Fed Ex Absolutely Sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DeeRockDeeRock 1,836 Posts
edited June 2007 in Strut Central
Long story short, they came when I was home and didn't leave my package, wouldn't let me pick it up and tried to say my buzzer must be broken, Oh yeah so it only works for the usps, ups and my friends but only breaks when they come?! Yeah right, ok. Now this has happend three times in a row and I had to wait over the weekend as well for the last attempt today, so I went ahead and even signed the slip they left for them to go ahead and leave it and the driver put a "last attempt" slip OVER that one and they have sent it back to the shipper!!!!!!!


  • Controller_7Controller_7 4,052 Posts
    I don't know what it is, but Fed Ex seems to have a policy against leaving packages that are signed for. Maybe they'll do it if you have a door man or something, but they will not leave a package even if you sign the slip authorizing them to do so. I had the same exact thign happen to me and I called Fed Ex and asked if they could put a note in to check for the signed door tag and leave the item. The request was noted and then I got another missed delivery tag. The worst part is that I was there the whole time. I had the same thing happened. It's like you are supposed to sense their presence.

    It should actually be sitting at a local fed ex distribution center where you can pick it up. They shouldn't have been so quick to send it back. They need to give you a chance to pick it up.

    From my expereince though, you can't ever trust them to leave it even if you sign for it. I finally caught the delivery guy and said that I called and asked to have it left and that I had signed the form two times now and he said "oh, she doesn't know what she's talking about. I can't just leave the package there even if it's signed for." They need to update their slips if that's the case.

  • I work at a small local business, part of my job here is as shipping manager which i run with fedex.. and i have to say they're somethin awful in the world of shipping!! they will not even attempt to make deliveries.. they will say they tried to deliver and actually never did. If you want packages that need to be signed for left just insure them for $499.00 you'll pay a fee and it's $1 under the total amount needed for signature delivery. Plus i've never heard of a package getting sent right back!! after they make 3 attempts it usually sit's at the local facility for a week before being rerouted back to the original sender. They always wait because sending the package back cost's them additional money so you've certainly got screwed double.

  • crossingscrossings 946 Posts
    FED EX and UPS burn my ass... they won't leave anythign without a signature... even if you beg them to and sign their little slip that for some reason says that it is an option. however, it is rather ironic that they have no problem leaving the package with anyone who can sign for it... as in any one of your neighbors or just plain anyone they see around. it's like all they want is a signature. i have had UPS dudes spot me and ask me to sign for other random people in my building [because it was the 3rd time and if not they would have to ship it back, and are supposedly trying to help the customer]... and then i have to give these dudes their boxes later n shit. they're lucky i'm not a shady mofo, 'cause i could be ANYONE. if they really wanna help the customer, they should just sign that shit themselves and leave it on the doorstep if all they need is a signature. delivery confirmation really works against us these days. i'm never home from 8 to 6 for this kinda shit anyway.

  • yoigotbeatsyoigotbeats 1,667 Posts
    I just had a similar issue with them as they kept saying they couldn't find my house. I love it that the people who use them just say "it's not our fault." Trust me - I'll never use brasspack again.

  • The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
    They are straight up lying sacks of shit. A couple years ago a customer at the beer/cigar store I had made a special order. It got sent Fed-Ex and it didnt come when it was supposed to. I would track it online and there were FIVE enteries on the tracking page "Attempted delivery, store closed" over the course of 4 days...straight up fucking lies...we were open 8AM to Midnight, I was there the entire time, no Fed Ex dude EVER tried to deliver the package. After 3 or 4 infuriating phone calls in which I was told I was at fault for NOT BEING THERE to recieve the package, I told the douchebag that I had a security camera in the parking lot and I had filmed proof that no Fed Ex truck had even been in the parking lot for the last 4 days, this didnt seem to satisfy them. I finally had to go down to the distro center and act like a fucking maniac to finally get my package, which I had to discount to the point I didnt even make a profit on it because I was late in getting it to my customer when I promised I would get it to them. The capper is is that this happened in Memphis, the fucking head quarters for the piece of shit company.

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    All the above are common occurances. NPR even had a story about them a couple weeks ago about how bad the suck.

    This guy ordered a computer. When it didn't show he called and called and kept getting automated responces. WHen he finally got a person they said he had to call between such and such time on a certian day. He said he couldn't because it was a Jewish holiday. The lady on the phone said "well then, the kike will have to wait". Then he goes to the distribution center and the guy at the counter said "oh yea, computers get stolen from here all the time!!!!"

  • DeeRockDeeRock 1,836 Posts
    Well, I decided to drive over there because it's close to me and see wtf is going on. They told me since i'm NOT a business and it's a home delivery they can only try to help me on Tuesday after 8 am b4 4 pm!!!!

  • ariel_calmerariel_calmer 3,762 Posts
    Man I must be lucky. Don't much use fedex but my UPS guy is cool.

    My USPS dude is the freaky serial killer no-speak type who if you don't get to the door literally within 2 seconds of him knocking like a woodpecker will just leave a slip. So I have to literally sprint down to get packages. One time he said "were you sleeping?" Uh I have to walk down stairs, and unless I install a fireman's pole, it will take more than a few seconds.

    I wish I had my old USPS mailman back from Orlando. The. coolest. dude. His name was James, had a great attitude and always time for chat, even when rocking the safari hat on 95 degree days.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    i had to pick up shit at the airport facility a month ago because they fucked up twice on delivery. the first time they said that there was no apartment number for my GOD DAMN HOUSE and therefore were unable to deliver it. i called them that day and barked at them and told them that shit is a fucking house. i gave them my work number after that because i didn't get cell phone reception at work. dude ends up calling my cell phone and left a message that he couldnt find my "apartment" again even though the dispatch mufuckaz assured me that there wouldnt be a problem with the deliver. that shit was the most angry i've been in years.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    I have been using FedEX religiously through work for 7 years strong now and only had one problem with them when I shipped 4 boxes to Brazil under different tracking numbers.

    I use Express only and usually ship Overseas.. My experience with FedEX Ground and Home Delivery has been horrible.

    UPS Ground is the way for home delivery. Plus the dudes are usually extremely cool.

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    Well, I decided to drive over there because it's close to me and see wtf is going on. They told me since i'm NOT a business and it's a home delivery they can only try to help me on Tuesday after 8 am b4 4 pm!!!!

    You should've told them "you're right, I'm not a business... I'm a MOVEMENT"

  • DeeRockDeeRock 1,836 Posts
    Well, I decided to drive over there because it's close to me and see wtf is going on. They told me since i'm NOT a business and it's a home delivery they can only try to help me on Tuesday after 8 am b4 4 pm!!!!

    You should've told them "you're right, I'm not a business... I'm a MOVEMENT"

    Your right! I'm about to make a MOVEMENT of my foot right up someone's ass over there!!! I'll be in NYC next weekend homeslice, I'll see if I can't pull some goodies out of storage for you.

  • MoSSMoSS 458 Posts

    I remember I was in Seattle probobly over 10 years ago walking with Jake One down the street and one of us was wearing a Conception Records shirt. All of a sudden some Fed-Ex driver stopped his truck and yelled out "hey, do you know Conception Records?" and we replied "ya, we know who they are". The guy parked, got out and brought us packages for Conception. It happened to be the Grassroots masters. Dats and all. lol. I'm not even American and I was about a 10-15 minute walk away from Conception but dood just threw them to me. I remember either you or Strath was laughing at that shit, but in this day and age with the internet that could have ruined lp sales if I was some random fan...

  • DeeRockDeeRock 1,836 Posts

    I remember I was in Seattle probobly over 10 years ago walking with Jake One down the street and one of us was wearing a Conception Records shirt. All of a sudden some Fed-Ex driver stopped his truck and yelled out "hey, do you know Conception Records?" and we replied "ya, we know who they are". The guy parked, got out and brought us packages for Conception. It happened to be the Grassroots masters. Dats and all. lol. I'm not even American and I was about a 10-15 minute walk away from Conception but dood just threw them to me. I remember either you or Strath was laughing at that shit, but in this day and age with the internet that could have ruined lp sales if I was some random fan...

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