

  • Nice...I've been waiting for some new jawns from Edan...Great Shit!!!

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts

  • lord234lord234 236 Posts
    i always thought someone should flip that shit and here it is



  • pppppppp 261 Posts

    Is he working on a new record?

  • high_chigh_c 1,384 Posts
    I'm an EDAN fan boy and all but is nothing sacred? I it's safe to say the track is okay without the vocals. But this is just a mashup right? Ya know for fun... They ain't releasin this are they?

    And speakin of never-tobe-released EDAN mashups, here's one I did about 4 years ago:

    Drop Some Smooth Lyrics (Keith Hudson Remix)

  • And speakin of never-tobe-released EDAN mashups, here's one I did about 4 years ago:

    That's ill.

  • CraigCraig 269 Posts
    im digging it ! is it out on 12" then?

  • macacamacaca 278 Posts
    I'm an EDAN fan boy and all but is nothing sacred? I it's safe to say the track is okay without the vocals. But this is just a mashup right? Ya know for fun... They ain't releasin this are they?

    i have no idea what this means?
    yeah, theres no 'beat'.
    he put on 'sagittarius black' and rapped over it,
    but its part of a project for now-again, which 'sagittarius black'
    was re-released on. both these tracks will be on a 7" together.
    as for the vocal part (i guess thats the rapping?)
    sounds fine to me. even better than fine.
    or maybe you just used the words 'mash-up' to segue into
    your really rad 'remix'.

  • high_chigh_c 1,384 Posts
    I'm an EDAN fan boy and all but is nothing sacred? I it's safe to say the track is okay without the vocals. But this is just a mashup right? Ya know for fun... They ain't releasin this are they?

    rad 'remix'.


  • The Stones Throw site says that they are doing a whole project where people are doing their takes of some of the songs that were released on Now Again. Basically, it looks like people are rapping on the funk/psych reissues. There's going to be a cd and a box set of 7 45s, which will have Rappcats 3, which won't be on the cd. I like the Edan song. It reminds me of this:

    edan - freestyle.mp3 - 3.16MB

  • about time

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    I'm an EDAN fan boy and all but is nothing sacred? I it's safe to say the track is okay without the vocals. But this is just a mashup right? Ya know for fun... They ain't releasin this are they?

    i have no idea what this means?
    yeah, theres no 'beat'.
    he put on 'sagittarius black' and rapped over it,
    but its part of a project for now-again, which 'sagittarius black'
    was re-released on. both these tracks will be on a 7" together.
    as for the vocal part (i guess thats the rapping?)
    sounds fine to me. even better than fine.
    or maybe you just used the words 'mash-up' to segue into
    your really rad 'remix'.

    damn, seems everybody is hating on sampling these days.

  • tonyphronetonyphrone 1,500 Posts
    I fucks with this!

    I never thought I would like Edan- but he's so retro is so he's coming off

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts

    damn, seems everybody is hating on EVERYTHING these days.

    GO listen to something else. or like my momma used to say, if you have nothin nice to say, shut the fuck up. people are lippy behind their keyboard.

  • a box set of 7 45s

    calling all Japanese collectros with too much money/credit cards to burn.

  • And speakin of never-tobe-released EDAN mashups, here's one I did about 4 years ago:

    Drop Some Smooth Lyrics (Keith Hudson Remix)

    Dude, that's sweet! I don't recognize the Hudson track though. Is that a 45 version?
    He did a lot of totally unique stuff, everybody should check the 2 CD comp on Trojan, as well as the classic Pick A Dub.

    But hell yeah, I'm into Edan.

  • LuminLumin 807 Posts
    damn thats dope

  • DWGDWG 334 Posts
    Really liking both the Sagittarius cut and the 'Drop Some...' remix.

  • high_chigh_c 1,384 Posts

    And speakin of never-tobe-released EDAN mashups, here's one I did about 4 years ago:

    Drop Some Smooth Lyrics (Keith Hudson Remix)

    the Hudson track though. Is that a 45 version?

    It's a 45 on Imbdimits (or however he spelled that) called either "Flying Machine" or "Sky's the Limit." The flip is the Dennis Alcapone vocal.

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    Man, I really want to like Edan. The beats on Beauty and the Beat were really dope. He can rap, no question. His voice grates on my ears for some reason though, I can't figure out why. I feel like I just need to give it some more listening time.

  • The beats on Beauty and the Beat were really dope. He can rap, no question.

    no doubt.

    I seem to remember Beauty and the Beat being the consensus pick on the Strut for album of that year.

    (not without some asshurtedness from certain corners of course).

  • akoako https://soundcloud.com/a-ko 3,419 Posts
    dudes a fuckin genius. just accept it

  • dudes a fuckin genius. just accept it

    I loved Beauty and the Beat.

  • akoako https://soundcloud.com/a-ko 3,419 Posts
    dudes a fuckin genius. just accept it

    I loved Beauty and the Beat.

    me too, i guess that comment was just directed at anybody who still doesnt like him...haha

  • Edan is EDAN is amazing.

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts
    His voice grates on my ears for some reason though, I can't figure out why.

    You sound black

  • johmbolayajohmbolaya 4,472 Posts

    This summer, my nephew has been sporting this exact hairdo so I always say "man, you look like Edan". He has no idea what I'm talking about, but he did ask me for a portable turntable. Not sure if I want to introduce him to the numbnut-ness of this vinyl culture, his mom keeps on telling him "be an investment banker".

  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts

    This summer, my nephew has been sporting this exact hairdo so I always say "man, you look like Edan". He has no idea what I'm talking about, but he did ask me for a portable turntable. Not sure if I want to introduce him to the numbnut-ness of this vinyl culture, his mom keeps on telling him "be an investment banker".

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    Edan is dope. Beauty And The Beat is the shit. I'll still kick his ass on the hairdo tip.
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