Myspace copyright crackdown - sample related

BeatnicholasBeatnicholas 1,005 Posts
edited May 2007 in Strut Central
my friend just had this happen:"last night i uploaded the track i made using a sample from 70s soul artist onto myspace.and i instantly got a 'you have violated copyright infringment'.you need to do a copyright quiz to reinstate your myspace usage so i did the quiz (which tries to teach you between right and wrong of copyright) and tried uploading it again and the same thing in case theres was some error i uploaded a different track with no sample and it didnt happen!i googled myspace copyright protection and it seems myspace are usingsome audio recognition software 'gracenote' to detect usage of whole songs/samples without permission . and my use of track willie hutch obviously was too obvious.and this wasnt a straight re-edit. "has this happened to anyone else? sounds spooky.


  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    That is pretty weak.

  • thats weird, I am making a myspace for a radio show, and I uploaded a whole song and it didnt say anything about my "violating copyrights" or anything

    I thought gracenote just used the length of tracks and the sequnce of the lengths to determine whole LPs...I didnt know it could recognize individual tracks.

  • thats weird, I am making a myspace for a radio show, and I uploaded a whole song and it didnt say anything about my "violating copyrights" or anything

    would you mind saying what the song was? was it something well known?


    apologies for the bump but I did some research on their braek detection system

    "Over 3.8 million CDs
    Over 48 million tracks
    Over 7 million audio waveform fingerprints
    Content in over 80 languages"


  • thats weird, I am making a myspace for a radio show, and I uploaded a whole song and it didnt say anything about my "violating copyrights" or anything

    would you mind saying what the song was? was it something well known?

    it was a King Coleman the wave form is recognized? So wouldnt changing the pitch of a sample/track change the waveform and make it unrecognizable to the gracenote thingy?

  • it was a King Coleman the wave form is recognized? So wouldnt changing the pitch of a sample/track change the waveform and make it unrecognizable to the gracenote thingy?

    nice one!

    good question there - it depends on how clever their technology is. A big chunk of something at the wrong speed (which is what you'd do to change the pitch, play it faster or slower) would still maintain the same waveform fingerprint.. specially if their detection was really clever and understood formants and stuff.

    however, it didn't catch your king coleman in that 7million baller database, so I'd vote

    gonna test that shit later.. fuck a murdoch by the way! peace

  • chasechase 767 Posts
    no fucking way does myspace have a program that can instantly identify a sample out of a song and ban it for copy write issues. Maybe it can catch if you upload the lastest Nora Jones song, but 10 seconds of a old 70s soul song looped up in a beat. Yeah right. How big would there database have to be?

    I had a "copywrite" issue with a song I uploaded that was 100% sample free.

    I have no idea why it said it.

  • noznoz 3,625 Posts

  • TREWTREW 2,037 Posts
    i've got mashups on my page with straight loops for the most part.. the only time i've run into problems was when naming the files. like instead of naming it 'busta rhymes mash' i had to say 'getdownrmx' or something to that effect.

  • genomgenom 19 Posts
    I got my myspace account deleted about a year ago for sampling HIM of all things.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    I was threatened a ban for sampling a les mcann song off a dusty fingers comp.

  • it was a King Coleman the wave form is recognized? So wouldnt changing the pitch of a sample/track change the waveform and make it unrecognizable to the gracenote thingy?

    yes, this works.

  • karlophonekarlophone 1,700 Posts
    MySpace is buggy. They definitely flag the wrong stuff sometimes, and then it just gets swept under the massive human-less database rug. they did this one time when i was RE-uploading my own track in a better bit rate - i assume it thought i was "stealing" the song - but it was mine to begin with, as i uploaded it in the first place a year earlier. i wrote em 4 times, they never responded to me. So i deleted all trace of the track, waited a few days, and started over, it worked fine. theyre idiots.

  • johmbolayajohmbolaya 4,472 Posts
    It's not a part of MySpace's new coding. It's the fact that SYLVIA BROWN WORKS FOR MYSPACE NOW!!!

  • ZomBZomB 397 Posts
    I got my myspace account deleted about a year ago for sampling HIM of all things.

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