10,475 Posts
Early morning shred. It's 9am and most of Cali is still sleeping. What's really good? Gonna be a busy day before the Warriors game. I am dealing with it.
Installing my wife's Mother's Day present.
Mother's Day dinner
Ebay work
checking out a community art project down in pilsen
brunching on Shrimp seasoned with hot peppers, onions, tomatoes and cilantro.
call mom back home. actually, already got that one checked off.
laundry before i jet home for the summer.
enjoy the nice weather.
get mad at the twins' record. .
probably work a couple naps in there somewhere too.
studying for my eng exam
finishing my essay on global warming
Finishing Afrika Bam's biography for english.
Going to bed.
got me som brazil records and my mom some soulful sax records.
watching basketball
reading books
I'm about to read my accounting textbook and then head out to play ball with the homies.
Cooked a killer brunch for mom-in-law; popovers, sweet potato hash, bacon, eggs with mushrooms & asparagus, mimosas and fruit salad.
some reading...
pricing and sorting for a garage sale next weekend. Crap. For sale! $1. Never used.
Then I went back to bed.
Then I walked to the shop and have been selling records all day.
Now I am drinking a beer to take the edge off this hangover and getting ready to watch the Warriors rock.
This sounds good....
My girl is at work so now I'm looking at the internets, watching the game, sparking the yerba, and craving a beer.
NICE turnover. 54/60 GSW.
Anyway, tonight is Italian food and who knows? Anything jumping off on the mellow tip. I wouldn't mind smoking a blunt in a jazz club tonight.
Rest in peace, Mom. I can't wait to see you again. I'll play your records tonight.
Got a dead bird out of the attic.
Organized my VHS tapes a little.
Now I am at work at the ER.