Yo, people from Australia are hella cool.

I just got back from some 10 tenors after party, and there were mad fools from brisbane there, and although NONE of them had ever heard of dj sheep (can you believe it?) I must say that peeps from australia were much cooler by comparisom than pretty much any group of asshole l.a. motherfuckers you could meet anywhere. Shit has me feeling like moving over there and shit. Is it really like that though? Are people really genuinely nice to eachother? Shit seems amazing to me after 3 and a half years in this fuckin snakepit. So....Props to austrailia. I got to get over there sometime.
i lived in Sydney for 2 years and being a kiwi, have a lot of experiance with aussies, and they are a down to earth lot.
if you never been, go there (and NZ too) you will have a fucking blast.
Dude, Australia is full of
So if you wanna come over here, you better
Or else you won't be
Awwwww.... no one knew me
I also got to give it up for most of my country's people. Esepcially when I travel, when I run into a local Australian, it's always lots of laughs and fun stories...
Australia gets the thumbs up'
ESPECIALLY Brisbane. Home of the Gold Coast, Dreamworld, Sunshine Coast and tight Snappy Toms (Chan knows what's up).
A few years back when I was doing the travelling thing around east Asia I had to leave Thailand to get a visa extension, so I headed north to Laos. I left Thailand and crossed the Friendship Bridge which spans a deep chasm and the Thai-Laos border. Across the other side of the bridge and I reach Laos customs. They look at my passport and visa documents and then ask for the standard $50 customs fee. I tell them I have travellers cheques, but they won't accept them. I ask if there is an ATM, and I'm told the only one is in Vientein, across the border. I sigh, and realise I have to go back to Thailand to use an ATM... on the other side of the bridge I'm told I cannot enter Thailand without proof that I left, i.e. a customs stamp from Laos. Walk back across the bridge, but Laos won't give me a stamp without the fee. Doh.
So I'm stuck in limbo on this concrete bridge with unsympathetic customs officers for company and my own stupidity to blame when an Australian couple approach from Thailand, doubtless on the same visa extension mission as me. The sight of them and the sound of their accents was like a drowning man seeing flipper the dolphin. They heard my stupid story and readily leant me the fifty I needed to get into Laos, we spent a cool weekend getting hammered in Vientein and then we parted company as they headed north and I went to Cambodia.
Without hesitation, I'd say that Ozzies are cool... just that "Neighbours", "Home & Away" and "Young Doctors" have spoilt my image of life down under.
Amazing weather, amazing people, amazing beaches, amazing wildlife...
I didn't even feel the need to dig too much either, so the place even took care of my finances for me.
Dude, what do you think 'Coronation street' and 'East Enders' did for one's image of life in the UK
seriously tho, this is a good spot to be, especially in summer, most peeps who visit here seem to have a great time
Bondi in the picture above is one crazy beach, when I was living in sydney post uni swims there and just south used to be the shizzle
LOL never heard of that one!
I would also like to take this thread of good-will to extend my props to those folks of North American origins.
In my time in south-east asia, I never met an american or canadian who wasn't up for a bucket of redbull/vodka and a long, hilarious cultural exchange of stories.
Good times!
My interactions with Americans, and interest in American culture and politics, has in various circumstances have led me to be a staunch defender of your peoples especially on occasions where some average, no-hoper, sheltered dickhead aussie blurts out something idiotic like "All americans are wankers, george bush blah blah blah"
I only once nearly got in a fight with a yank, but that was on a plane and I was drunk and it was over "L'etranger" by Albert Camus. but thats another story.
Once again, Props!
HA HA! LOL!!! Snappy Tom!!!!!!! You are a fool Bevan. Australians are great. Every time I have met Aussies while traveling they have been VERY cool people. My brother and his wife were going to school in London for a while in the late 80s. I went and stayed with them for a couple of weeks and we went out every night. Some of the local London pubs were a little funny. As soon as people realized we were Americans sometimes some of the locals would have an attitude or flip us some shit. We were college kids that just wanted to party and have a good time! A lot of the local London pubs were full of neighborhood people and were often quite reserved and subdued. They were not that fun. Then we found an Australian bar near Piccadilly where the staff was all Australians as were most of the customers. As soon as we walked in there the first time, INSTANT PARTY. The Australians were great to us. No one cared we were American students and no one ever had any funny attitudes. The whole bar was loud and festive and we would always end up joining Australians at their tables for a night of drinking. Good people.
I need to go to Brisbane and visit that fool DJ Sheep and travel around Australia with him. I looked up some tickets online and a flight from Seattle to Brisbane is like 24 to 27 hours with 3 to 4 connections!!!!!! DAMN!!!!! If I go through all that I'm staying down there for a while and going to New Zealand too. I'm going to try to get down there next year.
Big up to all the cool Australians.