Fellow Jeopardy Nerds....

hogginthefogghogginthefogg 6,098 Posts
edited May 2007 in Strut Central
Can we talk about the greatest game show ever for a minute?WHAT IS UP WITH THE CURRENT CHAMP? He is like a mannamatronequinn: a cross between a mannequin and an animatronic automaton. And is it me, or has Alex become a much bigger prick recently? He is unbelievably condescending. And 100% of his "personal banter" is painfully uncomfortable.


  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    omigosh, I switch off whenever he does the introductions after the first break. it is too painful to watch nerds try to be funny and interesting as they tell their anecdotes (whoever produces this segment should be fired). I saw Trebek on Celebrity Poker (yes, I just admitted watching that) and dude is a pill.

  • hemolhemol 2,578 Posts
    I'll take the rapists for 500.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    I'll take the rapists for 500.

    i don't understand.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    I'll take the rapists for 500.

    i don't understand.

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    I'll take the rapists for 500.

    i don't understand.

    have you lived in a hole the last 10 years?

  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts
    I'll take the rapists for 500.

    i don't understand.

    snl sketch where sean connery asks alex "i'll take the rapist for 500"

    the category was 'therapist'

    edit: you guys are fast

  • hemolhemol 2,578 Posts
    anal bum covers?

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    I'll take the rapists for 500.

    i don't understand.

    have you lived in a hole the last 10 years?

    yea, the reception is so bad down here, SNL doesn't come in. (i've never seen the skit.)

  • I've always wondered - was Sean Connery actually ever on Jeopardy or is that SNL skit just something those guys came up with?

  • DrJoelDrJoel 932 Posts
    Can we talk about the greatest game show ever for a minute?

    WHAT IS UP WITH THE CURRENT CHAMP? He is like a mannamatronequinn: a cross between a mannequin and an animatronic automaton.

    And is it me, or has Alex become a much bigger prick recently? He is unbelievably condescending. And 100% of his "personal banter" is painfully uncomfortable.

    Agreed 100%.

    That champ kid cracks me up with his thumbs up each time he wins. At first i thought he was acting awkward on purpose. Last night he said he and his buddies are in town finishing up their education on the film industry. That could mean so many things, i don't know that i want more information.

    Alex is hilarious these days. I've been hitting it pretty hard the past few months for the first in my life and i am loving it.

  • igboigbo 44 Posts
    I've always wondered - was Sean Connery actually ever on Jeopardy or is that SNL skit just something those guys came up with?

    On the SNL Best of the 90's show that aired a few weeks back, they talked about the Jeopardy sketches. I think Darell hammond just said it was a voice he was working on, and he has no idea why he came up with the idea that Connery would be a complete moron.

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    I'll take the rapists for 500.

    i don't understand.

    have you lived in a hole the last 10 years?

    yea, the reception is so bad down here, SNL doesn't come in. (i've never seen the skit.)


  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    SCTV's 'Half Wits' is hilarious - a parody of a Canadian quiz show Trebek hosted before Jeopardy.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,475 Posts
    Can we talk about the greatest game show ever for a minute?

    WHAT IS UP WITH THE CURRENT CHAMP? He is like a mannamatronequinn: a cross between a mannequin and an animatronic automaton.

    And is it me, or has Alex become a much bigger prick recently? He is unbelievably condescending. And 100% of his "personal banter" is painfully uncomfortable.

    I dunno, man, I kinda like the smarmy, condescending Trebek. He's on some, "Oh yeah, well take that, you fuckin' brainiac!" steez. Quality.

    I'll tell you which champ was an automaton, that dude David Madden (who kind of looked like David McCallum). I kept expecting him to buzz in and say, "All your base are belong to us." Dude was the most unstoppable juggernaut this side of Ken Jennings, though.

    By the way, I'll take the penis mightier. And if it works, I'll take a dozen.

  • rkwparkrkwpark 915 Posts
    as a child i'd watch jeopardy. my parents would give me a quarter for every correct answer. a dollar for final jeopardy. i made apretty penny in those days, f*ck an allowance!

    jeopardy was my shit back in the day.

    didnt alex trebek also do that daytime show w/ the pictograms? i used to watch that in the summers in my youth.

  • DJPrestigeDJPrestige 1,710 Posts
    my wife and are are completely obsessed with this new champ. we keep rewinding the episodes to see those really bizarre reactions, whether he's happy or upset he missed a question. his movements are unbelievably robotic. please help this man. his story about driving across the country and seeing a windshield break close up not once, but twice was .

  • my wife and are are completely obsessed with this new champ. we keep rewinding the episodes to see those really bizarre reactions, whether he's happy or upset he missed a question. his movements are unbelievably robotic.

    I believe the term you want is mannamatronequinn.

    his story about driving across the country and seeing a windshield break close up not once, but twice was .

    No shit. "We had never even seen a cracked windshield...in person. Before."

    What? At first I was happy that he had a friend with whom he could drive across the country, but then he made it sound like they took separate cars.

  • igboigbo 44 Posts
    as a child i'd watch jeopardy. my parents would give me a quarter for every correct answer. a dollar for final jeopardy. i made apretty penny in those days, f*ck an allowance!

    jeopardy was my shit back in the day.

    didnt alex trebek also do that daytime show w/ the pictograms? i used to watch that in the summers in my youth.

    Classic Concentration

  • DJPrestigeDJPrestige 1,710 Posts
    my wife and are are completely obsessed with this new champ. we keep rewinding the episodes to see those really bizarre reactions, whether he's happy or upset he missed a question. his movements are unbelievably robotic.

    I believe the term you want is mannamatronequinn.

    his story about driving across the country and seeing a windshield break close up not once, but twice was .

    No shit. "We had never even seen a cracked windshield...in person. Before."

    What? At first I was happy that he had a friend with whom he could drive across the country, but then he made it sound like they took separate cars.

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  • Options
    Love this shit,but price Is Right fades it,FADES I tried out for Jeopardy in 99 at the Park Plaza in Boston stoned out of my gourd.,There were some brainiacs there but i did better then some people.

  • eliseelise 3,252 Posts
    it is too painful to watch nerds try to be funny

    are we talking about jeopardy or SS?

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    Love this shit,but price Is Right fades it,FADES

    Price is Right is classic, but come on.

    Needed to succeed on Jeopardy: education, experience, creative & cognitive thinking ability.

    Needed to succeed on Price is Right: habitual reading of advertising circulars in Sunday newspaper.

    I do give you props for trying out, though. I tried
    to get my father to tryout for years. He wins a pile of virtual
    cash every night. He's too short-fused to handle the click-in
    process with proper restraint, though.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,475 Posts
    He's too short-fused to handle the click-in
    process with proper restraint, though.

    I do find it sort of surprising that there has not been a single incident of somebody flipping out about their buzzer, though, "YO MAN, FUCK THIS SHIT! THIS FUCKIN' THING DOESN'T EVEN WORK!"

    Or maybe there has been, and they just edit it out and reshoot. But I would find it very funny if it happened and they showed it.

  • He's too short-fused to handle the click-in
    process with proper restraint, though.

    I do find it sort of surprising that there has not been a single incident of somebody flipping out about their buzzer, though, "YO MAN, FUCK THIS SHIT! THIS FUCKIN' THING DOESN'T EVEN WORK!"

    Or maybe there has been, and they just edit it out and reshoot. But I would find it very funny if it happened and they showed it.

    On the recent College Tournament, one of the categories was "Turrets Syndrome" (it was castle related). The middle kid mis-pronounced it as "Tourette's Syndrome" and happened to hit the daily double. He very clearly said, "Shit!" but they edited it out.

    I love that he gave himself a mild case of Tourette's just by saying it.

  • it is too painful to watch nerds try to be funny

    are we talking about jeopardy or SS?

    M O D E D[/b]

  • DJPrestigeDJPrestige 1,710 Posts

    so what are you saying?

  • eliseelise 3,252 Posts
    it is too painful to watch nerds try to be funny

    are we talking about jeopardy or SS?

    M O D E D[/b]

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    There is a lady named "Tigger" giving the robot some nice competition tonight.

    Yeah, "Tigger."

  • DJPrestigeDJPrestige 1,710 Posts
    yeah he lost..damn it. the best part was when the credits were rolling and he couldn't stop hugging/ hand shaking the lady who won. tigger choked. to further comment on trebeck's condescending remarks, that dick started talking like eyore after he announced the lady's name as tigger. what a douche. your mother's a whore trebeck.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    your mother's a whore trebeck.


    I always thought his snotty attitude was what
    made him entertaining.
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