SP 1200

fredfadesfredfades 584 Posts
edited December 2006 in Strut Central
if a SP 1200 (original) is MINT, what is it worth approximately?if a SP 1200 (re-issue) is MINT, what is it worth approximately?it would be nice if some one in here can tell me the differences between the OG & the reissue also, the reissue is the one with the green diplay right? is this the only difference?im considering buying one (yeah i know its only 12 secs sampling time, and its NOT as complicated as my MPC, but im a sampler geek, so I do really need one, and the sound is sick also), so just want to check around.if you know something about the price range or want to sell one or know someone who sells one MINT.fred


  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,475 Posts
    OG = grey
    reish = black

    Or so I have been led to believe.

  • dec0ndec0n 38 Posts
    Og's get alot hotter. Both technically have only 10 seconds sample time in 4 banks. There are some subtle cosmetic differences between the 2. Don't often see og's for sale, you'll be very lucky to get under 1k for either unit.

  • OG:


    I've got a minty reissue one that I hardly use. I prefer the MPC 60, I don't like the buttons or the stupid connections on the SP... but I'm still going to keep it and one day force myself to use it.... The sound can be easily replicated with cheaper 12 bit samplers as for the sequencer swing thats a bit harder

  • aight, thats what i thought, the re ish looks fresher..
    the re ish got the green display right? and the OG got the orange/red/yellow?

  • LuminLumin 807 Posts

    I've got a minty reissue one that I hardly use. I prefer the MPC 60, I don't like the buttons or the stupid connections on the SP... but I'm still going to keep it and one day force myself to use it.... The sound can be easily replicated with cheaper 12 bit samplers as for the sequencer swing thats a bit harder

    how much you pay for your sp? you copped it new?
    and what stupid connections are you referring to? the only thing i wish the sp had was scsi capabilities. im not much of a fan of the floppy disk anymore.

  • I got mine from ebay about 18 months ago for ??1000. The guy that had it already had one so didn't really use it. It arrived a bit mucky but nothing that didn't clean with a damp cloth....

    As for the "stupid connections"... well it doesn't have a dedciated headphone output and using the mix out doesn't really work unless you leave the headphone connector halfway in steelo....Its designed to be connected to a mixing desk (board) and monitored through that I think.

    Yeah the reissue has the green backlit screen, but I couldn't comment on the OG as I don't know or care!

    Have you thought about getting one of the other Emu Emax samplers that have the same "guts" as the SP but cheaper?



  • aight aight, someone here who knows any places o cop one except from ebay? american buy/sell-sites or something?


  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,475 Posts
    aight aight, someone here who knows any places o cop one except from ebay? american buy/sell-sites or something?


    I bought my SP (minty reissue) earlier this year. I tried all sorts of stores, websites, personal leads, etc. etc. etc. At every turn, people said, "You're gonna have to go to eBay for that." So that's what I ended up doing, even though I would've vastly preferred buying it in person so I could see the thing for myself. So unfortunately, you're most likely looking at an eBay purchase.

  • aight aight, someone here who knows any places o cop one except from ebay? american buy/sell-sites or something?

    Try Rogue Music in NYC...

  • my friend found an sp 12 in the trash can of his apt building. it looks ok except it doesnt turn on. anyone know where it can be serviced?

    .... The sound can be easily replicated with cheaper 12 bit samplers as for the sequencer swing thats a bit harder

    seriously I have a ASR X that sounds alot like the 1200 for $150. If you sequence elsewhere i would try it out first. I sample my drums into the X at 45 and love the sound once slowed down then resample into my MPC for editing. Too bad it dosent sound like my ASR 10 because I bought the X wanting to replace my 10.

  • actually, i got 1500 dollars now, but i rather buy an ASR X if that makes kinda the same sound to my beats, i will sequence all the shit on my MPC 2000 XL anyways..

    - some one who can tell me some stuff about the ASR X?
    - how much sampling time do you have? how many filters?

    i??ve heard that the ASR-10 has MAD filters, mad as in MANY, and mad as in RAW.

    - do the ASR X have the same filters?
    - is it possible to make a good drum pattern on it without timing correction?

    i have an sp303 and a MPC2000XL, on the mpc i usally do all the drums without timing correction, but that doesnt work on the sp 303 cause of the wack pads/buttons.

    - so, hows the ASR X?

    - does ASR 10 come in a rack version?

    hope someone are able to answer my questions:)

  • actually, i got 1500 dollars now, but i rather buy an ASR X if that makes kinda the same sound to my beats, i will sequence all the shit on my MPC 2000 XL anyways..

    - some one who can tell me some stuff about the ASR X?
    - how much sampling time do you have? how many filters?

    i??ve heard that the ASR-10 has MAD filters, mad as in MANY, and mad as in RAW.

    - do the ASR X have the same filters?
    - is it possible to make a good drum pattern on it without timing correction?

    i have an sp303 and a MPC2000XL, on the mpc i usally do all the drums without timing correction, but that doesnt work on the sp 303 cause of the wack pads/buttons.

    - so, hows the ASR X?

    - does ASR 10 come in a rack version?

    hope someone are able to answer my questions:)

    I have the 10 and the X, although I haven't used the X as extensively as the 10. Nonetheless, it's a god investment if the price is low and it does have some ill filter. I have a maxed out standard-- not the pro. . . and I'm requird by law to say KG from Cold Crush owned it each time I mention it.

    Anyway, dope machine. The pads wear down on it quite a bit, and over time lose resistance, though. If you plan on midi-ing it to the 200xl, though, this might not be that big a problem.

    Personally, though, the ASR-10 is my favorite machine and, yes, there is a rackmount version that I think tends to go for a lower price than the standard 10. You might want to consider that.

  • Man, crazy typos on my last post . . .

    Just wanted to add that for $1500, I'll sell you a gently used MV-8000. . .hahah. New machine, so it might not be what you're looking for, but it can do quite a bit, and you can change the bit rate and alter the swing and quantization quite a bit.

  • nah man, ive tried that sampler, didnt like it.

    but... the ASR X has ALL the same filters as the ASR10?

    or am I wrong?

  • nah man, ive tried that sampler, didnt like it.

    but... the ASR X has ALL the same filters as the ASR10?

    or am I wrong?

    I don't remember, but I'm not sure that it has all . . . It has a lot of filters with a lot of changeable parameters. The other thing-- and I may be mistaken about this-- but they're not analogue filters so I think you're to install additional filters like you would another operating system. In fact http://www.geocities.com/asrxcite/

    Peace. Happy holidays.

  • dec0ndec0n 38 Posts
    would love an ASR10 rack...

  • I've always been of the opinion that some of these sampler lend themselves to a certain styles of hip hop production... will explain later afer I've flown my dads model plane that I bought him for xmas

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    my friend found an sp 12 in the trash can of his apt building. it looks ok except it doesnt turn on. anyone know where it can be serviced?

    These guys might do it: http://www.forat.com/
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