2,765 Posts
Just wanted to wish the SoulStrut masses a Happy Turkey Day before I take off on my rounds of meals for the day.Peace to you and your fams.
Thanks. Same to you and everyone here.
Despite the insane year, there's an awful lot for me to personally be very thankful for.
Now, off to eat some delicious gooble fish...
Most definitley.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Now to pack up the lil dudes and get my grub on
I've never been more blessed than this year...and i'm sitting at my new in-laws house, with my parents, my sister, and one of my best friends...I'm thankful for more than I can articulate.
Thanks as well to all here, for teaching me some things, and making me laugh. A thanksgiving toast to the strut.
deep fried turkey, like WHAT!?!
have you had it before? is it really the new new next level turkey method?
i'd like to try it like this sometime.
LOL! Word. We're on the way to the buffet in like an hour. I'll post a post buffet review later.
HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL AMERICAN FOLLS!!!!!!!!!! EAT A LOT AND GET YOUR DRINK ON!!!!!!!! And remember like William DeVaughn told ya'll "Be Thankful for What You Got." Peace and blessings to all.