Weekend Digging Action (Record-related)



  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts

    i cracked open the Brother/Hood Nation to find it was pretty good '92 rap with a
    dash of JA style here and there. definitely influenced by PE, LONS, BDP, etc early
    90s stuff.

    MpFree? Label?

    its on Amherst, and yeah i can hook it up for yall, but ill need some time.

    Much appreciated if you can do it.

    its up now, for 7 days or 100 downloads, whichever comes first:
    i included a photo of the front and back covers, detailed enough so you can read the liner notes.

    im curious what people think of this. to me, its a pretty good rap production for a small label in 1992. enjoy!

    First and foremost, thanks for hookin' it up

    As for the record, this is DOPE DOPE DOPE. The intro of Out of the Ordinary is epic, the social/political commentary is in your face but doesn't sound forced. New Stylee is out of this world, that synth sound in the background of the first few bars is on some UFO shit. The girl doing the hook on Brotherhood Stormin' kills it, as is the sample most will recognize from the Rappin' 4-Tay song Playaz Club. The JAH influences are subtle but shine through perfectly. The beat on Girls Want Money kills it, especially when it drops all dancehall for a few bars here and there.

    I want one.

  • troublemantroubleman 1,928 Posts
    I really dig the guitar red record.

    it's unlike anything else i own. I actually took your advice from another post and picked it up when I saw it. So I should thank you for the heads up. Homemade soul/electric craziness.
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