Ebay feedback

markus71markus71 937 Posts
edited April 2007 in Strut Central
When I buy or sell something I always leave feedback but it seems that sometimes you hardly get anything in return. How do you deal with that. Every now and then I just email people to kindly ask to leave feedback for me as well. Do people just forget about it or what?


  • i'm way lazy about that shit. i let 'em pile up, and then dash off like 10 at a time...

    But, i don't think an email is insensitive. Or, a reminder with your invoice/shipping notice. If i see that, or a note in the record, I always jump on it. If you let me know it is important, i'll take care of it.

  • jinx74jinx74 2,287 Posts
    i absolutely hate when people email me asking to leave feedback. why? you sent me money and i mail you a package. am i supposed to send notes and thank yous to every store i visit as well? i just dont really see the need to ask for feedback. its silly to me.

    maybe to those who use it as a business and need the multiple colored stars and feedback like "AWESOME EBAYER!!! A+++ WOULD BUY FROM AGAIN!" its useful.

    ive been on ebay since 98 and have 500 or so +'s. ive sold WAY more than that and have bought a lot over the years too. is it hurting me to not have more?

  • cpeetzcpeetz 2,112 Posts
    Yeah I don't trip on feedback, I leave it for everyone eventually, and hopefully they do the
    same. But I'm not searching through my old auctions to see who did and who didn't and
    emailing them to plead for another star. I feel my feedback is good enough to put almost any
    member at ease that I'm not gonna jack them. I also don't trip on a negative once in a blue moon,
    it's bound to happen especially if you leave them for others. Which I do when they deserve it.
    I'll probably be giving and receiving one from a deadbeat bidder today. You gotta love Ebay!

  • GamleOleGamleOle 508 Posts
    i absolutely hate when people email me asking to leave feedback. why? you sent me money and i mail you a package. am i supposed to send notes and thank yous to every store i visit as well? i just dont really see the need to ask for feedback. its silly to me.

    I disagree. I see it as more than a thank you note. I would be more confident to buy from a seller with 500 rather than 100 as it shows that the seller have been professional over a longer periode. Also 2000 is better than 500. These buyers that ask you to leave feedback might also be sellers as well. Even for the buyer, feedback ratings can matter. I had an instance some years ago where my payment went lost and it took me about two months to sort out the problem. The seller was friendly and let me wait probably because he was condident that I would come through in the end because my ratings was high enough and reliable and I bet all buyers, especially when buying records, will run into issues where the confidence from the feedback will help them. One feedback don't make the difference but if generally alot of the people you dealt with don't leave you feedback then I think it's okay to ask for it or if you are just starting an account and want some feedbacks before you start selling.

    Personally it's too much work for me trying to find who didn't leave me feedback and then e-mail them. If I already have contact with them by e-mail I might ask politely for feedback but most people leave me feedback so I don't bother about the small percentage who don't. I don't get mad at it or anything. It's human to forget.

  • kalakala 3,362 Posts
    i go out of my way to make sure the 100 lp lots and also lots of 45s i sell on ebay are laced with EXTRA good shit NOT listed in the auction[if i get paid quickly!!]
    Also I pack thses lots extremely well and they are shipped at cost.
    When I don't get feedback on those deals i will email motherfuckers and say....WASSUP YOU TOO LAZY TO LEAVE SOME FEEDBACK BITCH!!!!?

  • jinx74jinx74 2,287 Posts
    i go out of my way to make sure the 100 lp lots and also lots of 45s i sell on ebay are laced with EXTRA good shit NOT listed in the auction[if i get paid quickly!!]
    Also I pack thses lots extremely well and they are shipped at cost.
    When I don't get feedback on those deals i will email motherfuckers and say....WASSUP YOU TOO LAZY TO LEAVE SOME FEEDBACK BITCH!!!!?

    do people write back at you laughing hysterically then leave you neutral feedback?

  • kalakala 3,362 Posts
    i go out of my way to make sure the 100 lp lots and also lots of 45s i sell on ebay are laced with EXTRA good shit NOT listed in the auction[if i get paid quickly!!]
    Also I pack thses lots extremely well and they are shipped at cost.
    When I don't get feedback on those deals i will email motherfuckers and say....WASSUP YOU TOO LAZY TO LEAVE SOME FEEDBACK BITCH!!!!?

    do people write back at you laughing hysterically then leave you neutral feedback?

    hello justin do you havc a sense of humor?
    its a joke
    i have a 98% rating
    i have one nuetral and one recent retalitory neg from a guy who i agreed to do a pick up with who showed up unannounced at my home at night[10]

  • jinx74jinx74 2,287 Posts
    i go out of my way to make sure the 100 lp lots and also lots of 45s i sell on ebay are laced with EXTRA good shit NOT listed in the auction[if i get paid quickly!!]
    Also I pack thses lots extremely well and they are shipped at cost.
    When I don't get feedback on those deals i will email motherfuckers and say....WASSUP YOU TOO LAZY TO LEAVE SOME FEEDBACK BITCH!!!!?

    do people write back at you laughing hysterically then leave you neutral feedback?

    hello justin do you havc a sense of humor?
    its a joke
    i have a 98% rating
    i have one nuetral and one recent retalitory neg from a guy who i agreed to do a pick up with who showed up unannounced at my home at night[10]

    i was kidding as well... my abilities to write something funny nowadays is fading.

    oh well...

  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts
    Leaving (positive) feedback is just good business--it's very easy to do and most people appreciate it.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    I always leave feedback, but as for receiving it, I don't really care too much one way or the other. I'm around 300 with no negatives though, so I'm already well into the "solid eBayer" range, so a few here or there won't make much difference.

    On a raer note, how many of you, when selling, post positive feedback AS SOON AS YOU RECEIVE PAYMENT? I do, and it tends to blow peoples minds. But that's the way it's supposed to work in a perfect world, so that's how I run my shit.

    And if things go sideways, people tend to cut you some slack since you've already shown you intend to hold up your end of the bargain.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    How do you deal with that.

    I share my feelings on www.asshurtstrut.com

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    one recent retalitory neg from a guy who i agreed to do a pick up with who showed up unannounced at my home at night[10]

    Wow. Hilarious--some record dudes have no sense of boundaries.

    I bet you e-mailed him at around 9:45 like "Yes, you can pick it up" and at 10:00 were disturbed by the sound of panting on your stoop.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    How do you deal with that.

    I share my feelings on www.asshurtstrut.com

    Clever bastard. I clicked on that link. But someone really should throw up some basic landing page for that.

    Like this: Take that shit to www.asshurtstrut.com

  • JustAliceJustAlice 1,308 Posts
    Also 2000 is better than 500.

    While I think this may generally be the case, I think sellers like treasures_in_florida are an exception to this rule. Someone could have over 1000 points and still be an asshole who you'd rather not deal with and by the time you realize it is too late.

    For me, receiving feedback really only matters on things that are kinda spendy. I get anxious when I dont recieve feedback on bigger ticket things because it makes me think they could potenitally be planning for a chargeback. Though I've only had this happen once, using neg. feedback against the dude was the only leverage I had in keeping my money.

    I think its up to the buyer to leave feedback first, letting me know you got it and that you are happy. I wont leave feedback until a buyer has done so, that way if they try to screw me, I can screw them back. I think its cool if folks will give you a chance to fix an issue first if they ever have a problem. People jump the gun all the time without contacting the seller first.

    Having said all that..Im not too concerned with numbers. We are still selling the shit and making the money and that is what matters. The numbers will climb as long as we keep doing it. Its good to know when people are stoked though too. I just want my customers to be happy. People weird me out too with contradictive postives and shit.

  • davesrecordsdavesrecords 1,802 Posts
    i agree it is like a thank you note.

    the thing is i'm not real concerned about how many positive feedback people have but what their positive percentage is...if you have 5,000 but a 98% feedback rate, automatically suspicious more so than a guy with 100 with 100% feedback.

    that's why private feedback is such bullshit, if you have a negative it always helps me to decide before bidding what the negative was about...some people are assholes and occasionally you see people send negatives because they didn't get the record in 7 days! which in my case i'd be leaving negatives every day.

    i have 99.1% but only two were over selling the rest were in the first week on ebay when i was a little dude and didn't want to pay for $1.99 bullshit breaks. childish i know but not related to my ability to sell or grade. oh and i've never gotten a neutral before either so i guess that counts as something.

    but some people are really flakey about feedback...this one dude i was looking at his feedback thing, he has 5000 feedbacks and has only left 700 in 10 years on ebay!

    i think i've left about 500 more than i've gotten.

    it's not a big deal if you don't leave it but it's kind of courteous to return the favor if you leave feedback. but i would never email dude. it's like that shit in first grade where the teachers used to give you gold stars for spelling shit right. not that big of a deal.

  • GamleOleGamleOle 508 Posts
    i agree it is like a thank you note.

    the thing is i'm not real concerned about how many positive feedback people have but what their positive percentage is...if you have 5,000 but a 98% feedback rate, automatically suspicious more so than a guy with 100 with 100% feedback.

    If the positives were never left and you only receiced the negatives then it would matter. If you got one neagtive per year and no or little positives then it would look pretty bad. Let's also say the guy with 5000 and 98% had missed alot of positives so his percentage should have actually been 99% then it would also have mattered if people had left him feedback. You're suspecious with a guy with 98% but not as much with a guy with 99%. Therefor I disagree that it's not just a thank you note.

    One feedback solely does not matter but the lot does so as it was already pointed out; leaving positive feedbacks is just good business.
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