Anyone watch Dateline lastnight? (Identity Theft!)

DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
edited March 2007 in Strut Central
It wasn't on predators!But it was still pretty fucked up. Identity theft, Debit & Credit Card fraud. Shit was crazy.The start of the show, with real time footage of fraud going on was amazing. Within minutes, credit card limits reached.That dude who got suckered in by the "girl" to ship products for her, WOW.This show was sooo I just finished talking to a friend of mine who is in Paris right now. While she was gone, someone in Montreal took $2000 out of her account by debit (Even though she's got her debit card with her). She found out when she went to use her card there and found out her account was frozen. Had to borrow money from a friend.Everyone should be taking precautions.


  • Everyone should be taking precautions.

    Such as? Did they cover that or just the "doom n gloom" ?

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts

    Everyone should be taking precautions.

    Such as? Did they cover that or just the "doom n gloom" ?

    Keep your identity in a safety deposit box, or better yet, a Swiss bank account. That's how I roll, and I haven't had a problem yet.

    But avoid hotel safes! i can't stress that enough. Next thing you know, some hotel maid is cracking your favorite jokes and screwing your girlfriend. Not a good look.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    Shit has happened to me. Muthafuckaz buying phone cardz and shiiit.

    My bank was mad cool about it. I disputed all the charges and the money was back in my account the next day.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts

    Everyone should be taking precautions.

    Such as? Did they cover that or just the "doom n gloom" ?

    I think they are covering that in part 2, which is next Tuesday.

    The show was really crazy tho. They start with hitting up IRC channels, selling credit card info for $5 bucks. Dateline was doing this with a credit card company and the company was doing in real time credit card charges from the cards. So for example:

    1:30PM - Saying in the room they had working card numbers for sale.
    1:31PM - Getting hit up by a bunch of different people wanted to buy the info.
    1:45PM - Watching in real time the card getting charged around the world.
    2:00PM - Cards credit limits hit.

    The last half of the show was Dateline setting up a phony electronics company they would advertise in the chat rooms and then following where items would be shipped to.

    One sucker who thought he was in love with a beautiful women, was accepting the items and shipping them to other parts of the world using his own money. Only to find out from Dateline that he was scammed.

    The funny part was when he started telling Chris Hansen how you have to be careful about falling for someone on the Internet and goes into To Catch a Predator as an example, not realizing that he's talking to Chris Hansen. Talk about a sucker born every minute.

  • asstroasstro 1,754 Posts
    I felt bad for that guy as he realized that his millionaire model girlfriend was actually some con artist taking him for all his money. It's amazing how gullible people can be when you tell them what they want to hear.

  • I take precautions. I'm wondering if the marks on this show were falling for dumb shit or just regular joes who got fleeced cos they ordered something off of ebay or downloaded a ringtone.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    I felt bad for that guy as he realized that his millionaire model girlfriend was actually some con artist taking him for all his money. It's amazing how gullible people can be when you tell them what they want to hear.

    BUT, that sucker who was being wooed by some 'internet girlfriend' had a wife (according to the clip I saw on the Today Show with Hansen)and kids....sounded like he was scammed while scamming around himself! I feel more sorry for people who are just took while going about their daily biz, cyber pickpocketed!

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts
    My little brother got taken for $10K from someone in the Philippines who simply duplicated his debit card number. As he explains it (or so the bank told him) there's no per-day withdraw limit in the Philippines. He got all his money back since it was fraud.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    this thread has me shook.

    I just ordered some shit from an HK pharmacy on line yesterday.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    when i first moved to NY i jacked by one of those fake atm card readers at a bodega in the bronx, depleted my account in 13hrs & my bank gave me the gas face over it... i went back to the location & the machine had been removed for "repairs" karma is a motherfucker [/b]

    where is the karma in this story? I don't see how you deserved this.

  • The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
    its probably not foolproof, but when I travel I only use ATMs at banks that I have noticed have a lot of branches.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts

    I just ordered some shit from an HK pharmacy on line yesterday.

    You might just want to man up and get your Viagra from your PCP.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts

    I just ordered some shit from an HK pharmacy on line yesterday.

    You might just want to man up and get your Viagra from your PCP.

    well, I'm sleeping with her so it's a bit embarassing to ask.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts

    I just ordered some shit from an HK pharmacy on line yesterday.

    You might just want to man up and get your Viagra from your PCP.

    well, I'm sleeping with her so it's a bit embarassing to ask.

    Brings a whole new meaning to "Primary Care," doesn't it.

  • rkwparkrkwpark 915 Posts
    should folks who do online banking, pay bills online etc be extra worried about identity theft? shiiiiet. i suppose you can just pay straight cash from now on too.

    i did make copies of the fronts and backs of all my cards in my wallet, in the event that you have your wallet stolen or need that information you have it one place. just dont lose that paper or youre fucked.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    It's not so much your wallet getting stolen. People are copying ur cards when you buy shit from shops. Even debt cards.. They copy ur card and get your pin and bam.. Dupe cards taking money out of your account. There are sooo many ways to get taken now. I know they are just about to come out with Debit cards with microchips on them. Not sure if that would help much down the line.

    I wish banks & CC companies offered an option of a txt to your cell phone or e-mails every time there was a transaction made. Even if they charged me 2-3 bucks a month, I'd still be down.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts

    I wish banks & CC companies offered an opinion of a txt to your cell phone or e-mails every time there was a transaction made. Even if they charged me 2-3 bucks a month, I'd still be down.

    That's coming. I'd say within a year or so.

  • Deejay_OMDeejay_OM 695 Posts
    I hope this shit never happens to me...but, I've had my account on Paypal comprimised (and countless other Paypal debaukles)...and it blew fucking nuts....I had to deal with the bank...overdraft fees, etc. You can now sign up on cards "security programs" or some shit...where they protect you for a fee...per month (of course) definitely thing I know is that fools will dumpster dive for some a shredder...#1 thing for you to not throwing away your receipts without making them unrecognizable...seriously...but, it's tough to avoid nowadays...


    Deejay OM's "Reheated Naan & Curry" on Galapagos4[/b] (due out May 1st, 2007)

  • Controller_7Controller_7 4,052 Posts
    about 5 years ago somebody got my debit card number somehow and took all of the money out of my account and overdrew it. They used all of my money at Victoria's Secret and Sax 5th Ave. It was all done over the phone and all from east coast stores. The worst part is that Sax 5th Ave ran a $1 charge to see if the card worked. Like the person said "I just set up this card can you see if it works" kind of thing. Then they ran a $250 charge or something. So stupid.

    Washington Mutual was not the most helpful. I haven't had many problems with them as a bank, but the lady who helped me with this was lame. Victoria's secret actually called me to ask about the charges and they said that they couldn't give me the name and address of the person who made the order, but they could tell my bank. So I go into the bank and tell them this and give them the number and she says "well, uhhmm, ok I guess i could call if you want me to." I got all my money back, but I didn't have access to any of it for over a week.

    If you buy shit online check that little padlock in the corner of your browser.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    It's amazing how gullible people can be when you tell them what they want to hear.

    Quote of the year!!!!

  • SupergoodSupergood 1,213 Posts

    If you buy shit online check that little padlock in the corner of your browser.

    Better yet, find out if your credit card company allows you to obtain virtual card numbers for internet purchases. These #'s, obtainable from participating card companies via their respective websites, allow you to indicate how much money is charged and when you want the card to expire.

    How is this useful? Well, if a scammer obtains this virtual card # by hacking into a retailer's website, they would only be able to use it once, only for the amount you indicate, and only for the length of time you specified when requesting the # from your card company.

    I swear by these after having my real card # stolen somehow and used to pay 39.99 USD monthly to some pron site via CCBill (look it up...seems like a lot of stolen #'s end up being used by them)... Since the amount was so small, I didn't notice the charges until the 3rd month after my real # was stolen.


  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    If anyone wants to watch the show. It's online. Down the right side of the page.
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