Recent times when you've been asshurt



  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    Yeah but Irish-Italian is a pretty bad mix.

    Now I'm ass-hurt.

    Yeah, that's me too!

    at least youz guyz aint irish-scottish.

  • JustAliceJustAlice 1,308 Posts
    not race related but......

    someone I know just told me they were applying for food stamps.
    This is the same person who pays nearly 40 bucks a month to have organic produce delivered to their home, and drives a brand new car.

    I don't believe public assistance is for those who are thoughtless with their money and have never learned to balance a check book and applies for govt. aid because they have too many overdraft charges.

    Another co-worker recently began a pseudo charity by selling t-shirts to help pay for her vet bills for a cancer ridden pet. Her boyfriend just got a new tat of the dog and she just bought a new truck to go camping with this summer.

    I Don't think its cool to con your friends into paying for your dumb choices and then turn around and spend the cash on frivolous shit.

    We just found out that My brother has been stealing shit from my mom to sell or trade for drugs and/or money. This includes several bottles of 30 year old paragoric syrup. This is not the first time. She still lets it go on and that kills me.
    She justifies every move he makes and nothing makes me more pissed than the fact she thinks he can do no wrong.

    I read a quote I really liked yesterday:

    "cynicism is an unpleasant way of telling the truth"

    Lillian Hellman

  • NateBizzoNateBizzo 2,328 Posts
    fuck the whole world

    what pisses me off is muthafuckas who think they're the only person in the world who ever had a problem & act all emo and sulky

    grow the fuck up & stop pouting like a little bitch

    that's the definition of asshurt.

  • Young_PhonicsYoung_Phonics 8,039 Posts
    fuck the whole world

    what pisses me off is muthafuckas who think they're the only person in the world who ever had a problem & act all emo and sulky

    grow the fuck up & stop pouting like a little bitch

    that's the definition of asshurt.

    you sound white as fuck

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    I went to Oakland one time with my buddy, and these two black kids were like "ching chong chang ching".

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    I have so many stupid ethnicity/religion related stories, we'd be here for days, but this is a personal favourite. When I was in first year university I was at the library and me and this cute boy were making eyes at each other. When I was leaving and waiting for the elevator, he showed up and we started chatting. In the course of conversation it became obvious that he thought I was something I wasn't and when I told him, he got all flustered and "Oh, I'm sorry but I thought...I mean...I can''s not going to work out." And he walked away! Oooooh-kaaaye. It was already somewhat insulting and embarassing and then he suddenly shows up again and offers his number and "I'd like to try it" he was willing to try me out or something!

  • Young_PhonicsYoung_Phonics 8,039 Posts

    So yo, this shit reeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaly got me going 100 MPH in the in the express lane to ass-hurt town. A couple of days ago I was hanging out with some friends I haven't seen in a minute and some of their freinds that I know. Somehow in a coversation this girl said she would put me in the top 3 of the "whitest/white washed latinos" she knows.

    At first I was like whatever, but then over the past few days shit has gotten me really irked. Old girl doesn't even fuckin' speak Spanish, doesn't know anything about her heritage, doesn't participate in any type of service/agency/program that tries to give back to her community but somehow that's all okay. I really have no clue what the fuck fits her sense of what a real latino should be.

    Man, I'm not even sure why I'm posting this on soulstrut of all places. But yeah, go ahead and post other times you've gotten pissed off.

    Upon further sleuthing, I found her myspace page (SO SHADY RIGHT NOW) and for music she put:

    Anything but reggae and one of her favourite genres is country.

    Again i'm almost having thoughts of creating this George Kostanza like situation just so I can throw these zings in her face.


  • BaptBapt 2,503 Posts
    my (now-ex) girlfriend stole a bunch of records out my collection last weekend and trashed them in the LA river

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    Anything but reggae and one of her favourite genres is country.

    Don't ya'll like country, though?

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    The proper response for her should be "norteno" and "freestyle".


  • Young_PhonicsYoung_Phonics 8,039 Posts

    Anything but reggae and one of her favourite genres is country.

    Don't ya'll like country, though?

    don't even joke like that, SON! and you must be mistaking "country" for"tejano". So disconnected from the brown experience it's almost amazing, Mister Latin Music Record Collectro.

    Give it up and let 'Naldo get the boogaloo and salsa raers while you cluth and spoon your VG- copies of Dizzy Bull-like Perez Prado and Mambo dollar bin commons!

  • hogginthefogghogginthefogg 6,098 Posts
    cluth and spoon

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    cluth and spoon

  • ToccuDomuToccuDomu 225 Posts
    at least youz guyz aint irish-scottish.

    how about the combo of Scots, Irish, and Scots-Irish? When I bleed, my blood splits into three distinct and different pools, which then start to argue with one another about who has been wronged more by the English.

    "you sound really white" doesn't even begin to describe it. I'm translucent.

  • hogginthefogghogginthefogg 6,098 Posts

    No, he's from Texas, not Salvadorania.

  • karlophonekarlophone 1,697 Posts
    This includes several bottles of 30 year old paragoric syrup.

    okay, now i gotta ask, because when you google the phrase "paragoric syrup", there is exactly one hit and its another strut post where you mentioned it back in february.

    so, plaese to explain, what is paragoric syrup???

    thanks and im sorry whatever it is has been stolen.

  • djannadjanna 1,543 Posts
    I googled it too and got lots of pages- it's some sort of cough syrup, possibly containing opiates according to my research. Sizzurp?

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,109 Posts
    Today. Hemroids. That shit is no joke especially when you have a job that involves climbing and you like eating spicy foods. To make matters worse, I went to 7-11 to get some weekend beer, Prep-H and cash back. The inept trainee cashier accidentally overcharged by bank card by $20, causing me to hold up the 5-person line. How awkward.

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    you sound white as fuck

    I am white - what's your excuse?

  • djkingottodjkingotto 1,704 Posts
    i don't know if this qualifies as ass-hurt, but i live in a somewhat shitty neighborhood and it pisses me right the hell off that the cats in the apartment building next to my house constantly throw their fuckin garbage in my lawn (henny bottles, beer bottles, crack pipes from time to time, car stereos, mcdonalds wrappers - FUCK!).

    there is also constant traffic through my sidewalk/yard into the alley out back and they leave the fuckin gate open. the closed gate that is supposed to be saying, private property, go around the block to get your crack.

    the other night i noticed someone walking through and they stopped. i heard some talking outside my window so i grabbed my piece (my piece being a big wooden mallet, not a gun - noggins will get flogged!). then my water starts running! i yell out the window "the FUCK you doing!?!?!?!" then this bitch shuts off the water and yells back, just getting a drink and then heads back to the street. drinking water from my garden hose at 1am? ya'll act like crack is so bad...

    then every fuckin morning my cat (lil reggie noble) has to come in my room and meow incessantly for no reason. then he starts fuckin with things and clawing on my bed and running around like a mad animal. pisses me off especially when i just got home from a gig 2 hours earlier and i'm mad tired and probably a lil hung over. lil shit.

    and thus completes my entry to the "ass-hurt" thread. carry on.

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    you sound white as fuck

    I am white - what's your excuse?


    Damn, it just hasn't been Kingmost's week.

  • This includes several bottles of 30 year old paragoric syrup.

    okay, now i gotta ask, because when you google the phrase "paragoric syrup", there is exactly one hit and its another strut post where you mentioned it back in february.

    so, plaese to explain, what is paragoric syrup???

    thanks and im sorry whatever it is has been stolen.

    try this
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