Dr. Alimantado - Born for a Purpose LP

meistromocomeistromoco 954 Posts
edited October 2006 in Strut Central
Really feeling this LP. Anyone know if the dubs are available on anything? Also, I know I heard a DJ version of the title track - is that the b-side of the single?? "I wish that a marriage license was just like a drivers license that expired every two years..."


  • I liked the 'Best dressed chicken in town''(I grew up with it). My favorite stoned picnic music, next to Nigerian afro music.

  • i seem to remember the dj version is the on the discomix 12" of the title track, but i might be wrong

  • coffinjoecoffinjoe 1,743 Posts
    the dubs can only be found on the 7" b-sides
    (unless they have been re-issued)
    i always thought that Born was a little softer than Best Dressed
    (but still great)
    there was a third lp released of the same kind of material,
    on his label (keyman?) i think it had "love" in the title
    all three have great tracks
    Best Dressed just played stronger thru & thru

  • TabaskoTabasko 1,357 Posts
    the dubs can only be found on the 7" b-sides
    (unless they have been re-issued)
    i always thought that Born was a little softer than Best Dressed
    (but still great)
    there was a third lp released of the same kind of material,
    on his label (keyman?) i think it had "love" in the title
    all three have great tracks
    Best Dressed just played stronger thru & thru

    Love Is

  • cpeetzcpeetz 2,112 Posts
    the dubs can only be found on the 7" b-sides
    (unless they have been re-issued)
    i always thought that Born was a little softer than Best Dressed
    (but still great)
    there was a third lp released of the same kind of material,
    on his label (keyman?) i think it had "love" in the title
    all three have great tracks
    Best Dressed just played stronger thru & thru

    Best Dressed Chicken is by far the best of the three...
    I believe a couple of the tracks from this Lp
    also appeared on Greensleeves' 12" with dubs on the b-sides.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts

    I like "Best Dressed...", but once I took a chance on a later LP by him from the 80s. He must have just got hold of a brand new Yamaha keyboard and tried to put everything through it and the album sounded rushed and lame. Anybody know the LP I'm thinking of? Orange border with a big photo of him in a studio with said keyboard.

    I like this though:

    and this fucker is:
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