like they are some sort of record dealing corporation?what's up with that? I think is a good marketing move though. Your thoughts? This shit is important, so shut up, hatters.
in the future we will be listing heat from our private collection, so keep your eyes peeled for more records that will make your sampler roll over and fetch a bone![/b]
...every lp "we" sells is rare / private press / jazz funk / afro funk / private soul...
I got a private jazz funk "rarity" from him that was wack boring big band jazz.
ebay these days are full of hacks...I would rather buy from Raj...or the sellers from california...sellers from cali seem to take ebay a bit more serious...
I got a private jazz funk "rarity" from him that was wack boring big band jazz.
Never understood why people buy records on Ebay not knowning what they sound like.
*que Macrofunk response*
I really regret banning that guy from my auctions. Stuff I wouldn't have even considered touching became "hmmm maybe marco might bid this up!".. like a cheesy late 70s gospel record with a hint of funk or some soul shit from 1987.
...every lp "we" sells is rare / private press / jazz funk / afro funk / private soul...
I got a private jazz funk "rarity" from him that was wack boring big band jazz.
ebay these days are full of hacks...I would rather buy from Raj...or the sellers from california...sellers from cali seem to take ebay a bit more serious...
I got a warped item once and he said "it must have gotten warped while it was shipping". But I've tried some tests, and records just don't warp whatever you do, you can even park a car on them without them being warped. His store is too big to be run by one person, so I think if they use 'we', it should be neither adding to nor diminishing his achievements. I actually mostly prefer to buy records from people that like to give something to the buyer instead of just cashing profits.
Sellers from Califarnia have often somewhat scratched records, like they are not used to handle them with care or grade them accordingly (anybody knows why ?). But I've become used to that.
As a seller, I imitated Anthony Pearson to some extent, because he was selling well. Bu not the 'we' talking. I don't have a wife & child anyway, I always thought it to be referring to that. Makes me think though, mid-30's or so, and not being married yet.
I just bought a Coltrane Kulu Se Ma or whatever it's called for $11 off ebay. The listing said 1966 MONO. I'm like, "fuk, I'm gonna buy me that shit and listen to it and sell it for $40".
I get it and it's hella ABC STEREO 70's press and shit. I'm all hurt. I email dude and I'm like "what up with this noise".
He's like... " I will inform my staff that this was posted incorrectly". Staff? WTF dude? It's like your listing 30 records a month!
Damn. I have a business partner, employee, my wife and I someone part time and we are selling 20,000 records a year and I ain't got no staff!
I want my goddamn MONO red and black batches.
PS: O-Dub there is no other record like Duke Pearson The Phantom. That's it.
Maybe I am getting this wrong... and maybe you guys can steer me right...
I have guys that tell me "man you should list more often. I check your auctions once a week but you don't have anything up so I spend my money elsewhere." Some of these people live in my city. I do auctions once a month. 20 items.
I keep the good schitt in my shop and off ebay. The opposite of what some of these other shops do. I feel like that's the right thing to do.
There are seriously guys that live a mere 20 minute train ride from me but prefer to shop on ebay and ask me to list more. WTF?
although i don't buy many records, i buy more online and i have four record stores within a five minute walk of my house. now of course hawaii aint got great records but still, some find it more convienient to purchase online.
There are seriously guys that live a mere 20 minute train ride from me but prefer to shop on ebay and ask me to list more. WTF?
They can't enter your store in a five-minute window of work avoidance, but they can easily bid on 10 of your acutions in that same five-minute timeframe.
Perhaps you should consider setting up Good Records satellite stores in their cubicles. Location, location, location.
seller Waterpolo85 who may or may not be the same person as buyer Funkyman72 uses the royal "we" and states"they" grade better and don't try to pass off weak records as grails (i'm paraphrasing). comes off sounding a little self-righteous.
Really though, records warp in the mail all the damn time
I've read some phisycs reports about vinyl, and it warps instantly at above 80-90 degrees centigrade. At room temperature, it will take years, or a very high pressure (coparable to a about 20 tons of weight).
Fair enough, try warping one with your bare hands. I'm sure it's not going to work, it just re-stretches to it's original opsition.
Really though, records warp in the mail all the damn time
I've read some phisycs reports about vinyl, and it warps instantly at above 80-90 degrees centigrade. At room temperature, it will take years, or a very high pressure (coparable to a about 20 tons of weight).
Fair enough, try warping one with your bare hands. I'm sure it's not going to work, it just re-stretches to it's original opsition.
I can tell you from experience that vinyl will warp quickly and easily at 90 degs farenheit
It could also gradually warp at lower temps during prolonged exposure
I don't see how someone who collects wax couldn't have a lot of experience with warping already though?? You can watch it happen live at the flea market here every weekend - many sellers don't use an umbrella or tent (Marco knows the deal)
Really though, records warp in the mail all the damn time
I've read some phisycs reports about vinyl, and it warps instantly at above 80-90 degrees centigrade. At room temperature, it will take years, or a very high pressure (coparable to a about 20 tons of weight).
Fair enough, try warping one with your bare hands. I'm sure it's not going to work, it just re-stretches to it's original opsition.
I can tell you from experience that vinyl will warp quickly and easily at 90 degs farenheit
It could also gradually warp at lower temps during prolonged exposure
I don't see how someone who collects wax couldn't have a lot of experience with warping already though?? You can watch it happen live at the flea market here every weekend - many sellers don't use an umbrella or tent (Marco knows the deal)
I tried warping records on a sunny afternoon, I had 10 copies of some whack record, and it didn't work. From every report that I have seen the temperature at which the vinyl got a degree of flexiblity needed, was at about 60 degrees centigrade (I suddenly remember more accurately), which is higher than the temperature which you mention. I bought about 500 records online and about the same omount offline (I'm choosy). The only one that warped during trasnport unexpectedly (ie not a sealed copy) was the one that I mentioned. That's just what I think. I've been a vinyl fanatic for 22 years, not seen a lot of warped copies (I think les than 0.5%). The Maco guy is all kind of interesting, but I wouldn't add him to my select group of vinyl connaisseurs, though on the other hand I'm fascinated by the experminetal part of someone investing in records like they are worth anything at all (if not for leisure in general).
i've always found this to be hilarious too.
He hypes himself big.
...every lp "we" sells is rare / private press / jazz funk / afro funk / private soul...
I got a private jazz funk "rarity" from him that was wack boring big band jazz.
ebay these days are full of hacks...I would rather buy from Raj...or the sellers from california...sellers from cali seem to take ebay a bit more serious...
20 soulstrut points to the gentleman on the left
I call that "regional bullshit"
Never understood why people buy records on Ebay not knowning what they sound like.
*que Macrofunk response*
Aren't they all?
I really regret banning that guy from my auctions. Stuff I wouldn't have even considered touching became "hmmm maybe marco might bid this up!".. like a cheesy late 70s gospel record with a hint of funk or some soul shit from 1987.
His store is too big to be run by one person, so I think if they use 'we', it should be neither adding to nor diminishing his achievements.
I actually mostly prefer to buy records from people that like to give something to the buyer instead of just cashing profits.
Sellers from Califarnia have often somewhat scratched records, like they are not used to handle them with care or grade them accordingly (anybody knows why ?). But I've become used to that.
As a seller, I imitated Anthony Pearson to some extent, because he was selling well. Bu not the 'we' talking. I don't have a wife & child anyway, I always thought it to be referring to that. Makes me think though, mid-30's or so, and not being married yet.
I just bought a Coltrane Kulu Se Ma or whatever it's called for $11 off ebay. The listing said 1966 MONO. I'm like, "fuk, I'm gonna buy me that shit and listen to it and sell it for $40".
I get it and it's hella ABC STEREO 70's press and shit. I'm all hurt. I email dude and I'm like "what up with this noise".
He's like... " I will inform my staff that this was posted incorrectly". Staff? WTF dude? It's like your listing 30 records a month!
Damn. I have a business partner, employee, my wife and I someone part time and we are selling 20,000 records a year and I ain't got no staff!
I want my goddamn MONO red and black batches.
PS: O-Dub there is no other record like Duke Pearson The Phantom. That's it.
I have guys that tell me "man you should list more often. I check your auctions once a week but you don't have anything up so I spend my money elsewhere." Some of these people live in my city. I do auctions once a month. 20 items.
I keep the good schitt in my shop and off ebay. The opposite of what some of these other shops do. I feel like that's the right thing to do.
There are seriously guys that live a mere 20 minute train ride from me but prefer to shop on ebay and ask me to list more. WTF?
They can't enter your store in a five-minute window of work avoidance, but they can easily bid on 10 of your acutions in that same five-minute timeframe.
Perhaps you should consider setting up Good Records satellite stores in their cubicles. Location, location, location.
THis is HOT SHIT in japan!!!
(insert JP "get familiar" gremlin)
I've listed almost 4,000 lp's on ebay within a year by myself.
too tired from that shit so just hired our first employee to help list so the "we" part is now taken care of.
and a pic of my STAFF:
Wow, records are practically indestructable!
I'm going to go fire a gun at one and see if the bullet bounces off.
Really though, records warp in the mail all the damn time
I've read some phisycs reports about vinyl, and it warps instantly at above 80-90 degrees centigrade. At room temperature, it will take years, or a very high pressure (coparable to a about 20 tons of weight).
Fair enough, try warping one with your bare hands. I'm sure it's not going to work, it just re-stretches to it's original opsition.
I can tell you from experience that vinyl will warp quickly and easily at 90 degs farenheit
It could also gradually warp at lower temps during prolonged exposure
I don't see how someone who collects wax couldn't have a lot of experience with warping already though?? You can watch it happen live at the flea market here every weekend - many sellers don't use an umbrella or tent (Marco knows the deal)
The Maco guy is all kind of interesting, but I wouldn't add him to my select group of vinyl connaisseurs, though on the other hand I'm fascinated by the experminetal part of someone investing in records like they are worth anything at all (if not for leisure in general).