Fishing Strut

pointmanpointman 1,042 Posts
edited June 2007 in Strut Central
Yeah so maybe it's my Cajun blood but I love fishing when I can. Yesterday I went with my old man and we limited out on Speckled Trout by 11am. Then I went home and cooked some for dinner and felt all manly. It was a good day.Who else gets their fish on'?


  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,475 Posts
    Yeah so maybe it's my Cajun blood but I love fishing when I can. Yesterday I went with my old man and we limited out on Speckled Trout by 11am. Then I went home and cooked some for dinner and felt all manly. It was a good day.

    Who else gets their fish on'?

    I haven't in many years, but I did a lot as a kid. My dad belonged to a small fishing club, and I would go with him to fly fish for trout (primarily brown and rainbow trout, with the occasional brook trout) in the aptly-named Trout Pond, and then hit the lake to fish for largemouth bass, perch, and pickerel. (Having a pickerel come up and absolutely maul a surface lure is pretty nutso the first time it happens.)

    One of the best fishing experiences I had, though, was going to Alaska and spenidng several days rafting down a river while fishing for salmon. It was mostly humpback salmon, but I also caught a pretty large sockeye, which was very nice, and several silver salmon, which we smoked and ate on the riverbank (salmon just hasn't tasted the same since). Having a gigantic king salmon on the end of a fly rod suddenly makes that thin piece of graphite and the tiny little leader line seem woefully inadequate.

  • I used to love to fish growing up in South Mississippi. My dad was in the army
    and we'd go to a lake at the camp, so it was always kind of private. Very nice.
    Now I live in New York. I'm sure the fishing is good somewhere, but I don't get
    out of the city and I don't feel like fishing off the pier at Coney Island. You
    say you've got Cajun blood, you from anywhere around New Orleans? I grew up

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    I haven't fished with any regularity since I was a kid and my dad would take us out to these ponds in Massachusetts where he'd fish for bass and I'd go after sunfish and the occasional catfish. I have such fond memories of that...

    My father-in-law is an avid fisherman - I mean, dude is hardcore. He's goes on at least half a dozen trips a year, including a week in Alaska every summer where he fishes for king salmon and halibut, plus tuna trips off of San Diego for yellowtail. I'm looking forward to when my daughter is old enough to learn fishing so we can all take family trips together.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    While I lived in Houston, my buddy and I would wade-fish the fuck out of the Seabrook flats. When we'd run out of live shrimp, we'd use 3/4 ounce Johnson spoons and keep hauling in flounder, trout, and redfish. Something that would always trip me out when we'd be in the water was the sets of ship waves that would roll in that would temporarily make Galveston Bay look like Huntington Beach.

    Nowadays I fish whenever I visit Port Aransas, but for the most part I've become sadly

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    say you've got Cajun blood, you from anywhere around New Orleans? I grew up

    Where at? West Bank NOLA (Algiers, Gretna, Harvey) for me.

  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts
    although these are mostly tongue-in-cheek, these episodes make me want to go fishing

    i've only gone freshwater fishing for "wussyfish" like sween would say. never done saltwater but i would love to, just a little intimidated by it though

  • pointmanpointman 1,042 Posts
    say you've got Cajun blood, you from anywhere around New Orleans? I grew up

    Where at? West Bank NOLA (Algiers, Gretna, Harvey) for me.

    Nah I'm born and raised Houstonian but my Mother's family are from Port Arthur.

  • I used to love to fish growing up in South Mississippi. My dad was in the army
    and we'd go to a lake at the camp, so it was always kind of private. Very nice.
    Now I live in New York. I'm sure the fishing is good somewhere, but I don't get
    out of the city and I don't feel like fishing off the pier at Coney Island. You
    say you've got Cajun blood, you from anywhere around New Orleans? I grew up

    Prospect Park BK. Its stocked with Large mouth bass, catfish, perch, and car tires, used condoms and other surprises.

  • pointmanpointman 1,042 Posts
    I've never fished Alaska but have always wanted to. Shit seems crazy. Most of the fishing I do is Salt, typically go out in someone's boat. Maybe head out the mouth of the Sabine river with my crazy Grandfather.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,475 Posts

    used condoms

    Ah, the infamous Coney Island whitefish.

    I've never fished Alaska but have always wanted to. Shit seems crazy.

    I definitely recommend it if you can make it happen. Alaska is pretty dope, especially to a lower-48er like me who had never been to a place like that before, and the fishing is really fun.

  • i have a pond full of oscar and bass across the street from my house but i'm lazy i guess.

  • I used to love to fish growing up in South Mississippi. My dad was in the army
    and we'd go to a lake at the camp, so it was always kind of private. Very nice.
    Now I live in New York. I'm sure the fishing is good somewhere, but I don't get
    out of the city and I don't feel like fishing off the pier at Coney Island. You
    say you've got Cajun blood, you from anywhere around New Orleans? I grew up

    Prospect Park BK. Its stocked with Large mouth bass, catfish, perch, and car tires, used condoms and other surprises.

    Catfish?! For real? Awesome, I bet they hate all the young newly weds, too.
    Speaking of catfish, anyone here ever seen a film called "Okie Noodling"? It's
    about people who catch catfish by sticking their hands straight into their water-
    holes, letting the fish bite, and then pulling them out bare handed!

    As for the New Orleans talk, I'm from Hattiesburg, MS. A couple hours away. New
    Orleans was the only spot to go to for any fun, though, so I spent much of my
    youth around the city.

  • pointmanpointman 1,042 Posts
    "Okie Noodling"

    That shit is crazy stupid. I love some catfish but every fisherman knows large catfish taste like shit. Any catfish that size has to be horrible.

  • pointmanpointman 1,042 Posts
    Raer fish?

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Who else gets their fish on'?:raw:

    Never that son.

  • I used to love to fish growing up in South Mississippi. My dad was in the army
    and we'd go to a lake at the camp, so it was always kind of private. Very nice.
    Now I live in New York. I'm sure the fishing is good somewhere, but I don't get
    out of the city and I don't feel like fishing off the pier at Coney Island. You
    say you've got Cajun blood, you from anywhere around New Orleans? I grew up

    Prospect Park BK. Its stocked with Large mouth bass, catfish, perch, and car tires, used condoms and other surprises.

    Catfish?! For real? Awesome, I bet they hate all the young newly weds, too.
    Speaking of catfish, anyone here ever seen a film called "Okie Noodling"? It's
    about people who catch catfish by sticking their hands straight into their water-
    holes, letting the fish bite, and then pulling them out bare handed!

    As for the New Orleans talk, I'm from Hattiesburg, MS. A couple hours away. New
    Orleans was the only spot to go to for any fun, though, so I spent much of my
    youth around the city.

    Catfish yes, and Large mouth bass as well. I used to fish every summer for about 8 years when we had a summer home in Penn. I cant get into ocean fishing at all for some reason even though I lived on brighton beach all my life. Something about waking up at 5:30 am and fishing on a calm, still, foggy lake does it for me. Havent had peeps to go fishing with in a long time. Need to get out there one day.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    "Okie Noodling"

    That shit is crazy stupid. I love some catfish but every fisherman knows large catfish taste like shit. Any catfish that size has to be horrible.

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    i have a pond full of oscar and bass across the street from my house but i'm lazy i guess.
    There's a pond behind my office with huge catfish and the largest snapping turtles that you'll ever see. Too bad the pond is for children 15 and under.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    "Okie Noodling"

    That shit is crazy stupid. I love some catfish but every fisherman knows large catfish taste like shit. Any catfish that size has to be horrible.

    Is that a mekong river catfish? The size of those suckers are mind blowing though I hear they are being overfished. *sigh*

    I always feel like fishing is one of those activities - like digging - which seem grander in hindsight. Like I've heard stories of these epic grunion runs in LA beaches or massive jubilees off the Gulf Coast or the days when crabs and lobsters were treated like trash hauls and blah blah blah.

    It's sad how, in a generation or two, the once endless bounty of the sea now seems like a faint, naive idea.

  • "Okie Noodling"

    That shit is crazy stupid. I love some catfish but every fisherman knows large catfish taste like shit. Any catfish that size has to be horrible.

    Is that a mekong river catfish? The size of those suckers are mind blowing though I hear they are being overfished. *sigh*

    I always feel like fishing is one of those activities - like digging - which seem grander in hindsight. Like I've heard stories of these epic grunion runs in LA beaches or massive jubilees off the Gulf Coast or the days when crabs and lobsters were treated like trash hauls and blah blah blah.

    It's sad how, in a generation or two, the once endless bounty of the sea now seems like a faint, naive idea.

    my grandmother would tell me that back in Russia , catfish would snack on farm animals wading in the water.

  • vajdaijvajdaij 447 Posts
    "Okie Noodling"

    That shit is crazy stupid. I love some catfish but every fisherman knows large catfish taste like shit. Any catfish that size has to be horrible.

    Done it. I was just happy not to run into any snappers. See you at Bob's Pig Shack, though.

    The documentary on the phenomena has a bit in the intro where they ask some guy if he noodles, and he says, 'Not anymore!' They ask why, and he says 'Because I can afford a fishing pole.' That about sums up the crowd.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    Is that a mekong river catfish? The size of those suckers are mind blowing though I hear they are being overfished. *sigh*

    This one is from Oklahoma
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