


  • izm707izm707 1,107 Posts
    I glow in the dark sometimes...

    PS :
    Not so. There's a program on the Tv over here where they trace peoples ancestry.
    They did this guy[...]
    And he managed to trace his family back several generations, back to when, some of them, where brought to the Caribbean as slaves from Africa.
    But if you get yourself genetically tested they can even tell you which tribe you're likely to be from originally in Africa. Obviously, as very little written records were kept in Africa, of families etc, its not possible to get too specific.

    Dude also found out he was 45% Caucasian, 50% African and about 5% Amerindian. Finding out he was nearly half white was understandably a bit of a shock.

    So much ignorance in a few lines...and people actually believing it...
    You cannot trace shit...all you can know is what you're made of. So by entension, where you SHOULD come from. But it's hypothetic. The only guarantee you have is to know if you are "mixed" and with what...But they cnat' find back who was your family back then. Its clearly stupid and denote the lack of knowledge about african history and slavery in general...The Mormons would tell you alot about that...they burned so much files, as European countries did. Everything was done back then to not allow African kids to trace their parents. Because slave onwers didn't care if kids was really belonging to the people they called their parents back then...Birth dates, blood lines, certificates, everything was false...So to make somebody believe that is really some Hollywood shit. And Caucasian is not a race, but i guess we need another 20 years for people to reconize. And i hate to type about that fucked up era...But what i hate more is to give people hope when there's none. I helped people doing such researches and you don't come up with what you are looking for 90% of the time. Specially if your origin would be West African countries.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    I glow in the dark sometimes...

    PS :
    Not so. There's a program on the Tv over here where they trace peoples ancestry.
    They did this guy[...]
    And he managed to trace his family back several generations, back to when, some of them, where brought to the Caribbean as slaves from Africa.
    But if you get yourself genetically tested they can even tell you which tribe you're likely to be from originally in Africa. Obviously, as very little written records were kept in Africa, of families etc, its not possible to get too specific.

    Dude also found out he was 45% Caucasian, 50% African and about 5% Amerindian. Finding out he was nearly half white was understandably a bit of a shock.

    So much ignorance in a few lines...and people actually believing it...

    Once agian Izm, you prove yourself to be the biggest ignoramus on soulstrut.
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