Senior Democrat Wants Military Draft



  • Over and over I've stated that BOTH parties are fucked.

    You can't deny that.
    Do you believe that both parties are equally fu*ked?

    Fucked is Fucked
    Therefore equally so.

    Fucked is fucked.

    Why don't you spend time unfucking your party instead of playing semantics with people online?

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    Over and over I've stated that BOTH parties are fucked.

    You can't deny that.
    Do you believe that both parties are equally fu*ked?

    Fucked is Fucked
    Therefore equally so.

    Fucked is fucked.

    Why don't you spend time unfucking your party instead of playing semantics with people online?

    I don't have a Party....but thanks for the advice.

  • Over and over I've stated that BOTH parties are fucked.

    You can't deny that.
    Do you believe that both parties are equally fu*ked?

    Fucked is Fucked
    Therefore equally so.

    Fucked is fucked.

    Why don't you spend time unfucking your party instead of playing semantics with people online?
    This is the3rdstream right?

    Reveal yourself.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    As someone who actually answered your question, I'll reiterate:

    1. there should be some sort of social service draft
    2. Would I dodge? I would've when I was 18, that's for damn sure

    I appreciate your answer......and I wonder if there would be more draft dodgers today than there was during Viet Nam.

  • I'm guess you mean drafted into Iraq? I'd go to prison first.

  • UnherdUnherd 1,880 Posts

    Over and over I've stated that BOTH parties are fucked.

    You can't deny that.
    Do you believe that both parties are equally fu*ked?

    Fucked is Fucked
    Therefore equally so.

    Fucked is fucked.

    Why don't you spend time unfucking your party instead of playing semantics with people online?

    I don't have a Party....but thanks for the advice.

    Why don't you spend time unfucking your country[/b] instead of playing semantics with people online?

    I've never seen someone be so passionately apathetic, does anyone actually believe Rock posted this to survey the youth?

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    Why don't you spend time unfucking your country[/b] instead of playing semantics with people online?

    I've never seen someone be so passionately apathetic, does anyone actually believe Rock posted this to survey the youth?

    I assume the time you waste here could be used better too.

    I started a thread......fu*k me

    Please do me a favor and start a thread about the possibility of a Military Draft, but do it in the politically correct way don't want to piss off anyone in the Peanut Gallery.

    I'd love to know what folks here think about it.

    The best thing about "playing semantics" is you can't do it by yourself.

    Thanks for your participation.

  • Over and over I've stated that BOTH parties are fucked.

    You can't deny that.
    Do you believe that both parties are equally fu*ked?

    Fucked is Fucked
    Therefore equally so.

    Fucked is fucked.

    Why don't you spend time unfucking your party instead of playing semantics with people online?
    This is the3rdstream right?

    Reveal yourself.

    no, and keep my name out of your mouth parents computer

  • This is a pretty weak smear of the Dems, Rock. If there had been a draft, we would never have gone to Iraq. Maybe we'd have even remained focused on Afghanistan and found Bin Laden. Is this supposed to make the democrats look bad or good? Thank god someone in government has the balls to come right out and make tough, unpopular decisions that they believe are right. Rangel is my congressman, and I support him 100%.

    I am not sure about that. Having a ready reserve of conscripts historically has persuaded leaders to launch more wars. Indeed, a draft would make future wars wageable under the Powell doctrine, which says don't get involved unless you have overwhelming force. Afterall, the criticism of the war from the center, as opposed to the left, is that it was poorly planned and we did not send enough soldiers. If there was a draft, we would be able to send more soldiers without breaking the army. Now Rangel would say that if there was a draft more Americans would have had a stake in the war and therefore fewer would have initially supported it. But I don't know if that's true either. Smarter people than me have argued that the draft extended America's intervention in Vietnam. Now as it stands, I'm against the draft because of what Seavers nikes said. One of the many reasons why the Iraq war is not the Vietnam war is because there has only been once incident of fragging that i know about, and it occurred before we even invaded Iraq.

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    This is a pretty weak smear of the Dems, Rock. If there had been a draft, we would never have gone to Iraq. Maybe we'd have even remained focused on Afghanistan and found Bin Laden. Is this supposed to make the democrats look bad or good? Thank god someone in government has the balls to come right out and make tough, unpopular decisions that they believe are right. Rangel is my congressman, and I support him 100%.

    I am not sure about that. Having a ready reserve of conscripts historically has persuaded leaders to launch more wars. Indeed, a draft would make future wars wageable under the Powell doctrine, which says don't get involved unless you have overwhelming force. Afterall, the criticism of the war from the center, as opposed to the left, is that it was poorly planned and we did not send enough soldiers. If there was a draft, we would be able to send more soldiers without breaking the army. Now Rangel would say that if there was a draft more Americans would have had a stake in the war and therefore fewer would have initially supported it. But I don't know if that's true either. Smarter people than me have argued that the draft extended America's intervention in Vietnam. Now as it stands, I'm against the draft because of what Seavers nikes said. One of the many reasons why the Iraq war is not the Vietnam war is because there has only been once incident of fragging that i know about, and it occurred before we even invaded Iraq.

    I think that one of the strongest assets that our military possesses is the fact that it is an all volunteer army.

    If you will recall, we sent in well enough soldiers to get in there and thouroughly kick ass. The problem now is that we are no longer facing a miliary threat. We are now putting soldiers trained to kill and destroy and charging them with rebuilding a fiercely devided nation state.

    All the while we are facing a near constant stream of civillian terrorist attacks. Im sure the insurgency is organized, but you cant fight it in the same way you fight an opposing army.

    Not to mention the fact that iraq still had nothing to do with 9/11 which was supposedly the reason we went to war in the first place. Now we've pulled too many troops out of afganistan and its getting fucked up there again. We dont have enough troops to fight the bad guys cause we are tied up babysitting in iraq.

    The argument that we needed more troops in iraq is flawed because in reality we should have stayed the fuck out.

  • Over and over I've stated that BOTH parties are fucked.

    You can't deny that.
    Do you believe that both parties are equally fu*ked?

    Fucked is Fucked
    Therefore equally so.

    Fucked is fucked.

    Why don't you spend time unfucking your party instead of playing semantics with people online?
    So you're a republican like the3rdstream, Rockadelic, Dolo_yeung, sabadabada, paul, Vitamin, and Lumin?

  • I think Charlie Rangel is finally exhibiting signs of Alzheimer's.

    So you're on the SoulStrut Enemies List [/b] like the3rdstream, Rockadelic, Dolo_yeung, sabadabada, paul, Vitamin, and Lumin?

  • As someone who actually answered your question, I'll reiterate:

    1. there should be some sort of social service draft
    2. Would I dodge? I would've when I was 18, that's for damn sure

    I appreciate your answer......and I wonder if there would be more draft dodgers today than there was during Viet Nam.

    So many people would run to Canada that it'd snap off and float to the North Pole...

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,390 Posts

    I am not sure about that. Having a ready reserve of conscripts historically has persuaded leaders to launch more wars. Indeed, a draft would make future wars wageable under the Powell doctrine, which says don't get involved unless you have overwhelming force. Afterall, the criticism of the war from the center, as opposed to the left, is that it was poorly planned and we did not send enough soldiers.

    Agreed that ready numbers of draftees give warmongers ideas they wouldn't otherwise be so quick to press into action. The flaw of the Powell doctrine, of course, is that overwhelming military force is not the only factor needed to win a war.

    I did civil service as an alternative to military service and spent 18 months doing development and aid work in West Africa. Whilst that was on the whole good for me and the people we worked with, most of my friends got drafted into the army for 12 months, which was a joke. It was made clear to them they weren't real soldiers and they spent 90% of their time doing fuck all. They all left feeling they'd wasted a year of their lives, which is at 18 is a big fucking deal.

  • Danno3000Danno3000 2,850 Posts
    Too many people are way too sensitive and eager to indulge in masturbatory partisan bickering.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    This draft business is nonsense.

    Tho, I do find it amusing that before the elections there were alot of people (Including a couple on here) talking about how the REPs were going to bring back the draft. Even some high profile DEMs were using it in their speeches.

    It would be political suicide to bring that shit back.

    Tho, I do think every citizen (no matter what country) should put in some volunteer service in their country (Not the armed forces mind you) in some way.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts

    I think that one of the strongest assets that our military possesses is the fact that it is an all volunteer army.

    Indeed, indeed. I see the "point" and all, but in reality, filling our Army with a bunch of draftees is a really really bad idea.

  • middle class and elites would start caring more about the reasons for sending troops all over the world if their neighbors and their kids had to be involved.

    exactly. bush would never have gotten congress's approval for war if there was a mandatory draft. i think farenheit 9-11 had footage of Moore asking Congressmen who supported the war why their sons were not over in Iraq. there aren't too many Pat Tillman types out there. people with money generally don't sign up for the army. Rangel is making a point, as others have stated.

    if the democrats really wanted to end the war they should all vote for a mandatory draft. then as soon as Bush pulled out of Iraq (which he would do as soon as the vote passed), they would vote it down again.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    So you're a republican like Rockadelic, Dolo_yeung, sabadabada, paul & Vitamin

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    i think farenheit 9-11 had footage of Moore asking Congressmen who supported the war why their sons were not over in Iraq.

    Didn't Moore film a Congressman who did have family in Iraq, but Moore left it out of the film? I think in the film, Moore has that same Congressman walking away when being asked or something and doesn't show the full exchange between them.

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,390 Posts

    That beard is unsettling

  • Over and over I've stated that BOTH parties are fucked.

    You can't deny that.
    Do you believe that both parties are equally fu*ked?

    Fucked is Fucked
    Therefore equally so.

    Fucked is fucked.

    Why don't you spend time unfucking your party instead of playing semantics with people online?
    So you're a republican like the3rdstream, Rockadelic, Dolo_yeung, sabadabada, paul, Vitamin, and Lumin?

    What would make you ask that other than me disagreeing with you?

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    all you old mufuckaz okaying a draft can fuck off. my ass aint going to war for no one

  • catalistcatalist 1,373 Posts
    military draft is

    WORST USE EVER of that avatar. Fuck that dude.

    Under no circumstances is the draft 'so necessary', it's straight bullshit.

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