Getting sued over online mixes



  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    Is it me, or is this dude sounding WAY more reasonable than everyone is giving him credit for? I know he made a bad initial impression on Raj, and that's between the two of them, but for the rest of us I think it's pretty clear his heart's in the right place. yahm?

    We all love Frank and Raj, but you and Moz are right and Raj and the rest of us are wrong.

    People are clowning this guys English. Talking about the greater philosphical issues around downloading music.

    Moz has shown he is willing to talk and try to understand where we are coming from, we should give him the same respect.

    I was gonna say, you know waiving lawsuits and lawyers around isn't going to make one many friends, but as usual the board's response is embarassing and pathetic. I would like to see a lot of you guys attempt to hold a complex dialogue in a foreign language. Also, not many here are doing fuck all to spread this music or appreciation of it, how can you talk bad about someone who is?

  • mozambeatmozambeat 18 Posts
    I just arrived in Berlin with an 8 hours delay after a 22 hours horror trip with Brussels Airlines from Conakry via Dakar and right now, I'm busy getting drunk on ice cold OG Check Budweiser...

    Anyway, as I tried to explain to Mozambeat earlier in my email, I guess most of the trouble was due to myself more or less telling him to go fuck himself when he first contacted me. I just thought that I was only making music available for people to hear and rather gave him free PR for his Comps than stealing anything. I just enjoy sharing the music that I love. I used to DJ for a living since the mid 90s and it always meant a lot to me to have people dance to and enjoy music that I had just discovered for myself. For the past 2 years now I've been living in Guinea and while it continues to be an amazing experience, it also makes me realize, how much playing records in a club meant to me. Now I'm finding all this "new" exciting music that I've never heard before and sharing it with people online has been very rewarding and encouraging to me. Then, out of the blue, I get a mail from someone asking me to restrict myself from sharing a certain list of songs. Me being an old punk rocker just say "go fuck yourself". Of course Mozambique wasn't pleased with the response and when he saw that I put up a new mix including 2 tracks that he had licenced, he got mad and started coming at me and RAJ with lawyer talk...

    I am now convinced that all this mess is just a result of bad communication and bad paople skills on all parts involved.

    Shit, this probably really sounded kinda gay...

    Frank, Thanks for getting this straight. You dont sound gay at all, you are just getting me out of this mess hehe!!!
    Mehr personlich per email. Danke dir mein Freund

  • autoauto 198 Posts
    probably shouldnt get involved here but i am curious. whats up with giving the artist 15%? is that normal price for these types of things?

  • TREWTREW 2,037 Posts

    Mehr personlich per email. Danke dir mein Freund

    sidenote: i actually understood this. 5th grade german in full effect!

  • if making mixes is against the law then gawddamnit take my ass to jail

    if you dont want people hearing your music, liking it, wanting to let others know about it, and maybe just maybe putting it on a mixtape to share with others then straight up, DONT PUT MUSIC OUT.

    good music should be shared.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts
    if making mixes is against the law then gawddamnit take my ass to jail

    Thats what I'm sayin'

    I feel like I'm in the twilight zone. Just the thought that people think it's justified to sue DJ's for making a mix and giving it out blows my mind.

  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts

    Please feel free to tell me how any German laws have anything to do with what is going on in Africa, or any other country for that matter.
    They don't mean shit anywhere other than Germany. That is a cold hard fact that my girlfriend learnt the hard way in her divorce.

  • mozambeatmozambeat 18 Posts

    Please feel free to tell me how any German laws have anything to do with what is going on in Africa, or any other country for that matter.
    They don't mean shit anywhere other than Germany. That is a cold hard fact that my girlfriend learnt the hard way in her divorce.

    How does international protection work?

    GEMA is charged with administration in a fiduciary capacity of both the rights granted to it by its members and the rights assigned to it for exploitation by third parties under unilateral or bilateral agreements. By concluding such agreements, it practically has the worldwide repertoire of music at its disposal.

    Inversely, through these agreements, GEMA also ensures that the rights of its own members are administered in other countries. GEMA is currently linked with 74 collecting societies or agencies for public performing rights and/or mechanical reproduction rights through a network of unilateral and bilateral agreements.

  • keithvanhornkeithvanhorn 3,855 Posts

    Please feel free to tell me how any German laws have anything to do with what is going on in Africa, or any other country for that matter.
    They don't mean shit anywhere other than Germany. That is a cold hard fact that my girlfriend learnt the hard way in her divorce.

    How does international protection work?

    GEMA is charged with administration in a fiduciary capacity of both the rights granted to it by its members and the rights assigned to it for exploitation by third parties under unilateral or bilateral agreements. By concluding such agreements, it practically has the worldwide repertoire of music at its disposal.

    Inversely, through these agreements, GEMA also ensures that the rights of its own members are administered in other countries. GEMA is currently linked with 74 collecting societies or agencies for public performing rights and/or mechanical reproduction rights through a network of unilateral and bilateral agreements.

    Assuming everything above is true, enforcing a judgment you get in Germany is a whole 'nother story. If the person you are suing is in Africa and does not have financial assets in Germany, its not so easy to collect. You'd have to hire a firm in Africa to try and enforce a judgment you obtained in a German court. Regardless of whether a GEMA license is enforceable in the specific country in Africa that you are suing, I would almost guarantee that your judgment would be meaningless over there.

    my firm has an enormous judgment here in philly against a turkish corporation that we can't collect on. there is not a single country in the world that has judicial reciprocity with the us. meaning that you cannot enforce a judgment that you obtained in the states in any other country. they will not honor it.

    you could always go over to africa and sue him though.

  • Mr. CasualMr. Casual 953 Posts
    I just arrived in Berlin with an 8 hours delay after a 22 hours horror trip with Brussels Airlines from Conakry via Dakar and right now, I'm busy getting drunk on ice cold OG Check Budweiser...

    Anyway, as I tried to explain to Mozambeat earlier in my email, I guess most of the trouble was due to myself more or less telling him to go fuck himself when he first contacted me. I just thought that I was only making music available for people to hear and rather gave him free PR for his Comps than stealing anything. I just enjoy sharing the music that I love. I used to DJ for a living since the mid 90s and it always meant a lot to me to have people dance to and enjoy music that I had just discovered for myself. For the past 2 years now I've been living in Guinea and while it continues to be an amazing experience, it also makes me realize, how much playing records in a club meant to me. Now I'm finding all this "new" exciting music that I've never heard before and sharing it with people online has been very rewarding and encouraging to me. Then, out of the blue, I get a mail from someone asking me to restrict myself from sharing a certain list of songs. Me being an old punk rocker just say "go fuck yourself". Of course Mozambique wasn't pleased with the response and when he saw that I put up a new mix including 2 tracks that he had licenced, he got mad and started coming at me and RAJ with lawyer talk...

    I am now convinced that all this mess is just a result of bad communication and bad paople skills on all parts involved.

    Shit, this probably really sounded kinda gay...

    You sound like an end of a South Park.. where Kenny explains a lesson learnd..

  • serch4beatzserch4beatz Switzerland 521 Posts

    You sound like an end of a South Park.. where Kenny explains a lesson learnd..

    kenny NEVER explains a lesson learned.. it is either stan or kyle

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    if making mixes is against the law then gawddamnit take my ass to jail

    Thats what I'm sayin'

    I feel like I'm in the twilight zone. Just the thought that people think it's justified to sue DJ's for making a mix and giving it out blows my mind.

    Nobody is sueing anyone. Raj, and Frank are both working with Moz, who has control of the copyrights. You don't have to get sued to respect someones property and business.

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts
    Is it me, or is this dude sounding WAY more reasonable than everyone is giving him credit for? I know he made a bad initial impression on Raj, and that's between the two of them, but for the rest of us I think it's pretty clear his heart's in the right place. yahm?

    We all love Frank and Raj, but you and Moz are right and Raj and the rest of us are wrong.

    People are clowning this guys English. Talking about the greater philosphical issues around downloading music.

    Moz has shown he is willing to talk and try to understand where we are coming from, we should give him the same respect.

    I concur, now that the dust has settled.

    Man - It's getting harder and harder to make a living selling old music in new compilations. At least rap mixtapes have Next Shit going for them.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts

    Nobody is sueing anyone.

    Yes yes, cause there is very little chance of him being able to.

    Raj, and Frank are both working with Moz

    If you mean complying with him from use of a threat, I guess you are correct.

    who has control of the copyrights.

    Well, if you can have copyright control from a licensing agreement, I guess...

    You don't have to get sued to respect someones property and business.

    Can't knock the hustle!


    I haven't even heard Franks mix. I guess I should go cop a copy.

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts
    Good advice from Milwaukee's Finest:

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