threw away my last CASSETTE TAPES today........

Digger_Phelps_IIDigger_Phelps_II 174 Posts
edited April 2007 in Strut Central
..end of an era...i remember thinking the greatest creation in the world was a cassette player in the car....then basking in the glory of "auto-reverse"...or the feature that lets you fast forward and auto-stop at different tracks..then coping stereos with auto reverse recording with A TIMER! no more staying up extra late to tape stretch and bob!!!!...just set it and forget can i forget the wonders of "90 minute" mixtapes.....and then "120 minute" tapes....or the occasional times where tapes popped and had to be spliced together..well i've since transferred them to c.d. and then mp3...who woulda predictedr.i.p. "side a" and "side b"


  • in a similar fit of spring cleaning, i am sifting through old cds.

    tapes are next.

    anybody want a kwest the madd ladd cd? about to hit the bay.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts

    fuck that.

  • johmbolayajohmbolaya 4,472 Posts
    I used to have boxes of tapes, before record labels sent out advances on CD's, it was always on tape. Mix that with demos, custom mixes I made, and I had way too much stuff. One day, I looked at it and trashed about three boxes worth. I don't regret it, since most of it was junk, but I always think "didn't I have the cassingle for that?"

    My whole thing with some cassingles is, if there's an instrumental for it, and I need it THAT bad, I'll hunt down the 12" or CD single for it, maybe an import.

    Then I think, why am I keeping it? I'm sure it's sentimental, but it's a cassette tape. I didn't think I would *need* to keep them, but one day I had to go up to Seattle in a hurry, and had to rent a car since I didn't think mine would make it up. I get the car, and there was a cassette player in it. I'm talking about a cassette deck in the last three years. It surprised me, I would think most places you rent cars from would be up to date, so I had to go to storage and find what tapes I could find quicky. I ended up taking a few Biz Markie's, a Led Zeppelin cassingle ("Immigrant Song") that O-Dub mix tape with Q-Tip's "Let's Ride" on it, and some mix tape I had made. If it had an 8-track tape player, I would have been more prepared, but my cassette box was in the back.

    As time goes on, I have to think again, why do I really need these cassettes? It's hard to say what would be "the essentials", because I would opt to buy the vinyl instead. I do have a lot of my old radio shows from high school and the pirate shows I did on tape, waiting to be transferred, but I don't have a player to do that just yet.

    It's great to go to a thrift store and see the wealth of Michael Bolton and Richard Marx tapes that are in there, and every now and then some UTFO, High Performance, and the huge amount of new jack swing that's being tossed out, or all of that smoothed out R&B vocal groups, where with every Silk and Shai, you had the Samoan variation, the Filipino variation, the Chinese variation...

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts

    fuck that.

    My gems are still on cassette.

  • at the local flea market I usually pick up classic hip hop cassettes for 20 cents each (5 for $1)

    dont really play them very much, but love collecting them. plus i got some stuff on cassette that i dont have on cd or vinyl....

  • SnagglepusSnagglepus 1,756 Posts
    I'm still clinging to a box of tapes. Some are just too good to let go. This little 99 cent ebay grab is a car stereo classic:

  • johmbolayajohmbolaya 4,472 Posts
    I'm still clinging to a box of tapes. Some are just too good to let go. This little 99 cent ebay grab is a car stereo classic:

    That looks like an AMPEX tape, correct? Those things were durable, and in the 80's, when one would go into a department store and find that rack of tapes for under $3.99, those AMPEX ones were often in the back. Yet before some of these albums were on CD, that was the only way one could find a semi-rare album on a budget.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,475 Posts

    fuck that.

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts

    fuck that.

    MAD RED ALERT TAPES. (played your interview Thursday night )

  • covecove 1,567 Posts

    fuck that.

  • canonicalcanonical 2,100 Posts
    I still buy cassettes.

  • Yup, I still buy, play, and record onto - with my 4-track.

    I love tapes. I'll never throw mine away or do without my tape deck.

    Magnetic media was around before we were born and will be prized and safe long after we're dead.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    In an overexcited clean out after first getting into the world of mp3s I binned the best part of a suitcase full of tapes. A lot of these were mixtapes and copies of old radio shows. It still haunts me to this day.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    In an overexcited clean out after first getting into the world of mp3s I binned the best part of a suitcase full of tapes. A lot of these were mixtapes and copies of old radio shows. It still haunts me to this day.

    Did u at least transfer the music?

    My dual cassette deck works like a charm, but if it breaks down will i ever be able to cop a "top of the line" cassette recorder 10 years down the line? That's my big fear.

    And can one still find metal/chrome tapes? I dont see em anymore and Tower Records shut down.
    J&R's selection was mad shrunk last time I visited.

  • knewjakknewjak 1,231 Posts

    fuck that.

    and I just bought a tape the other day.

  • I'm in the process of converting a bunch of tapes to the digital world and it's amazing how well the stuff has endured. did anyone know that there's a version of DJ Hurricane rhyming over tougher Tougher Than Leather? It must've been something done for that tour....

  • dgriotdgriot 388 Posts
    I still have a few tapes around, but it's only because I haven't had a chance to make FLAC files outta 'em yet. I'm still torn about whether or not I should hold on to my dad's (RIP) cassette collection. As cool as it is that he had a bunch of Rap-A-Lot, No Limit, Black Market, 80s west coast and 90s east coast stuff, I see someone else appreciating 'em a lot more. I don't have the sentimental attachment to tapes like I do vinyl.

  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts
    I'm still clinging to a box of tapes. Some are just too good to let go. This little 99 cent ebay grab is a car stereo classic:

    That looks like an AMPEX tape, correct? Those things were durable, and in the 80's, when one would go into a department store and find that rack of tapes for under $3.99, those AMPEX ones were often in the back. Yet before some of these albums were on CD, that was the only way one could find a semi-rare album on a budget.

    Specially since Ampex used to handle all these companies like All Platinum, Ovation/Black Jazz, and Jewel/Ronn/Paula...these small labels that were like a half-step removed from being private-press raers.

  • ayresayres 1,452 Posts
    crazy timing for this thread - i've been digitizing old tapes and uploading them. feel free to download here -

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    he had a bunch of Rap-A-Lot, No Limit, Black Market, 80s west coast and 90s east coast stuff

    who is your dad, and why was he so cool?

  • Damn, if I threw away my cassettes...

    I'd be throwing away my 89tec9 tapes, DJ Premier, Biz Markie, Kid Capri tapes, Doo-Wop, etc. etc.

    Aw, saying "Can I get a dub of your mix tape?" sounds so nostalgic as oppose to saying, "Can I get a burn/rip?"

    Speaking of tapes, my favorite was the TEAC cassettes that looked like a reel to reel.

    Just ranting...

  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts
    I've still got a big box of tapes, but I have been steadily working on replacing them with the CD or vinyl then binning the tape, it's taking forever though. I only listen to tapes in the car now & when I finally get a car with a CD player I will definitely be digitizing & throwing out what's left of my cassettes.
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