How about a new FINDS POST

troublemantroubleman 1,928 Posts
edited June 2007 in Strut Central
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketThanks Frank for that Poly Rythmo. My copy has no cover, but the music would just melt it anyway. Thanks also to Johnny for a couple of these. Found that Sonics for $30 in minty shape besides the slight ringwear. That "Whirlwind" was something I remember from a gospel thread and it's amazing gospel. Finally picked up that Etta James after looking for it forever. And that Prince Far I is a facemelting dub album.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketAlso hit up a local store that specializes in 45's and came up on some great stuff. Here's the stack (less than 30 cents each) and found a sealed copy of that Young Girls in Motion which is great modern soul/boogie/rap. Goes for money on I think it's going to ebay unless someone throws some money at me.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketHere are some of the highlights. So much good private raw gospel (both black and white) It's the only time I've ever seen Brother Claude Eli appear on anything (had those mp3's for a minute)


  • akoako 3,419 Posts
    new finds post? sure

    me and my girlfriend went out to a goodwill the next town over, the place usually sucks but i was like "eh, were here, why not"

    they were just putting out a whole cart of records as we got there, i helped the guy put them out, nothing INCREDIBLE but this is still probably my best goodwill haul in months (took this with my phone, sorry for the shit quality):

    Dr. John - The night tripper / Gris-gris
    Manfred Mann - The Manfred Mann album
    some chinese "best soul hits of 68" album that only has like 2 actual soul songs on it
    Country Joe & the fish - Electric music for the mind and body (is that the title?)
    Ike & Tina Turner - Live Part 2 (chinese pressing)
    Ray Charles - the great soul feelin'
    Jr. Walker & The All-stars - Shotgun
    Cream - wheels of fire
    Canned Heat - Boogie with
    Canned Heat - S/T
    Donovan - the real
    Donovan - Fairy Tale (chinese pressing)
    Donovan - Sunshine Superman (Chinese pressing)
    Kinks - Kinks Size
    Bill Blacks Combo - Memphis Tennessee (??? 1977 album, never heard of it)
    Marvin Gaye - In The Groove
    The Serpent Power - S/T
    James Brown - Today & Yesterday
    James Brown - grits & soul
    James Brown - i got you
    The Band - Music from Big Pink
    Kinks - Kinkdom
    Canned Heat - Living the blues
    The James Cotton Blues Band - Pure Cotton

    lots of stuff id never buy if it wasnt at goodwill. im kicking myself for never picking up that dr. john album in the past, im listening to it as im posting (at work) and holy shit, this is my IDEAL sound for a record. any similar recommendations?

  • akoako 3,419 Posts
    my friend found that sonics record SEALED at a local christian thrift store among nothing but shit. blows my mind. a local shop ended up giving him some serious money for it.

  • bluesnagbluesnag 1,285 Posts
    I just picked up a handful 45s which I'm really feeling. Sorry, no pictures:

    Laurindo Almeida & Ray Brown - "Brazilian Greens"/"Lemonade" (Century City)
    Freddie McCoy - "Peas 'n' Rice"/"Summer in the City" (Prestige)
    Freddy King - "Funky"/"Play it Cool" (Cotillion)
    Mel Brown - "Swamp Fever"/"Ode to Billie Joe" (Impulse)

    The Laurindo Almeida & Ray Brown one is definitely one of my favorites that I've picked up in a long time.

  • jinx74jinx74 2,287 Posts

    re: the Fillmotions LP

    does yours have the sticker on the back with all the track info?

  • troublemantroubleman 1,928 Posts

    re: the Fillmotions LP

    does yours have the sticker on the back with all the track info?

    nope. Plain white back

  • Willie Colon - La Cosa Nuestra (spell check) on the street coming off the train. for two bucks. Good condition. Cover has seen better days. Che Che Cole is fire!
    Africanism CD - Same spot. Ubplayed. 3 bucks. Nice!!

  • DelayDelay 4,530 Posts
    recent additions to the crates:
    (pics are what i could find on the web)

    no pics on these:
    MC Peaches - Treat Her Like a Lady/Commin Straight Rollin Hard
    The Ku - Who's 1st / Bootleggers
    MC Mitchski & M.B.- My Beat Up Ford / Coming Back Strong
    Patrick Cowley - Mind Warp (test press)

  • karlophonekarlophone 1,700 Posts

    ^^ some goofy yet strangely appealing stuff. the Andy Angel has a sweet break.
    the marbles is a semi scarce cotillion with cool 1970 arrangements of some bee gees
    and other good stuff. love country is more a harpsichord ez-pop album.

    ^^ the blues record is a nice (and mint!) vee-jay comp from way back.
    i bought a stack of killer minty jazz from an old jazz collector.

    ^^ more of that jazz. dude had pretty much 1st presses of everything he had, and
    treated his stuff with care.

    ^^ he was being really fair, but it still added up. the blue notes were all 1st
    presses and were RVG deep grooves where applicable.

    45s from a different guy. thanks to stutters for dropping data i needed to know what
    to offer for some of these. it worked out good, a package deal that kept prices low.

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts

    ^^ some goofy yet strangely appealing stuff. the marbles is a semi scarce cotillion with cool 1970 arrangements of some bee gees
    and other good stuff.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    Needless to say, those Blue Notes are sweeeet. I still
    need a clean copy of that Bobby Hutcherson.

    If that Young Hearts song is the one I'm thinking of (I
    have the LP on Minit), I love the intro to it, with the
    middle-eastern vibe ...

    What's up with "Bette Boothe?"

  • scored both of these sealed for $10 each, what they don't know won't hurt'em
    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

  • cpeetzcpeetz 2,112 Posts

    Three nice reggae pieces, the Tony Tuff meets Errol Scorcher is
    Killer tune on the Skylarking rhythm, awesome!

  • karlophonekarlophone 1,700 Posts

    ^^ some goofy yet strangely appealing stuff. the marbles is a semi scarce cotillion with cool 1970 arrangements of some bee gees
    and other good stuff.

    haha, ok, i guess i should have said "apparently locally scarce"... i dunno - never seen it, and no one around here knew it either. my bad.

    Needless to say, those Blue Notes are sweeeet. I still
    need a clean copy of that Bobby Hutcherson.

    If that Young Hearts song is the one I'm thinking of (I
    have the LP on Minit), I love the intro to it, with the
    middle-eastern vibe ...

    What's up with "Bette Boothe?"

    the young hearts is the one with themiddle eastern intro. i was allowed to needle drop, and as soon as i heard that i knew i had to have it!

    the Bette Boothe: i know nothing about this, it sounds like classic 60s soul, both sides. nice rich full meaty production. like those nice raw early motown tracks.

  • the Andy Angel has a sweet break.

    Ha! Puerto Rico raer, never thought I'd see that one in a finds post! I've been going to that Caribe Hilton in the background since I was born, was just there for a wedding in May!

  • neither specifically week-end nor -day, but finds, purchases, trades and so on of recent vintage

    Shit I'm feeling:

    The Irma Thomas LP, which is compiled of early Fame studios sessions; also The Vivian Reed LP, which is mostly standards but manages not to be cheesy. "I Wanna Be Free" is great and "Walk On My Side" is smoking. The Ebo Taylor (bottom, 2nd from left) is out of hand. Every track is heavy afrobeat and the whole thing kills. I am surprisingly into the late 70s Lo Borges LP. He cuts new versions of some of the songs on club de esquina 2.

  • autoauto 198 Posts
    picked up these over the weekend at thrifts and garage sale

    oh and i got undisputed truth - face to face lp. Just curious, anyone know how much the o.g. is worth?
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