Can I just say... (Tyson Related)

emyndemynd 830 Posts
edited June 2005 in Strut Central
I am deeply saddened by Mike Tyson's "loss" the other night. Of course, I hardly expected him to look the fighter we all grew up watching, but I just wanted so badly for dude to go out with a bit more flavor. I feel like the career of Mike Tyson is symptomatic of so many things that are wrong with America and it really pains me to see what this poor man has become has been done to this poor man.You can spare me all the "I can't feel sorry for anybody that can blow that much money" bull shit. This dude has been exploited and used and abused since birth and it's absolutely heartbreaking to me that he's left with nothing to show for it except for a tat on his face, a list of ridiculous quotes that people refuse to see as anything except the rantings of some mad man, and a bunch of motherfuckers talking predictably after-the-fact shit about how he was never that great of a fighter anyway. To be sure, the dude made a lot of mistakes and potentially did some absolutely reprehensible shit, but I can't help but feel like he was the victim of this tragic American machine that is only interested in churning out marketable products-- even if those products are human beings.Long live "Iron" Mike Tyson.Dude is my fucking hero and is one of the realest motherfuckers to ever walk this earth.-e


  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts

  • hogginthefogghogginthefogg 6,098 Posts
    I watched that fight and was very saddened. Something in me was really hoping he would win; I just wanted to see him bask in his former glory one more time after everything he's been through (and what he's become).

    He seemed more off than ever: biting his gloves (WTF?), squaring off against McBride (how is that a good strategy?), headbutting (old habits die hard), and trying to break his opponent's arm.

    When he fell/was pushed down at the end of that last round and held his hand out for the ref to help him up, my heart almost broke. And when he quit on his stool moments later, it did break.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    I am deeply saddened by Mike Tyson's "loss" the other night. Of course, I hardly expected him to look the fighter we all grew up watching, but I just wanted so badly for dude to go out with a bit more flavor.

    I feel like the career of Mike Tyson is symptomatic of so many things that are wrong with America and it really pains me to see what this poor man has become has been done to this poor man.

    You can spare me all the "I can't feel sorry for anybody that can blow that much money" bull shit. This dude has been exploited and used and abused since birth and it's absolutely heartbreaking to me that he's left with nothing to show for it except for a tat on his face, a list of ridiculous quotes that people refuse to see as anything except the rantings of some mad man, and a bunch of motherfuckers talking predictably after-the-fact shit about how he was never that great of a fighter anyway.

    To be sure, the dude made a lot of mistakes and potentially did some absolutely reprehensible shit, but I can't help but feel like he was the victim of this tragic American machine that is only interested in churning out marketable products-- even if those products are human beings.

    Long live "Iron" Mike Tyson.

    Dude is my fucking hero and is one of the realest motherfuckers to ever walk this earth.


    i didn't see the fight, but GREAT post. you're absolutely right. People could rip him for so many things, but his legacy will forever live.

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts

    I'm sorry, but I can't disagree more with the posts I've read. Mike made a number of poor decisions that ended up being his undoing. First, he fired his original camp (e.g., Kevin Rooney, Bill Cayton, etc.) that actually looked out for his best interests. Second, he married that snake Robin Givens who could care less about him. Third, he hired on Don King to handle him despite his history of exploiting fighters. Fourth, he hand-picked guys that would kiss his ass (e.g., Aaron Sowell and that other dude whose name escapes me) instead of challenge him the way Kevin Rooney did. These decisions led to the slippery slope that began his demise. The first camp he had with him would have shielded him from the bad decisions regarding the Desiree Washington (alleged) rape. What I mean is that he probably would not had ended up in that situation. To that point, nothing like that had ever happened to him. Basically, what happened is that Mike got on his own dick and did away with people that truly had his best interest at heart. With that comes accountability in that these types of folks won't let you do what you want if it's not good for you. I think he wanted to wile out and not be told what to do, which given his lack of judgment, was the beginning of the end. This probably also led to his money mismanagement, not having guys around that care. He had former felons in his entourage like John Horne (who happened to be guys that sweated him too). The guy surrounded himself with snakes, so what did you expect to happen???

    I gotta be honest and say that I've never been a Mike Tyson fan because I prefer "boxer" (e.g., Muhammad Ali, Pernell Whitaker, Sugar Ray Leonard, Larry Holmes, etc.) types more than "punchers" (e.g., George Foreman, Joe Fraizer, Roberto Duran, Julio Caesar Chavez, Felix Trinidad). And I must say, I do enjoy seeing him get his ass kicked. He's earned it!!! Biases aside, though, I think Mike is fully culpable for his undoing.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • SIRUSSIRUS 2,554 Posts
    it was pretty sad to see mike say that he didn't have the heart to box anymore + then have a idiot thank him for his career by throwing a coke on him.

  • RaystarRaystar 1,106 Posts
    Did anyone watch the Comcast show "Beyond The Glory"?... they only ran it all day saturday... Its was all about how Tyson grew up and all that... I really just want to find Mike and give him a real big hug and say its going to be cool man, don't worry... that might not be a good idea though...

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    "Beyond The Glory"?...

    yup i've seen it. and to my knowledge, haven't they aired that before too?
    either way, it gives a good glimpse as to what he's been through.

  • MangomanMangoman 549 Posts
    Mike well he was a great intimidator and had a good knock out pucnch, but who did he really fight, and how many rounds did it take time to finish the decent ones? He really never fought a great fighter so the question will remain, Great fighter no, Ali would have finished him in 7....

    Maybe if he did more push-ups he would of been better....

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    I do remember back in the day when Mike was King, and - questionable opponents notwithstanding - he was awesome. Those fights where he would just pummell dudes in 42 seconds were some fascinating shit, even though I got a little tired of watching 4 hours of prelims just to see a 40 second fight and see the knockout punch replayed 320 times from 27 different angles.

    When he came back to fight McNeely, I remember watching the all day coverage on the PPV station, and they would just show all his KO's in a row, I watched it like 12 times that day and never got bored.

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts
    I remember once some kids found out Mike Tyson was visiting their neighbor so they invited him over, smoked a joint with him, hung out, and took pictures of it and posted it online. His Rolls had a dent in the fender. Anyone got a link?

  • I didn't see the fight but not really surprised by the outcome. Tyson was never a good boxer and he ONLY fought bums. he boxed Spinks and Holmes when they were way past their prime. Buster Douglas, a borderline amateur, trained hard and knocked Tyson the FUCK out. This was when Mike was supposedly in his prime. Douglas came back and was unable to defend his title for more than one fight, after which , he retired.

    Turn back the hands of time to put Tyson in the ring against Ali or Frazier or Holmes or Foreman and Mike would have gotten the shit knocked outta him in the first three rounds.

    As far as his exploitation is concerned, yes it is sad to see it go down like that. However, tyson was such a despicable person outside the ring that I feel he deserves what he got. Bad childhood this, problems that. Who gives a rat's ass? We all got problems. You don't see me trynna knockout some old dude that cut me off in traffic. Tyson's lucky he got as far as he did in the sport. He came around at a time when there really was no one to challenge him. When true challenges arose, he was swiftly defeated. Even Lennox Lewis (another mediocre boxer w/ a glass jaw) made short work of him without breakng a sweat. This was when Lewis was nearing retirement. Gimme a break man. Dude had a funny bitch-ass voice, unforgettably ridiculous quotes and lost badly to any halfway decent boxer he ever faced. However, he did put the asses in the seats for many years. Made lotsa money for himself and the promoters. He blew it all already, huh? Big surprise there.

    I see Muhammad Ali's story and what has happened to him and THAT makes me sad. Dude was/is a true champion. In and out of the ring. He was pure class, guts and charisma. You wanna sorry for somebody? Feel bad for Ali. Watch "When we were Kings" and then tell me who the REALEST motherfucker of all time was...

  • deepbrntdeepbrnt 241 Posts
    symptomatic of so many things that are wrong with America

    absolutely heartbreaking

    one of the realest motherfuckers to ever walk this earth


  • wescoasiawescoasia 126 Posts
    Somewhat of a bible to me. My favourite is the "On Childhood" one.

  • PEKPEK 735 Posts
    symptomatic of so many things that are wrong with the world[/b]

    Basically, what happened is that Mike got on his own dick and did away with people that truly had his best interest at heart. With that comes accountability in that these types of folks won't let you do what you want if it's not good for you. I think he wanted to wile out and not be told what to do, which given his lack of judgment, was the beginning of the end.

  • MjukisMjukis 1,675 Posts
    It's interesting, we've all watched Goodfellas and Casino and thought: "Man, they had it good! You can totally see were they went wrong, I'd do everything not to make those mistakes - (get greedy, do tons of coke, delusions of grandeur bla bla". And then every other who does get famous and succesful make the exact same mistakes. They need to check out some Scorcese (not to mention Shakespeare).

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    Somewhat of a bible to me. My favourite is the "On Childhood" one.

    "I rushed him and caught him flush on the temple with a titanic right hand he was out cold, convulsing on the floor like a infantile retard." Classic.

  • Somewhat of a bible to me. My favourite is the "On Childhood" one.

    "I rushed him and caught him flush on the temple with a titanic right hand he was out cold, convulsing on the floor like a infantile retard." Classic.

    Remember, this was the guy that was throwing an old pigeon crate into a trash compactor. Imagine if he'd done something REALLY bad...

  • 99Problems99Problems 1,541 Posts
    They need to check out some Scorcese (not to mention Shakespeare).

    I'd love to hear Big Mike's interpretations of Shakepeare.

    Or perhaps a Q & A with this guy...

  • MjukisMjukis 1,675 Posts
    "Should I compare thee to a summers day?
    Or a little sissy?
    Should I eat thy children?"
    Tragedy is right.

  • "What's your favorite curse word Mike???"

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts

    "What's your favorite curse word Mike???"

  • 99Problems99Problems 1,541 Posts

    "What's your favorite curse word Mike???"


    "When I was in prison, I was wrapped up in all those deep books. That Tolstoy crap - people shouldn't read that stuff."

    Wouldn't it be great to hear Mike Tyson tell James Lipton that he would like to eat his children?

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    I didn't see the fight but not really surprised by the outcome. Tyson was never a good boxer and he ONLY fought bums. he boxed Spinks and Holmes when they were way past their prime. Buster Douglas, a borderline amateur, trained hard and knocked Tyson the FUCK out. This was when Mike was supposedly in his prime. Douglas came back and was unable to defend his title for more than one fight, after which , he retired.

    Turn back the hands of time to put Tyson in the ring against Ali or Frazier or Holmes or Foreman and Mike would have gotten the shit knocked outta him in the first three rounds.

    As far as his exploitation is concerned, yes it is sad to see it go down like that. However, tyson was such a despicable person outside the ring that I feel he deserves what he got. Bad childhood this, problems that. Who gives a rat's ass? We all got problems. You don't see me trynna knockout some old dude that cut me off in traffic. Tyson's lucky he got as far as he did in the sport. He came around at a time when there really was no one to challenge him. When true challenges arose, he was swiftly defeated. Even Lennox Lewis (another mediocre boxer w/ a glass jaw) made short work of him without breakng a sweat. This was when Lewis was nearing retirement. Gimme a break man. Dude had a funny bitch-ass voice, unforgettably ridiculous quotes and lost badly to any halfway decent boxer he ever faced. However, he did put the asses in the seats for many years. Made lotsa money for himself and the promoters. He blew it all already, huh? Big surprise there.

    I see Muhammad Ali's story and what has happened to him and THAT makes me sad. Dude was/is a true champion. In and out of the ring. He was pure class, guts and charisma. You wanna sorry for somebody? Feel bad for Ali. Watch "When we were Kings" and then tell me who the REALEST motherfucker of all time was...

    I couldn't disagree more.

    tyson was definitely one of the realest motherfuckers.

  • Phill_MostPhill_Most 4,594 Posts
    I don't think the public really knows the full Mike Tyson story- just from reading between the lines of the countless interviews and documentaries I've seen on dude, I believe he suffered some horrifying abuses as a child, possibly even sexual abuse (again, this is just me reading between the lines, but when you look at the train wreck that his life has become I don't think it's much of a reach to suspect something like that).

    Regardless, I still don't have a lot of pity for dude- maybe a little, but certainly not a lot. Many people have had to deal with their own horrors and rose up above them. He's also been blessed in ways that very few people will ever be blessed (talent, wealth, etc.). Mike is just lacking in character- by looking at his life both in and out ring it's pretty easy to see this.

    And as incredible as he seemed to be as a fighter in those early years, nobody should EVER mention Mike Tyson along with the greats of the sweet science. If he was stretchin' great boxers during the pre-Buster Douglas days maybe I'd feel different. But he fought NOBODY back then. And believe me, if some of those "nobodies" hadn't been scared shitless, he would've been exposed way before Buster beat his ass. Mchael Spinks really disgusts me, because he actually was a great light heavyweight- few people remember this because of how he became straight up vulva and clitoris as soon as he got in the ring with Mike. I totally believe that if he'd been a man and really tried to fight Tyson, as long as he could've weathered the early onslaught (admittedly a big if but only because he wasn't a true heavyweight) he would've frustrated Mike and ended up whuppin' his ass just like errbody does now.

    "What time is the next plane to Bolivion???"

  • this might be a good thread to ask where to get dope boxing(and other sports) photos,etc for framing(or already framed). None of that corny shit with text at the bottom..just classic shots. I have been wanting to hook my music/computer room up for the longest with all the classic photos,etc. I have searched and found some decent stuff..but perhaps you guys know somewhere that has the heat.

    (oh sure to remember I aint rich either)

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    man, i thought this was supposed to be a Mike Tyson appreciation of sorts, but apparently not.

    i didn't see the fight, but alls i know is that boxing/martial arts is one of those things that favors the most conditioned athlete, not the most experienced. Mike is way past his prime. I hardly know anything about the sport but isn't it true that once Mike lost his exlosiveness and consequently his ability to duck punches and fight close range, he lost it?

    I mean in terms of height and reach and all that, he wasn't the biggest dude was he? Lennox Lewis is 6'3" with a 83" reach. Muhammad Ali and George Foreman were almost the same. (according to a quick google search). Mike Tyson was 5'11" with a 78" reach. and as far as i know, in a lot of sports when smaller dudes lose their explosiveness and speed, it's very hard to win.

    i am still a fan.

  • Young_PhonicsYoung_Phonics 8,039 Posts
    Somewhat of a bible to me. My favourite is the "On Childhood" one.

    dude is an amazing human.

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts
    I don't think the public really knows the full Mike Tyson story- just from reading between the lines of the countless interviews and documentaries I've seen on dude, I believe he suffered some horrifying abuses as a child, possibly even sexual abuse (again, this is just me reading between the lines, but when you look at the train wreck that his life has become I don't think it's much of a reach to suspect something like that).
    Regardless, I still don't have a lot of pity for dude- maybe a little, but certainly not a lot. Many people have had to deal with their own horrors and rose up above them. He's also been blessed in ways that very few people will ever be blessed (talent, wealth, etc.). Mike is just lacking in character- by looking at his life both in and out ring it's pretty easy to see this.

    And as incredible as he seemed to be as a fighter in those early years, nobody should EVER mention Mike Tyson along with the greats of the sweet science. If he was stretchin' great boxers during the pre-Buster Douglas days maybe I'd feel different. But he fought NOBODY back then. And believe me, if some of those "nobodies" hadn't been scared shitless, he would've been exposed way before Buster beat his ass. Mchael Spinks really disgusts me, because he actually was a great light heavyweight- few people remember this because of how he became straight up vulva and clitoris as soon as he got in the ring with Mike. I totally believe that if he'd been a man and really tried to fight Tyson, as long as he could've weathered the early onslaught (admittedly a big if but only because he wasn't a true heavyweight) he would've frustrated Mike and ended up whuppin' his ass just like errbody does now.

    "What time is the next plane to Bolivion???"

    Damn Phill, I swear you must have wire taps on my mind!!! I've always thought Mike was overrated while he was beatin' up washed up bums in the 80's and early 90's (e.g., Pinklon Thomas, Tony Tubbs, Larry Holmes) or never-beens like Frank Bruno, Trevor Berbick, Tyrell Biggs, Alex Stewart, etc. I know some of you cats love Mike and all, but he simply lacks the resume that most of the greats have (e.g., Muhammad Ali, Joe Louis, Evander Holyfield, Lennox Lewis, Larry Holmes, etc.). The aforementioned boxers all beat the top competition of their day, while Mike failed to rise to the occasion against top competition. It's simple and plain and can't be argued. Check the statistics!!!


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • emyndemynd 830 Posts
    I'd just like to add that my appreciation for Mike Tyson has very little to do with his boxing ability.


  • Phill_MostPhill_Most 4,594 Posts
    I'd just like to add that my appreciation for Mike Tyson has very little to do with his boxing ability.


    I understand ya, hommie. There's no question that Mike has been used and abused from childhood on up throughout his career in the fight game. But he's far from innocent- whether he was really guilty of raping Desiree Washington or not, Mike will tell you himself that he did a lot of bad, bad things in his life. Anyway, I hope he gets what's left of his life together, no doubt. And stay on your medication, Mike, plaese!
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