Music and your women/men ...Do they understand?

OldschoolspinnaOldschoolspinna 311 Posts
edited January 2007 in Strut Central
Im thankful that my wife understands the need for me to dig records, and my love of music.She nevers gets bent when I bring home new records, or when she balances the checkbook and finds Ebay auctions, But she just dont get WHY I do what I do.All she knows is, "it makes me happy' and thats enought for her, god love you get the same type of responses as I do (i.e.) "hey honey""yes" "Have you seen the new sly and the family stone I bought last week?""Hmmmmmm Sly and the family baby I havent seen it"I just shake my head at that point and sigh.Ok....Books are more her thing for sure, and sometimes I have to compete against "The dragon lance series" or some similar fantasy novel.But I digress...What do you deal with in regards to your hobbie and your spouse or better half?Peace for now, Peace for laterOleskool


  • sometimes I have to compete against "The dragon lance series" or some similar fantasy novel.


    Are you dating a 12 year old boy???

  • The wife finds that quite funny, thank you.

  • JimsterJimster 6,983 Posts
    What do you deal with in regards to your hobbie and your spouse or better half?

    "You can't possibly need any more music - how can you listen to all that?" is her current fave.

    Usually as a response to my explanation of why the internet is going slowly. Can't knock the slsk. Hollow.

    Which reminds me...

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts

    She nevers gets bent when I bring home new records, or when she balances the checkbook and finds Ebay auctions, But she just dont get WHY I do what I do.

    When I figure out WHY I do anything I'll report back.

  • Money from dj'ing has brought her many luxuries that wouldn't exist otherwise. with a dayjob, that takes care of bills, rent, car payments etc, but that's really about it...

    dj'ing/promoting/selling records

    2006 have brought/bought her/us:

    lcd tv
    surround system
    a diamond ring
    a bedroom set
    a wardrobe
    many extravagant meals
    dope clothes as gifts
    sometimes even cash (at times, I give her 10% cash money (voluntarily)---just for putting up with the bullshit of me spending too much time with the shit)
    car repairs
    debt elimination

    status (important to some females, and also, the alpha male theory)
    deeper musical knowledge and appreciation of all genres
    good reasons to go out together and have fun with friends
    deflecting many a scumbag off of her.

    and supplies me with what I need to buy records.

    plus, unlike Craigslist guy, I simply invite her to all my shows, where she enjoys socializing and dancing ("I love dancing to your music because you always play stuff that makes me want to dance, but it sucks because I always want to dance with you and you're dj'ing) so, sometimes, if the venue is right for it, I may leave a song on for more than 3 or 4 minutes and get on the floor.

    If she can't make it to a show (ie:no babysitter) I always make it up to her by taking her out to breakfast or simply giving her some of what I made (10%) this was my idea, as she has a job, but as a mostly stay at home young mother, doesn't really have alot of money...


    apparently I often spend too much time with my records, too many people come over to buy records or work on music, I dj too much, I work on music too much, my music is too loud at the wrong time, I don't spend enough time with my family. I neglect her. Neglect our son. My dji'ng is more important than her singing. If she doesnt' come, at times she can be jealous if I tell her about my casual interaction with the wrong girl (ie:overactive imagination)

    And then, when the argument is over, I ask her of her dichotomy-------you want all the positives of this lifestyle, but you don't want the price. I"m sure all her negatives have a grain of truth, but in general-----FARFETCHED.

    gotta have the balance.

    Holy Rant
    but yah, she likes most of the music, and memorizes things easily if they have vocals. Unless she gets to meet the artist, she's not really into hip-hop.

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts

    Actually, T**i is a music fan herself. So, while she gripes about the money spent at times, she will sit down and enjoy my goodies with me. In addition, she'll needle drop on the vinyls herself on occasion. I came home once and caught her rockin' to "War Pigs". I don't know many sistahs that get into Black Sabbath, so she's definitely down. When she first came over to visit while we were dating, I was playing some Cal Tjader, Alice Coltrane, Shirley Horn, etc. I knew she was a keeper when she was diggin' the music, and this ended up becoming conversation fodder. I quickly found out that we shared a profound love of music. She also plays piano and clarinet, and sings. She put me up on Clannad, and surprinsingly, she shared my fondness for Swing Out Sister. I never thought I find such a multi-faceted, artistic, and intelligent woman with whom to fall in love. Truly, I am blessed.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak
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