Cinematic Orchestra



  • 3RD_Man3RD_Man 213 Posts
    Everyone I've known who's seen Four Tet live has been disappointed. For the same reason you just stated: Too much twiddling.

    At least this time around there was someone else on stage with him worth watching... no such relief when I saw him a few years back with Tortoise at Phoenix... have some of his stuff on vinyl though and that ish pops...

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts

    a) drummer - dude had some funny Tim Roth O face action happening.

    b) creemore - finally some good beer available

    c) families - love to see the interaction


    a) fourtet - I caught the last 15 mins, and it was 14 mins too much. I can't imagine sitting through that for an hour. Reminded me of that boring Prefuse show last year.

    b) security - no pictures at all???? That blows! I snuck in a bunch though.

  • 3RD_Man3RD_Man 213 Posts
    creemore - finally some good beer available

    I thought they'd never get some good beer in there... 3 years of Blue and Canadian... didn't even bother drinking years prior... you ever been to Creemore?? Gotta hit that up and grab some fresh brew right outta the back of the hardware store they house the brewery in... if you're goin out to Collingwood area anytime soon it's a nice 10 minute detour... and well worth it...

    security - no pictures at all???? That blows! I snuck in a bunch though.

    Managed to snag a good 5 minutes of video...

    Classic moment: ponytail security dude (his hat covered in Metallica/Sabbath/Floyd patches)... playin Air Guitar in the back to his ipod while Tongues played...

    He was more entertaining than Four Tet!

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