The Beatles? Who are they? A band?



  • onetetonetet 1,754 Posts
    What are the essential LPs to check out?

    start with a low numbered UK press White Album or don't bother...

    Cool! Thanks for the heads up! This is why I love this place..people actually helping people. To think, if I didnt make this thread, I wouldnt even have known about that auction. Again, good looking out on that lead..I just hope I placed a high enough bid to ensure I gladly take this off record the hands of that sucker..oops, I mean seller on Ebay.

    There's definitely been a shift in general consensus as to the best Beatles album -- from Sgt. Pepper's to the s/t ("White") album -- but they're genuinely all worthwhile, especially starting with Rubber Soul. Most also consider Let it Be (their last released and 2nd-to-last recorded LP) their weakest post-Rubber Soul record -- and I agree, although it does have several nice tracks.

  • UnherdUnherd 1,880 Posts
    I have NEVER in my life listened to a Beatles album.

    Silly Shit, get familiar.

    no thanks

    Again, silly shit. This thread pops up every so often and everytime the same silly shit.

    its called having a father who listened to ALL their shit growing up, heard nuff of it to know i hate it.

    DUDE, you are like so rebelious!!

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    My father was building the TWA terminal at JFK airport, when the Beatles arrived in America. He said there were all these girls running through the airport yelling "the Beatles are coming." My father and his friends thought they meant the Volkswagen Beatle.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    thanks for everyones input!

    I purposely didnt listen to any rock or whatever from the 60s/early 70s(except Sabbath,Cooper,and shit like that) back when I was in middle and high school(when I was skating a good bit and listening to a shitload of rap and rock stuff like Sonic Youth,Butthole Surfers,Suicidal Tendencies,Slayer,etc.) I hated anything that I thought was "hippy music" as well, I couldnt stand any of the dumbfuck dorks that wore sandals and Grateful Dead and Phish Tie Dyes and shit. Funny related story about this actually..when I was in 9th grade, a senior wannabe hippy fuck threatened to beat my ass for wearing a Droors shirt because it "made fun of the Doors." Yall ex skaters probably remember the graphic they used to have where it looked just like the Doors logo but said "Droors" instead.

    Anyways..because of being an anti-hippy kinda dude when I was younger, I didnt listen to a lot of (probably) good music that I want to discover now.

    I just wanted to wish you well on your intent to explore something new (to you).

    Just FYI, every rock act(arguably every pop music act) from 1966 on was influenced by the Beatles. Ozzy and Alice Cooper (just to use your examples above) are both on record as the Beatles being the main impetus behind their existence.

    As far as the Beatle deniers/haters, I could give a shit. There are plenty of 'important' books and records that I could give a shit about, so I figure that other people have every right to be ignorant fucks if they want. I will add, however that a lot of them who are serious about music know they are being contrary for it's own sake, or are just sick of hearing the same songs, which again, is pretty understandable.

  • UnherdUnherd 1,880 Posts

    a good place to start for the uninitiated.

    I dont even know where to start with this. How bout


    How bout just give it up for

  • troublemantroubleman 1,928 Posts

    I hardly think you need to listen to more than some of their songs to figure out if you like it or not. For example I don't have to listen to more than a few new country songs to know I hate all of it, so listening to an album full of new country hits would be torture. I have HAD to listen to whole Beatles albums and yes to me, it was torture.

    this is so ignorant it's unbelievable.
    Hearing just a few of a band's/genre's "hits" does not give anyone enough info to render an educated opinion.
    Especially in the case of a band like the Beatles.

    I remember having a similar discussion with someone in one of my classes who hated the Beatles. I asked why, and he said cause nothing they did was original. Then I asked who he liked, and he said Elvis. I was like ????????? Conversation ended right there.

  • a good place to start for the uninitiated.

    Mono Sgt. Pepper

    German Magical Mystery Tour

    UK Rubber Soul

    UK Revolver

    Mono White Album

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    I remember having a similar discussion with someone in one of my classes who hated the Beatles. I asked why, and he said cause nothing they did was original. Then I asked who he liked, and he said Elvis. I was like ????????? Conversation ended right there.

  • damn some of you suckers type fast.

    MC Redundant

  • 33thirdcom33thirdcom 2,049 Posts
    I think its possible to not like them but understand their influence. The two are completely different and to think people are "ignorant" because they don't LIKE the beatles is being pretty ignant yourself.

  • jleejlee 1,539 Posts
    For example I don't have to listen to more than a few new country songs to know I hate all of it

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    For example I don't have to meet more than a few Californians to know I hate all of 'em

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    no love for Help!

  • 33thirdcom33thirdcom 2,049 Posts
    For example I don't have to listen to more than a few new country songs to know I hate all of it

    What is country about this besdies Loretta Lynn? Its not bad but definately has more of a rock feel than country. I would be itnerested to know how much this is getting played on your typical country stations.

    And please give me a break, I have listened to enough new country songs to know that its pretty redundant and I am not going to like it. sorry, I know my musical taste enough after so many years on this planet that I can make judgement calls.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    Here's what I find hilarious:

    People are swaggering up in this thread on some, "well, I've never listened to a Beatles album" as if they deserve a merit badge for being so un-conformist yet when asked, "why would you chose to hate on a band you haven't even listened to," people start back-pedaling to say, "well, actually, I have listened to a Beatles album...and I hate them."

    I mean, the latter is fine - at least cop to the fact that you have, you know, a basis for hating their music. But this "I've NEVER listened to a Beatles album" boasting is nonsense.

    As is hating on all country music based on having listened to a "few songs."

    For people who supposedly like music, the closed-mind attitude is

    That applies to anything in life, actually.

  • troublemantroubleman 1,928 Posts
    I think its possible to not like them but understand their influence. The two are completely different and to think people are "ignorant" because they don't LIKE the beatles is being pretty ignant yourself.

    I didn't say not liking the Beatles is ignant, I said coming to the conclusion that you hate them from just a couple songs is. He never heard an entire album!!!! Thats like reading the summary on the back of a book like "Slaughterhouse Five" and saying Kurt Vonnegut sucks.

  • buttonbutton 1,475 Posts

    As is hating on all country music based on having listened to a "few songs."

    yeah fools better at least listen to faith hill and toby keith's last 3 CDs before they can say shit like that

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts

    As is hating on all country music based on having listened to a "few songs."

    yeah fools better at least listen to faith hill and toby keith's last 3 CDs before they can say shit like that

    CMT > BET

  • 33thirdcom33thirdcom 2,049 Posts
    Here's what I find hilarious:

    People are swaggering up in this thread on some, "well, I've never listened to a Beatles album" as if they deserve a merit badge for being so un-conformist yet when asked, "why would you chose to hate on a band you haven't even listened to," people start back-pedaling to say, "well, actually, I have listened to a Beatles album...and I hate them."

    I mean, the latter is fine - at least cop to the fact that you have, you know, a basis for hating their music. But this "I've NEVER listened to a Beatles album" boasting is nonsense.

    As is hating on all country music based on having listened to a "few songs."

    For people who supposedly like music, the closed-mind attitude is

    That applies to anything in life, actually.

    please be serious. I added "New", to that country music description as to me its all pop BS and not really country Music. There is alot of country I do like but its older in the genre, but feel free to label it how you want.

    As far as the Beatles catalog goes, let me clarify. My conclusion is based on the fact that I have heard ENOUGH of their music to know that I dislike it all. Have I HAD to listen to their albums? Yes, because I Have friends that love them, but JI have never sat down with the intention of listening to their music or even really paid attention because like DREZ I knew after hearing their music over and over by the time I was 6, from older siblings, i hated it. Add pink Floyd to that category for me as well as I just can't get into their music.

    And Yes... Again, I understand both the Beatles and Pink Floyd's contribution and importance in music circles.

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    I snagged my parents' copy of Anthology Volume 2, which has some of the more raw takes from the mid-sixties and, on a lot of the songs, the drums are knockin'. So, aside from the other wordly (or maybe very wordly) melodies, they had rhythm too.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    a good place to start for the uninitiated.

    Please, please be serious.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts

    gayist shit ever.

    P.S. the beatles are pretty gay to begin with.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Please, please be serious.

    Wow - the double please. You don't see that often.

    This whole thread reminds me of this Kids in the Hall exchange (sorry, couldn't find it on Youtube):

    Guy #1: I know it's a cliche, but my favorite album of all time is still "Sgt. Pepper's."
    Guy #2: "Sgt. Pepper's"? What's that?
    Guy #1: Only the Beatles' most famous album!
    Guy #2: I'm sorry, the Beatles? Who are they?
    Guy #1: The best group of the sixties!
    Guy #2: Oh, the sixties. I didn't hear much music in the sixties.
    Guy #1: What are you talking about?
    Guy #2: Well, dad always was a little crazy. After the car accident he started medication and things got worse. One night he woke me up and knocked me out. He brought me down to the basement where I lived for the next ten years. I heard no music, I had no friends. They shoved food under the door so I had to eat pancakes and pizza. It was awful, but I survived.
    Guy #1: Gee, I'm sorry. I, uh, didn't know.
    Guy #2: Of course I've heard of the Beatles, you retard!

  • buttonbutton 1,475 Posts
    I think most folks' problem with the Beatles doesn't stem from their music being talentless and irredeemable, its more of a resentment towards them being so massively overrated, all while other artists from the era languish in obscurity. Look no further than Paul Mccartney still being treated like some kind of rock and roll ubermensch with any kind of relevence whatsoever.

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    Beatles are another good band amongst many others of that era. They aren't musical gods like they're played up to be, but they are great, and their popularity allowed them to really develop as a group overtime. IMO George Harrison is by far the standout amongst the group, if you haven't heard "All Things Must Pass" you need to.

    All that said, I can understand why the Beatles sound boring to some, because their style has been played out and used by so many others for the past 40 years.

  • anyone have a SHHHHlinkSHHHH to White or Sgt?

  • I snagged my parents' copy of Anthology Volume 2, which has some of the more raw takes from the mid-sixties and, on a lot of the songs, the drums are knockin'. So, aside from the other wordly (or maybe very wordly) melodies, they had rhythm too.

    Yeah I love the drums on the end of "Strawberry Fields Forever" and it is heard best on Anthology 2. :-)

    and now my :

    Magical Mystery Tour is really more of a singles collection than a proper album but I think the drums and the songs are the best on that ("Flying" for instance).

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    Magical Mystery Tour is really more of a singles collection than a proper album but I think the drums and the songs are the best on that ("Flying" for instance).

    Would you SoulStrut dudes please try to act right just for a day and stop recommending Beatles albums off of "the drums"?

    I mean really.

  • buttonbutton 1,475 Posts
    Beatles are another good band amongst many others of that era. They aren't musical gods like they're played up to be, but they are great, and their media saavy[/b] allowed them to really develop as a group overtime.

    Lets face it, we all know the music biz has never, and will never, reward people based on musical talent alone. I'm not dissing their output, but if there's one thing that can be said about the Beatles, its that they are/were the greatest group in rock n' roll marketing history.

  • onetetonetet 1,754 Posts
    Beatles are another good band amongst many others of that era. They aren't musical gods like they're played up to be, but they are great, and their popularity allowed them to really develop as a group overtime. IMO George Harrison is by far the standout amongst the group, if you haven't heard "All Things Must Pass" you need to.

    All that said, I can understand why the Beatles sound boring to some, because their style has been played out and used by so many others for the past 40 years.

    All Things Must Pass is terrific.

    Part of the fascination with the Beatles stems from their level of fame as much as the quality of their music. They were arguably the four most famous people in the world from 1964-1970, something that stemmed not only from their music but also their films, their style, their personalities, their cultural outspokenness, and also the media mythmaking that's entertwined with all of those things.

    All that said, they're also a rare example of artistic people whose rose to the occassion and consistently improved the quality of their work in proportion to the arguably unprecedented escalation of their celebrity. How often does that happen?
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