As if my week couldn't get any worse!

DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts
edited January 2007 in Strut Central
I got a summons for jury duty today! FFFFFUUUUCCCCKKKKK!


  • hemolhemol 2,578 Posts
    think of it like a theme parkor something and it can be fun. or, if you're trying to get out of it act like you'll say either guilty or not guilty (pick one) no matter what.

  • jury duty is awesome. you make 11 bucks and you get to try to talk to girls the whole time. i love the anticipation of walking into the initial waiting room, scanning the crowd for anything pleasant on the eyes, trying to sit near her, on and on. then when you get selected to the room, your eligible pool shrinks considerably, so you gotta either get lucky or use your imagination to enhance people's real looks/intellect. man, jury duty is great!

  • jury duty is awesome. you make 11 bucks and you get to try to talk to girls the whole time. i love the anticipation of walking into the initial waiting room, scanning the crowd for anything pleasant on the eyes, trying to sit near her, on and on. then when you get selected to the room, your eligible pool shrinks considerably, so you gotta either get lucky or use your imagination to enhance people's real looks/intellect. man, jury duty is great!

    T*ny that is the most amazing thing I've read all week.

  • i also like pretending that i was planted on the jury by the defense to rig the trial. never got picked though in about 5 summons.
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