hey mopey pants..dont release any more records



  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    I was at the club last night and noticed a poster for some sad sack dipshit playing there soon...said poster had a picture of whom I assumed is the artist holding his head in hands as if he was sobbing. f*cking pathetic. Rock music is supposed to make you feel better, supposed to make you forget your shitty life and your troubles, you are supposed to feel better after you listen to it...you arent supposed to feel bad after you hear/see it. where is the rock that makes ya feel better, that makes wanna flip off everything you hate, makes ya wanna get fucked up? I am sick of reflective, emo-ass bands and their sensitive emotions and their sad ass songs...go away, please...for the sake of good music....please.

    I listened to this last night, and immediately felt a million times better. If you're one of those dudes who has some kind of too-cool-for-school attitude towards that first Boston album because it was everywhere, it sold a gajillion copies, and all the jocks at school rode hard for it, then you and I can never truly be friends. I really couldn't give a tuppenny F*ck whether or not this song gets murdered by every shitty bar band from sea to shining sea 365 days a year; I love it to the bone, and you must deal.

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts

    I listened to this last night, and immediately felt a million times better. If you're one of those dudes who has some kind of too-cool-for-school attitude towards that first Boston album because it was everywhere, it sold a gajillion copies, and all the jocks at school rode hard for it, then you and I can never truly be friends. I really couldn't give a tuppenny F*ck whether or not this song gets murdered by every shitty bar band from sea to shining sea 365 days a year; I love it to the bone, and you must deal.

    massive cosign. I don't even own that motherfucker but I feel like I do because if you turn on the Loop in Chicago (new/classic rock station) a song off this album is never far away. Shit is so uplifting. I'm always in a better mood after I hear it.

    I was trying to think about why I like "classic rock" (the traditional definition) so much. I was born in 1976, so it's not like I was rocking out to it in bars when it came out. I realized that it's because it's f*cking fun. It was party music. Teens in the 70's were just as angsty and disillusioned as these emo fools, but when school was out on a Friday they partied down with some ass-kicking music, not more angsty glum shit. I'm not mad at the Morisseys and the Cures of the world, but I'm going to put on some "rock" music, it needs to do just that.

  • DJBombjackDJBombjack Miami 1,665 Posts
    I was trying to think about why I like "classic rock" (the traditional definition) so much. I was born in 1976, so it's not like I was rocking out to it in bars when it came out. I realized that it's because it's f*cking fun. It was party music. Teens in the 70's were just as angsty and disillusioned as these emo fools, but when school was out on a Friday they partied down with some ass-kicking music, not more angsty glum shit. I'm not mad at the Morisseys and the Cures of the world, but I'm going to put on some "rock" music, it needs to do just that.

    This rings true with me too. I grew up in the UK in the 70s/80s and was lucky enough to be able to listen to BBC radio - whose DJs included Dave Lee Travis and John Peel. To this day I feel so lucky to have been able to listen to a nightly show like John Peels for pretty much all of my teenage years.

    And in the spirit of the Boston YouTube post, I would like to add one of my own, a song I will listen to until the day I die. (No studio version found only live)

  • selperfugeselperfuge 1,165 Posts

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    and was lucky enough to be able to listen to BBC radio - whose DJs included Dave Lee Travis and John Peel.

    I may be misreading this, but are you saying DLT was a good listen?

    Kid Jensen, Mike Read, Annie Nightingale, yes.

    DLT.... not so much.

  • DJBombjackDJBombjack Miami 1,665 Posts
    DLT - c'mon, the pub dart game!

  • SupergoodSupergood 1,213 Posts

    That pic is goofy on multiple levels. Why are folks taking cell phone pix of The Emo?

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts

    That pic is goofy on multiple levels. Why are folks taking cell phone pix of The Emo?


  • gravelheadwrapgravelheadwrap corn 948 Posts

    Oh Man! This sums up many shows I went to in high school. I had friends in punk bands, that weren't emo or even angsty and you'd get kids like this sitting outside on the bench crying or on a chair in a crowded ass area with their head in their hands looking exactly like this.

    I've even saw this at a rap show. Count Bass D and a few others were playing. Its like some of these kids think just because the artists/musicians are "indie" or "underground" or whatever.. in that sort of "scene", they think its emo.

    It really feels like these kids do it for attention. "OMG my girlfriend broke up with me four days ago and I am at a show displaying my emotions"

  • bull_oxbull_ox 5,056 Posts
    Is that a bunch of people taking pictures of a dude crying at a show/party? Cuz that ain't even right...

    Granted, he probably shouldn't be out in the middle of things if he's gonna fall apart like that, but still: not at all emo of those photogs.

  • hemolhemol 2,578 Posts
    Soulhawk, If those emo dudes are taking home the coochie they're not cutting it up cause their sad grey dick are filled with too many tears. They stay soft.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
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