Ask The Strut: San Francisco



  • JimsterJimster 6,915 Posts
    Lower Haight.

    Must be the 400 block if it's really cheap.

    Close enough. 500 block.

    So if someone else was paying, what neighbourhoods are good/interesting/safe?

    Young Phonics has dropped his haunt list - what about the other SF dwellers?

    Again, thanks for the so far.

  • hammertimehammertime 2,389 Posts
    The Japanese Tea Garden, the Asian Art Museum, and the MoMA are cool places to check out.

  • To live:
    rent is maaaaad expensive.

    SF is expensive as hell for a US city, but compared to London it's cheap.
    In an international cost of living index I saw recently, London was ranked 5th
    SF came in at just 34th.

    What's number 1?

    Moscow topped the list.

    Here's a link:

    No way LA is more expensive than SF.

    That list was made by Mercer Consulting, a mammoth HR Consulting firm that is hired by multinational companies and so that's pretty much what it reflects - if you worked for, say, Citigroup or Cisco Systems, and were being relocated, which would be more expensive? Rents in LA are way cheaper, but if you read the report the main driver for rising American cities was the cost of gas. And SFers are not bearing the brunt of that, because it is assumed that they aren't making huge commutes (although if they were working for Cisco, they would be driving to San Jose every day... bad example).

  • you ain't hangin out the window when you in that G2
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