Shipping w/ Tracking to Japan?
559 Posts
Anyone know the most reliable way to ship a record to Japan w/ tracking info? In the past I've just shipped uninsured air letter post and haven't had any problems, but the person I'm shipping to strongly prefers a method that can be tracked. I'm guessing Fed Ex? Anyways, any suggestions appreciated.
I think it's about the same as fed ex, cost-wise.
does fedex provides proof of delivery that paypal actually accepts? have you asked paypal directly about this or are you just assuming that fedex provides proof of delivery that paypal accepts? i set up a dhl account with intent of shipping baller items through them, when i ran this past a paypal employee i learned that DHL's proof of delivery won't help paypal decide a dispute.
I can - I just had someone try and put the moves on me and paypal told him to step off. with registed packages, you have to sign for them. the tracking on that can be checked thru the site and that's apparently all paypal needs.
I'm assuming this was a domestic delivery?