ad agencies' fake blog hyping psp



  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts
    I can't comment on Zipatoni or I could get fired, but I can say I hate fake advertising "graffiti."

    I like what Adidas did here:

    They at least gave it some thought and put a twist on it.

    yes, that was a fucking great idea. so effective as well. nothing worse than fake graffiti.

    well, except lameass zipatoni campaigns.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    here's an update on that fake blog. zipatoni just deleted the stupid rap video entry that had over 1000 comments from people telling them how lame SonyCorp & Zipatoni are and swearing never to buy a Sony product again. And they finally admitted the site was a fake at the top

    Busted. Nailed. Snagged. As many of you have figured out (maybe our speech was a little too funky fresh???), Peter isn't a real hip-hop maven and this site was actually developed by Sony. Guess we were trying to be just a little too clever. From this point forward, we will just stick to making cool products, and use this site to give you nothing but the facts on the PSP.

    They sound ass-hurt.

  • I fucking hate when huge corporations do shit like this. Corporate stencils are the only worse things.

    Fuck a Sony.

  • p_gunnp_gunn 2,284 Posts
    Peter isn't a real hip-hop maven

    dag yo

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    am i the only one who really sees no harm in this (as long as it doesn't fall into the realm of false advertising) and that anyone who falls for this shit probably deserves to?

  • p_gunnp_gunn 2,284 Posts
    am i the only one who really sees no harm in this (as long as it doesn't fall into the realm of false advertising) and that anyone who falls for this shit probably deserves to?

    like people downloading mp3's instead of buying records, i think it's something that's horrible but totally unavoidable.. the cat is out of the bag on these situations and it's only going to get worse...

  • am i the only one who really sees no harm in this (as long as it doesn't fall into the realm of false advertising) and that anyone who falls for this shit probably deserves to?

    no. I feel exactly the same way. when I opened this thread I was like "so what?" I mean, who was really "betrayed" or "duped" here? do you people buy products based on the reccommendations of bloggers that you don't even know anyway? if so this whole fiasco seems like a healthy wake up call.

  • BeekBeek 146 Posts
    am i the only one who really sees no harm in this (as long as it doesn't fall into the realm of false advertising) and that anyone who falls for this shit probably deserves to?

    I have no problem with it either... Well, at least I don't think it should be illegal. But when people start calling them on their bullshit, they shouldn't start acting asshurt just because they got sonned.

  • The main thing that pisses me off is how massive corporations take the few things that are available to "little dudes" like posters, stencils, blogs and graf and try to twist them to suit their needs. It's the way of the world I know, but it's bullshit, and it's insulting.

    Seriously, why the fuck should a company like apple or sony be able to put up posters fucking EVERYWHERE and not pay for it?

    If anyone is really fooled by something as lame as that website, well they probably do deserve it. But it raises the question of what's next?
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