Tour de France: Anyone watching?
Jimster 6,967 Posts
Should be wide open this year. I still can't believe how they can do the climbs without dropping dead. Perhpas Borat is helping them? Anyone here ride to this level? I DON'T AND NEVARR WOULD. Man has to know his limitations.
yeah that sucks. he's done.
rasmussen is a baller. i'd like to see him win but i wonder if it's possible.
They crucified the winner?
Here in Australia, there's highlights on at 6:00pm, then normal coverage from 10:00pm til 1:30am.
I was talking with a friend the other day and we were saying how (apart from the drugs) it's such a pure idea. Racing simple bikes around France.
A nice racing bike is a beautiful thing, a good friend of mine just got a refurbished racer with a 70's French Peugeot frame. Only about $200 Aus as well.
Floyd Landis? he's still appealing it in court, though his manager pulled some foul shit w/ regards to lemond.
yeah, its a great sport, but they're all on drugs.
as far as SIMPLE bikes, i dunno bout that. you realize they have differnt rigs for time trials, flats, climbing days etc. and most of these start at about 5-10 large.
oh yeah, djanna: prolly not roids per se, but epo and other bood doping methods
Yeah, I really meant visually simple. As opposed to things like downhill mountainbikes. I should have clarified.
A friend of mine used to be a national level triathlete and the bike his sponsors gave him was retailing at $13,000. He said that if he kept competing, he would come to the crossroads of "take drugs and be successful" or "don't take drugs, become injured and unsuccessful". From what he said, it was a decision every rider knew they would have to face.
A percentage is on legal drugs, food supplements, creatine, specialized diets, etc.
Another portion of the troupe take amph, EPO, pot belge (mix of steroids & hard drugs as in real hard drugs, a mix with secret ingredients originally conceived in Belgium, we got it 4 cheap)