It's worth equivalent of 3 original Penis PEZ dispensers, a tin Daffy Duck cup-and-bowl set, an OJ Simpson McDonalds collector glass and a foam Hamburgler hatt and dinner for a group of 10 at Black Lobster.
It's worth equivalent of 3 original Penis PEZ dispensers, a tin Daffy Duck cup-and-bowl set, an OJ Simpson McDonalds collector glass and a foam Hamburgler hatt and dinner for a group of 10 at Black Lobster.
It's worth equivalent of 3 original Penis PEZ dispensers, a tin Daffy Duck cup-and-bowl set, an OJ Simpson McDonalds collector glass and a foam Hamburgler hatt and dinner for a group of 10 at Black Lobster.
whoa! you are going WAY overboard including the OJ glass...don't be a fool!
It's worth equivalent of 3 original Penis PEZ dispensers,
a tin Daffy Duck cup-and-bowl set, an OJ Simpson McDonalds
collector glass and a foam Hamburgler hatt and dinner for
a group of 10 at Black Lobster.
how much does all that add up to in US $$$ ?
heres one...
i dont know much bout raer or raer ass 45s, i though it was...well sorta guess not
whoa! you are going WAY overboard including the OJ glass...don't be a fool!
yeah, definitely not raer, but i like both sides of it. its a nice cheap one.
the dream-crusher hath spoken...haha...
soulstrut always bust my head open.
best forum ever!