options in the advanced search page have similar shorthands.

  • SnagglepusSnagglepus 1,756 Posts
    If you want a better search engine go to google and type followed by whatever keywords you're looking for.

    Better still ... go into Google's advanced search page and enter "" in the "Domain" field with "Only return results from this domain" selected. Then just put your search terms into the top section.

    That's not better, it's the same result with more steps. Several options in the advanced search page have similar shorthands.
    Oh you're right. I read it quickly and didn't notice the "Site:" part. So, yeah, if you want to do the same thing the hard way follow my instructions.

  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts
    i honestly don't mind these "ghost bumps". it's not like whoever is bumping "Microwave help" these are threads that were memorable and notorious, almost humbling and embarrassing to read through again. it's also weird/funny to me to see see how much fatter i am and how beer had ruined me since the "post your now mug" from last year yikes. or the kill whitey thread & the 1st jonny good music kanye label mistaken identity thread, all this stuff is pretty fun revisiting for witnessing how some people have evolved or mellowed out or gotten more iron fist or humorous. also made me miss some folks with decent contributions who aren't around anymore. it's not like the new threads were something to behold.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    I think the ghost bumping became a group
    activity, after one person had started it.

    In fact, I'm sure of it

  • dayday 9,611 Posts

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
    ...also made me miss some folks with decent contributions who aren't around anymore. it's not like the new threads were something to behold.

    If you don't miss DocBeezy, you don't like SoulStrut.

  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts
    i know! i want to tell docbeezy that i like some early smashing pumpkins now. and maybe he's grown to like sabbath, who knows. it's been a few years. hahaha, jesus.

    i had my suspicions about the group ghost activity but i'm not mad at all. i won't put dude on blast but i read something from a friend who i think is one of the most docile dudes ever saying something along the lines of "please just shut the fuck up" to another strutter who he is civil with now and had a laugh fit. it's funny to see how some people who i think are the most mellow folk have had their confrontational/abrasive moments and vice versa. i have my own arsenal of clip shows that i have revisited privately the past few years and laughed at but i swear that right now, it's not me bumping this stuff. i like it though.

    locusts are really cute close up, they're like cicadas

  • Options
    I think the ghost bumping became a group
    activity, after one person had started it.

    In fact, I'm sure of it

  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts
    at least when i bump these threads, i do an update post!

  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts
    there are also some threads that i think are bumped because the topic title sounds recycled and it turns out they are brand new

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