Saddam, Dead



  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    I hear least Saddam was humane enough not to broadcast the 100,000's of civilian executions that took place under his rule.

    you know him and his sons had torture rooms right? i think they did some of this shit for entertainment, please don't get to the point where you are saying "he never sank to this level" there is plenty of video of the aftermath of his killing the kurds

    iam against the death pentalty but when your kill score goes over 100 i say all bets are off

    and part of the reason they video taped it ,i suspect, was so that all the conspiracy theory nuts couldn't say that he was living on a yacht somewhere with dick cheney's anal baby or something, but they will still say that anyways

    Showing film and/or photos of his death on the other hand is just vile, barbaric and disgusting.

    end times.

    was it end times in 1945 also?

    Certainly you've read enough of my ramblings here at SS to know I was being sarcastic.

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts

    and your little dog too..

    - spidey

  • If anyone wants to see the video of his hanging it's at

    I tried watching it but I had to turn it off before anything happened. I just don't have the stomach to watch shit like this even if the person is Saddam.

  • i think the majority of people would be more happy if bush was the one getting hung, not sadaam

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    If anyone wants to see the video of his hanging it's at

    I tried watching it but I had to turn it off before anything happened. I just don't have the stomach to watch shit like this even if the person is Saddam.

    It's actually pretty mild, mostly b/c it's not shot very well. To be honest, most movie hangings are a lot more dramatic - and graphic.

  • Post deleted by fishmongerfunk

  • Post deleted by Young_Phonics

  • buttonbutton 1,475 Posts
    I didn't see his neck snap.

  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts
    That hanging was SOFT.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    i think the majority of people would be more happy if bush
    was the one getting hung, not sadaam

    It amazes me how Soul Strut always finds ways
    to make me feel defensive of people I can't stand.
    In other words, I don't want to see Bush hung.
    But then, I didn't want to watch Saddam get hung, either.

    This girl at my work was all, "I wanna see it!!" like it
    was the trailer for Spider-man 3...I was disturbed enough
    by her glee that I dug it up on google video and called her
    over, sat her down, and walked away. She came back a few
    minutes later looking a little green and said "that wasn't what
    I expected at all - I didn't like it, it made me upset"

    Yeah, no shit - sometimes people aren't so desensitized as
    we - and they - think they are.

    I can understand people who suffered directly as a result of
    Hussein's actions taking satisfaction in this...but as some sort
    of American "must-see TV" item, it leaves me more than a little cold.

  • oripsorips 238 Posts
    i think the majority of people would be more happy if bush was the one getting hung, not sadaam

    I think the majority of people would be more happy if nobody gets hung. Using violence to punish violence is

    So, how is the search for Osama bin Laden, the one who actually masterminded 9/11, coming along?

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    i think the majority of people would be more happy if bush
    was the one getting hung, not sadaam

    It amazes me how Soul Strut always finds ways
    to make me feel defensive of people I can't stand.
    In other words, I don't want to see Bush hung.
    But then, I didn't want to watch Saddam get hung, either.

    This girl at my work was all, "I wanna see it!!" like it
    was the trailer for Spider-man 3...I was disturbed enough
    by her glee that I dug it up on google video and called her
    over, sat her down, and walked away. She came back a few
    minutes later looking a little green and said "that wasn't what
    I expected at all - I didn't like it, it made me upset"

    Yeah, no shit - sometimes people aren't so desensitized as
    we - and they - think they are.

    I can understand people who suffered directly as a result of
    Hussein's actions taking satisfaction in this...but as some sort
    of American "must-see TV" item, it leaves me more than a little cold.

    Well done (and said).

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts

    This girl at my work was all, "I wanna see it!!" like it
    was the trailer for Spider-man 3...I was disturbed enough
    by her glee that I dug it up on google video and called her
    over, sat her down, and walked away. She came back a few
    minutes later looking a little green and said "that wasn't what
    I expected at all - I didn't like it, it made me upset"

    Yeah, no shit - sometimes people aren't so desensitized as
    we - and they - think they are.

    I can understand people who suffered directly as a result of
    Hussein's actions taking satisfaction in this...but as some sort
    of American "must-see TV" item, it leaves me more than a little cold.
    I'm about to watch Videodrome.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts


    Well i think comparing OBVIOUS FICTION to a hanging of somebody is an "apples vs oranges" type of thing. but the fact that a smart good dude like yourself has no problem with having executions televised, again says something about the day we live in.

    I'm merely noting that if we're going to talk about the idea of barbarism in our midst, we should look at media world around us as well. What is so obvious about the fiction of death and violence in popular culture in terms of how we're supposed to separate that from "reality" in terms of watching someone actually die on screen? How is the latter perverse without the former also sharing, to some level, with that perversity?

    Are they the same? No. But the line between REPRESENTATIONS of death/violence and actual death/violence is hardly that obvious or concrete.

  • What difference does representation even make? Most sensible viewers are able to fill in the gaps when seeing real death in front of them.

  • Have you lefties only just discovered that arab states employ the death penalty or something? Scores of iranians can be executed for the sole crime of being gay with little comment but one mass murdering bastards gets his and the hand wringing doesnt end. The predictable source of this disparity? the latter event can be linked to the mighty bushdini. You seem to have prejudices in place of principles.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Seeing a video or photos of death elicit a different emotion in some folks then when they simply read about it.

  • roistoroisto 879 Posts
    Have you lefties only just discovered that arab states employ the death penalty or something? Scores of iranians can be executed for the sole crime of being gay with little comment but one mass murdering bastards gets his and the hand wringing doesnt end. The predictable source of this disparity? the latter event can be linked to the mighty bushdini. You seem to have prejudices in place of principles.

    What a fucking idiot you are. Forgot to take your meds today?

  • I don't understand why you guys are so upset, he will just start over in a temple or the Jorasco healing house. I have died 3 times in the last month. The worst thing is his items will be degraded and it takes a long time to get those built up again.

  • Here's an exerpt from Christopher Hitchens' piece on about how our role at a 'human sacrifice'.

    This is what I was talking about in my above post, regarding keeping Saddam alive for purposes of history, learning, etc.

    In Baghdad last week, I missed the best chance I shall ever have to mention rope in the house of a hanged man. The house belonged to Barzan Ibrahim al-Tikriti, Saddam's repellent half-brother and one of the two men who are now scheduled to follow him through the trapdoor. These days, it serves as the office of President Jalal Talabani, with whom I was invited to take lunch. The television was showing the trial of Saddam and his associates for the Anfal campaign, that ruthless and mechanized devastation of Iraqi Kurdistan and the systematic slaughter and clearance of its people by conventional and chemical weaponry. Every Kurd I know was eager to see this episode properly aired in court and placed on the record for all time, with its chief perpetrator on hand to be confronted with his deeds. Instead, the said chief perpetrator was snatched from the dock???in the very middle of his trial???and thrown as a morsel to one of the militias. This sort of improvised "offing" is not even a parody of the serious tribunal that history demands.

  • buttonbutton 1,475 Posts
    Instead, the said chief perpetrator was snatched from the dock???in the very middle of his trial???and thrown as a morsel to one of the militias. This sort of improvised "offing" is not even a parody of the serious tribunal that history demands.

    Who the heck were those hangmen anyways? Store bought ski-masks and street clothes? They looked like the Iraqi version of the Sopranos. The way this was handled was an embarrassment, but sadly seems to be the rule, not the exception when it comes to the current state of the Iraq justice system.

    I suppose the question is now that there is no political miracle that will return Saddam to power, will the Sunni insurgency end the struggle and resign itself? Or will this further fan the flames of civil war that are already wildly out of control?

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Have you lefties only just discovered that arab states employ the death penalty or something?

    I think you are wrong about this being a left right issue. Plenty of lefties are pro capitol punishment and lots of righties are opposed. Both sides are on record as strongly oppossing represive governments who use torture and capitol punishment. Though traditional righties are more tolerant of countries like Saudi Arabia and the old South Africa.

    I also think you are mistaken that this is a thread about capitol punishment. I'm not sure if you have ever heard of Saddam before but his death is pretty big news. The hanging was not carried out according to Iraqi or international law and appeared to be more of vendetta execution that a state one. Understandably.

    So please try to get on the same page and add something to the discussion. I am sure your views would be welcomed if you ever chose to share them. Instead you seem to prefer to criticize others.

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    I don't understand why you guys are so upset, he will just start over in a temple or the Jorasco healing house. I have died 3 times in the last month. The worst thing is his items will be degraded and it takes a long time to get those built up again.

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