Senior Democrat Wants Military Draft

RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
edited November 2006 in Strut Central
If Charlie Rangel gets his way some of you need to start worrying.


  • Doesn't he try this every year to no effect?

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Doesn't he try this every year to no effect?

    Sure.....but now that his party has the power......

  • military draft is

    middle class and elites would start caring more about the reasons for sending troops all over the world if their neighbors and their kids had to be involved.

  • Doesn't he try this every year to no effect?

    Sure.....but now that his party has the power......


    Rich is this what the right wing radio shows in TX are kicking?

    That shit would never work no matter who's in power.

    The classic line used all through the elections was "if you elect this party look who you'll put in power!"
    as if anyone could unilaterally institute a draft.

    I also agree with Tony that we SHOULD have a draft... maybe these crazy ass crackers would think twice before endorsing our government's little adventures/experiments.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Doesn't he try this every year to no effect?

    Sure.....but now that his party has the power......


    Rich is this what the right wing radio shows in TX are kicking?

    That shit would never work no matter who's in power.

    The classic line used all through the elections was "if you elect this party look who you'll put in power!"
    as if anyone could unilaterally institute a draft.

    I also agree with Tony that we SHOULD have a draft... maybe these crazy ass crackers would think twice before endorsing our government's little adventures/experiments. it this morning in the paper.....but let's face it, the guys who call the shots have so much power, money and influence that THEIR kids will never be effected anyway....if it DOES happen I wonder if it will include women too??

  • I'm not too concerned about the people who have so much money or power that they can get around a draft whenever it comes... I am concerned with the people who mindlessly vote for this kind of schitt and who would have kids in the service if there was a draft.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    If Charlie Rangel gets his way some of you need to start worrying.

    He doesn't actually want a draft; he's trying to make a point.

    I would certainly be in favor of two years of compulsory public service for young people.

  • This would be a horrible policy that would effect the quality of our armed forces. Why would you want to load up the service with people who don't want to be there?

    I'd much rather see some sort of mandatory service where either one goes into the armed forces or into public service like the Peace Corps.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    Why would you want to load up the service with people who don't want to be there?

    As if it isn't already.

  • UnherdUnherd 1,880 Posts
    This is a pretty weak smear of the Dems, Rock. If there had been a draft, we would never have gone to Iraq. Maybe we'd have even remained focused on Afghanistan and found Bin Laden. Is this supposed to make the democrats look bad or good? Thank god someone in government has the balls to come right out and make tough, unpopular decisions that they believe are right. Rangel is my congressman, and I support him 100%.

  • This is a pretty weak smear of the Dems, Rock. If there had been a draft, we would never have gone to Iraq. Maybe we'd have even remained focused on Afghanistan and found Bin Laden. Is this supposed to make the democrats look bad or good? Thank god someone in government has the balls to come right out and make tough, unpopular decisions that they believe are right. Rangel is my congressman, and I support him 100%.


  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    I copied a fact that was in today's the hell is that a smear.

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    C'mon Rock
    1) You're trying to elicit a response from die hard Democrats on the board with it
    2) It is a misleading headline. Rangel uses this as a talking point almost yearly about the disparity (white vs minority) of opportunities post high school graduation.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    C'mon Rock
    1) You're trying to elicit a response from die hard Democrats on the board with it
    2) It is a misleading headline. Rangel uses this as a talking point almost yearly about the disparity (white vs minority) of opportunities post high school graduation.

    Here is Rangel "smearing" himself.

    Trying to elicit a response from people who it actually might effect!!

    can we have a way too sensitive asshurt graemlin.

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    I personally don't give a f*ck if you post it up, I think it's interesting to discuss. No asshurtedness. I was explaining you know what you're doing and you know what response you're gonna get on here by doing it.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    I personally don't give a f*ck if you post it up, I think it's interesting to discuss. No asshurtedness. I was explaining you know what you're doing and you know what response you're gonna get on here by doing it.

    OK.....I give up....what kind of response was I manipulating??

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    Democratic sabre rattling vs Conservative record guy attack.
    I need that monkey knife fight graemlin to illustrate.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Democratic sabre rattling vs Conservative record guy attack.
    I need that monkey knife fight graemlin.

    Wouldn't that happen in one form or another no matter WHAT political issue was discussed??

    That's ridiculous.

    First of all I don't think the Draft is a terrible idea nor did I state it was.

    We can question Republicans here 24/7 and no one yells "smear".

    I merely repeat what a Democrat himself states and it's for the sole purpose of starting a fight.

    Is this place THAT biased??

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    There's more to it than Rangel saying he wants conscription back in place. It is all the other background info behind it that Rangel seems to care about, not the draft itself being reinstated as the main focus.


  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    There's more to it than Rangel saying he wants conscription back in place. It is all the other background info behind it that Rangel seems to care about, not the draft itself being reinstated as the main focus.


    Fair enough....but this is one case where the phrase "Be careful what you ask for" can be applied.

  • UnherdUnherd 1,880 Posts
    Rock, I think your post, from anyone else, could be conceived of as simply "look whats going on, how do you guys feel about this?" Sorry, but you have a history, in my view, of posting up provocative shit to point out how bad liberals or democrats are, and then playing either the non-partisan, dont shoot the messenger role, or pretending to be some sort of maverick martyr fighting struts liberal establishment. We all know why you posted it, including you. To now say, well maybe its not a bad idea, you guys are just so filled with hate,

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Rock, I think your post, from anyone else, could be conceived of as simply "look whats going on, how do you guys feel about this?" Sorry, but you have a history, in my view, of posting up provocative shit to point out how bad liberals or democrats are, and then playing either the non-partisan, dont shoot the messenger role, or pretending to be some sort of maverick martyr fighting struts liberal establishment. We all know why you posted it, including you. To now say, well maybe its not a bad idea, you guys are just so filled with hate,

    Over and over I've stated that BOTH parties are fucked.

    You can't deny that.

  • UnherdUnherd 1,880 Posts
    The system is fucked, no question.

    But, I'll take the party that advocates universal health care and getting out of Iraq over the party that talks about the estate tax, school prayer and flag burning any day, even if the democrats are ineffective or even disingenuous. At the least, they pay lip service to real issues, instead of pandering to the most ignorant and insular among us.

    And Rock, when was the last time you impartially posted up some Republican misdeeds? Or are you simply picking up the slack for the overwhelming liberal slant of soulstrut?

    Again, you seem like a nice guy, but your attack, feign surprise and claim the middle schtick really bugs me...

  • Over and over I've stated that BOTH parties are fucked.

    You can't deny that.
    Do you believe that both parties are equally fu*ked?

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    The system is fucked, no question.

    But, I'll take the party that advocates universal health care and getting out of Iraq over the party that talks about the estate tax, school prayer and flag burning any day, even if the democrats are ineffective or even disingenuous. At the least, they pay lip service to real issues, instead of pandering to the most ignorant and insular among us.

    And Rock, when was the last time you impartially posted up some Republican misdeeds? Or are you simply picking up the slack for the overwhelming liberal slant of soulstrut?

    Again, you seem like a nice guy, but your attack, feign surprise and claim the middle schtick really bugs me...

    Seriously...WHAT in this thread is an "attack"

    PLEASE just cut and paste any "attack" I've made.

    I've posted ad nauseum about "horizontal" politics and how BOTH parties and ALL politicians suck.

    I stated here that I'd vote for Obama in '08

    Yet ALL anyone really comes away with is "I'm bashing the Left"

    Considering how much Right bashing goes on here that's absolutely comical....'s the old "If you're not with us 100% you're against us" shit again.

    And y'all HATED when Bush said that shit.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    Over and over I've stated that BOTH parties are fucked.

    You can't deny that.
    Do you believe that both parties are equally fu*ked?

    Fucked is Fucked

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts

  • Over and over I've stated that BOTH parties are fucked.

    You can't deny that.
    Do you believe that both parties are equally fu*ked?

    Fucked is Fucked
    Therefore equally so.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    This thread was about instituting a Draft.

    Rangel is the only one in today's news advocating that.

    I can not be effected by a draft because I'm too friggin old, but I wanted to see what those who CAN be effected thought about it.

    The title of my thread was cut and pasted straight from a published article.

    So screw who suggested it if that get's your panties in a wad, what do you think of a Draft.

    And even better, would you dodge the Draft if your number came up.

  • As someone who actually answered your question, I'll reiterate:

    1. there should be some sort of social service draft
    2. Would I dodge? I would've when I was 18, that's for damn sure
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