KUSF on Sunday

The KUSF record show is tomorrow (Sunday). Just a heads up that they double booked the room that it is usually held in so the show has been moved to a gym on the campus. The gym is near the entrance off of Golden Gate Ave where that little guard shack is.Early bird is 5:30 am to 10 am. (for a $20 entrance fee
)I'll be there selling, Justin will be there, many records to be found. Tell me you're from Soulstrut and I'll add 5% to your purchase price.

hope someone made out well...
lakan/ironfeet was there from san diego. that was cool to see him unexpectedly.
The show did suck. It pretty much had all the ingredients of a bad dream. Like, I recognized all these dealers from the KUSF show, but for some reason we were in this dark cavernous gymnasium and there was a cold wind blowing through the place and no one had any good records... except it wasn't a dream. I mean shit, I had a copy of David Axelrod Songs Of Innocence in my crates and no one even made an offer on it all day. I thought for sure I'd at least move that.
good to know...
any of you folls hit that sale in fremont on sat? 6000 lps supposedly??
Oh Snap! That was you, crazy! Yeah being in the dark was like digging half asleep fo real, yeah you and Justin had some good stuff for good deals, if you brought them Joints to Buena Park or San Diego shows that stuff would be gone quik. Though for sellers that was probably one of the worst shows I've ever encountered though good for the weirdo diggers, like me and newbies... Now I need to get some rest before I got to work.... Mad busy so I don't gett to peep the board as much... Nice people in the bay fo sho!