Do You brush your teeth?

yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
edited January 2007 in Strut Central
I don't. Brushing your teeth is kind of overrated.


  • sure do - recently stepped up my floss and mouthwash game as well, and I'm eyeing some mints like those in hermillo's post on things you're never without too

  • I try to brush only once a day.
    my lady says that's not good enough. I have to brush at least twice a day, or she won't kiss me.

    reluctantly, I sometimes wash the delicous taste of morning breath from my mouth.

    she thinks I need to not only brush my teeth when I arise, but after breakfast as well--------also trying to rid my mouth of the wonderful taste of either; coffee or black tea.

    I think white teeth are overated. maaaaaaaaaaaad overated.


    I drink maaaad green tea. The fluoride in that keeps my teeth happy and yellow.
    yellow is mellow.

    being "white" is a trend is a trend is a trend, we've all seen it throughout history "different ways and schemes to be more white"

    just like grillz,--------I wish I could just keep it real, aka yellow.

    that is the 12 and a half percent chinese blood in me speaking, combined with the 12 and a half percent portugese, fighting, against my 75 percent "whiteness".

    it's the last stand.
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